Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

High Seas
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 04:24 pm
Setanta wrote:

That boy is what Richard Brautigan would call a bull goose loony.

Had to look up the "bull goose loony" appelation. Suitably enough originating in a madhouse. Where the author of this paragraph belongs:
But I don't think it. I know it. I know the motives so well that I would be astonished if they weren't plotting. In fact evolutionary science predicts that there is no chance of them not plotting. They have no politically serious party so their dupes have been sent forth to ease the way for one.

High Seas
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 04:31 pm
Ionus wrote:

the only basis you can provide for your claim
I also make that claim..and it surprises me that a person who can read would be ignorant of it being proven. Read any thread on religion...any...it is full of the self proclaimed "scientists" declaring that religion is for the stupid and their snide remarks are a true expression of intelligence. Technology and science IS a God to them and they are on a witch hunt.

This is an earlier post of yours, Ionus, which I take as being amended by subsequent conversation. Unrelated to the foregoing: I'll be in Peking for a while, then have a meeting in Canberra - are you anywhere close? I'd like to meet you and speak to you in person - of course if your health situation permits. Wishing you and your family all the best, hope to read you online or by PM - the latter may take a while for a response Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 04:50 pm
@High Seas,
One fully understands the motives of a fully paid up member of the conspiracy to reduce Christanity to the status of Morris dancers when she declares those seeking to prevent her to be inmates of a madhouse.

But when pro-evolutionists deny the fundamental principle of evolution to the extent that it belongs in the madhouse we really do have seriously confused and incoherent little dears on our hands.

I can think of no evolutionary reason why the forces ranged against Christianity would not be plotting. Without plotting and conspiracies they haven't a hope. It would constitute incompetence on a grand scale.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 04:52 pm
But Morris dancers have more substance; they "show" what they can do in public.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:06 pm
Farmerman is against religion in the science classes of the US public schools Therefore Farmerman is an atheist who is against all religion. This has been the total and incorrect application of a debate technique that is best serving for humor and not logic.
You live in your own little world. You have told me twice I believe in God, when I have told you many times I do not. How many times have you told me I dont believe in evolution...every other post I am telling you I do think it is correct, but I do not subscribe to the stupid idea that it is well proven fact. It has holes in it, and by its very nature it can not be proven by well established scientific means. It can only be supported, not proven even if only because of the sheer volume of work necessary to prove it.

We, speaking for science as its taught in our universities , to be similarly taught in public schools, should not accept the poor logic used by several of the religious to avert close inspection of their demands on education boards.
How many science educated teenagers are guilty of rape and murder compared to the religious educated ? If you had any confidence in yourself you wouldnt be insisting everyone worship science. Lonely ?

Hence my own vigilance and further , I submit, that the arguments of those who have no understanding or participation in this debate,by virtue of citizenship, should be dismissed from any consideration.
You tried that with the Civil War...should only people who fought in the Civil War be allowed to comment on it ? Clearly if you are born in the USA then you must be a world authority on the Civil War. Only fish should be allowed to comment on the War in the Pacific.

Its just a proposal.
Getting any responses ?
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:08 pm
Bragging about being a bigot. Could you be any more stupid ? If you insult someone it is accurate. If they return the favour it is trolling. Who came up with this criteria ? Oh, thats right...it was you telling yourself how great you were doing.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:14 pm
@High Seas,
I for one will confess to being a "godless communist and fellow traveler" if that will get Spendi to stop posting here. Furthermore, there's signal amplification going beyond Rice Crispies into Spendi's dental inplants

Damn, he found out about the plot! Now I may be recalled to the mother ship
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:16 pm
It seems to me that a large proportion of Media's juiciest and best selling stories involve breaches in the Christian codes. One might easily imagine that the encouragement of the decline of such codes would lead to more juicy and readily saleable stories up to the point where they would be pointless and boring once the codes fall into desuetude.

How would fm be able to use anal shock tactics for emphasis once the anus was simply just another organ which had the scientifically determined function it is designed for of extruding shite from the body in a similar manner that monkeys and, indeed, earthworms do, which creatures share in our DNA inheritance. He would need some other object to declare what I am talking out of.

fm's anal and cloacal obsessions are totally Christian in origin. Science has nothing to say about human dignity.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:18 pm
Do you in AU have any holidays resembling Halloween (all-Hallows-eve)? The next day, November 1st,Toussaint (all-Saints-day) am expected in Paris; the day is a holiday in France - though the way things are going in that country, every day will be a holiday, just an unpaid one for most.
High Seas
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:21 pm
farmerman wrote:

I for one will confess to being a "godless communist and fellow traveler" if that will get Spendi to stop posting here. Furthermore, there's signal amplification going beyond Rice Crispies into Spendi's dental inplants

Damn, he found out about the plot! Now I may be recalled to the mother ship

Yes, we have to retreat and reconsider how we're ever going to impose Mao and Lenin in DC. Beam me up a.s.a.p. for consultations, please!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:41 pm
I just thought that several were just mildly ignorant of the issues at first.
Do you mean like being ignorant of the "Pleicoene" era ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:52 pm
That's why that asshole Ionus constantly calls other people names-
science be damned
No, science in its place.....wheras you have the attitude religion be damned. If we only did away with religion, we would all be happy hippies living with nature and having farts that smell like crushed rose petals, all scientists, all clever, there would be no bad in the world anywhere.....

Obviously religion is responsible for the break neck pace we are destroying our planet with....science COULDNT do that.

Obviously religion is responsible for the increasing lethality in war ....science COULDNT do that.

Obviously religion is responsible for every dehumanising invention coming out of the laboratories.....science COULDNT do that.

So the answer is more scientists, less religious people.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:55 pm
unfit to being given responsibility for looking after a brick.
Very Happy lol. What if the brick was made with "Pleicoene" material ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:01 pm
Fanatical christians have a sense that they are fighting in the last ditch (somewhat, but not entirely true), and they have a desparate siege mentality. We need to be aware of them, and their tactics.
Fanatical atheists have a sense that they are fighting in the last ditch (somewhat, but not entirely true), and they have a desparate siege mentality. We need to be aware of them, and their tactics.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:06 pm
Who are bedfellows with an anti-religious aganda ? Lets see.....Nazis, Communists, Shamanists, half educated self-declared scientists, inadequate historians, and those totally lacking any knowledge in the human sciences.

Quite a list of the stupid and violent, really....
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:11 pm
Are you being serious? Are you speaking of facts? Are you being like the rest of us and speaking from emotions? Please help me to understand!
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:13 pm
Now I may be recalled to the mother ship
Ahhh...I dont want to be the bearer of bad news but I dont think they are coming back.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:24 pm
@High Seas,
(previous post)
which I take as being amended by subsequent conversation.
I am not aware of what you are referring to...
I'd like to meet you and speak to you in person
I would also like that but it is impossible in the foreseeable future.....sorry. When we do meet we could have a one-sided conversation on mathematics....a secret love of my life ! Shhhhh!
Do you in AU have any holidays resembling Halloween
It has been slow to take off here, but has gradually been increasing in popularity over many decades but is not a holiday.....yet.....

We upped the retirement age from 65 to 67 without so much as a whisper.....damn cheese eating surrender monkeys have it too easy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:30 pm
@reasoning logic,
I am perfectly serious that societies swing away from religion at their own peril. The Roman Empire before the arrival of Christianity, the Nazis and their godless engineering (genetic and social), the Communists and their godless humanism....these are societies devoid of God. A "science" based society has been tried many times before and they justify anything as being "scientific".
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:35 pm
Do you think that it would be logical for society to swing away from ganesh or islam? If you were born in those countries that have that type of faith what would logic tell you about the faith that you would most likely believe?

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