Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 09:01 pm
@Ralph 2,
Ralph, plainly you show no genuine understanding of the scientific method. But, please continue to speak up because people ought to be made aware of stupid people.

While I am willing to protect your right to speak your mind, I reserve my right to call you an idiot whose erroreous remarks ought to held in high ridicule.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 10:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your brain is so rotten, it doesn't know truth from fiction. You create ideas in your arse, and think you've discovered something new. All that comes out of you is ****.
You have a thing for me dont you ? try to get over me...I dont date foul mouthed arse/**** obsessed jerks.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 10:28 pm
You dont let mere ignorance get in the way of an insane sounding thread.
You think this thread sounds insane ? Why is that Gomer the Turd ? Mere ignorance is what drives you to such stupidity. It is interesting you dont think it is your characteristic but blame it on everyone else.

I think that everything you know about this subject youve gotten from cable tv
You keep saying that as though it is a desperate hope of your's. Havent they ever asked you, the great self proclaimed "scientist" (still waiting for peer review on that one) to do a program ? Perhaps that is because your knowledge is an in house joke.

Apology accepted
Your knowledge of what constitutes an apology whilst almost zero, is many times greater than your knowledge of evolution.

Most index fossils
So a mechanism used to align rocks to the same date ( with what tolerance?) is used by you to prove evolution does not have gaps. I have seen two short planks strapped together that werent as thick as you.

I may not be the best geologist in the world
Apology accepted. At last we can agree on something....and might I say it is a pleasure to see you making progress with your therapy.

what do you bring besides a terrible temper
Shall I assume you cant see me smiling as a write this ? No internet penetrating radar in your arsenal of borrowed bad wit ?

Why should I woorry
Until we find out what a woory is, I wouldnt bother either.

you are getting stumped by simple information
You dont explain anything, cloth cock. You think if you put as much disjointed information in the same sentence people will assume you know "it". I am surprised no-one has called you before.

Youre horse pucks under my boots sailor.
Shazam !! What incomprehensible hill billy gibberish is that and what does it mean ? Are you saying I am a sailing horse puck ? Still, it is more comprehensible then when you try to sound knowledgeable, with sentence after sentence of dribble where youve mashed words together in the hope people will not call your bluff.

Ive got real quals in the science
So does a high schooler but that doesnt make them a scientist. "Quals", "geo", "evo", you are so full of **** it no longer surprises me you obsess over **** and arseholes.

I always listen to history information from Set, and financial insites by CI, and general sound information and interrogatories by Ros, and wandel. I read good writing and poecy by Joe Nation, Edgar and Enymion. I take gardening advice from Osso,Shewolf and dapad.
Calling for help ? You little name dropper you.....

HOWEVER dude, I for the life of me, cannot figure out what you are even half accomplished at.
I would be deeply shocked if you could figure out what a bus time table was for.....

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 10:37 pm
in every case, Ive stated that the underlying evidence and predictions SUPPORT the evolutionary model.
More dribble. You have stated it is not theory, it is fact. Now you are backing down saying it is SUPPORTED. Got a foot in each stirrup yet have we ?

All I can say is SEEE? thats what I said.
You really are a pedestrian on a freeway. You inadvertently (I hope) uttered another piece of your gobbledygook without knowing it. I pointed it out to you and you still dont get it. What was it you were good at again ?

I think Ive been pwrfectly clear about that position from day 1.
Hahahahahahahahaaa!!!!! Very Happy You are priceless ! It is that self absorbed belief you have that you have done no wrong that keeps me reading your posts.

try to enroll in some anger management
If you knew something about military life you would know how much anger management is required for a person to last in it. I dont get angry, dickhead, I call you for what you are.....

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 10:43 pm
LAST POINT ANUS, If you have any problem with anything I say about these items of science, please debate me on the very issue and try not to just engage in pwersonal attacks, cause I juast come back at you and your misunderstandings dont get resolved in your mind.
The fact that you still think that you were correct in the Dinosaur DNA comment (For our readers who may not know, Anus stated that we can tell the evolutionary relationship between chickens and T rex by eachs DNA). I think that evryone knows by now that weve never ever found any DNA of any dinosaur anywhere on the planet. Still, Anus feels that he was correct in that assertion, I tried to correct it by asking a question. Anus then took it really hard that anyone would dare to question his authority and then WE were off to the races, and Ive been a prime target of his ignorance (Course I dont know whether he insults CI, Setanta, wandel or me the most) I feel Im in pretty good (READ stable intelligent) company.
That was worth people reading again. It highlights your complete lack of understanding of ANY issue and a desperate attempt to change the subject. Still calling for help by name dropping, eh ? It doesnt surprise me that your ridiculously short biased paraphrasing of a complex argument is repeated ad nauseum.
It shows your lack of knowledge and comprehension all in one show. By the way, fool, I regard the first two idiots as prime supporters of you because of their insufferable ignorance and stupidity, but perhaps you would be kind enough to show me where I insulted wande, you being a "scientist" and all, it shouldnt be too hard.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 11:24 pm

Who the **** wants to date you? You're the epitome of ignorance and bull ****. You don't even understand who you argue against, because people like farmerman makes a living with his special skills. All you do is spit bull ****.

Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 12:02 am
So a mechanism used to align rocks to the same date ( with what tolerance?) is used by you to prove evolution does not have gaps. I have seen two short planks strapped together that werent as thick as you.
So you looked up "index fossil". If you got its significance in exploration, youll find that the key element of their use is that they are short lived and widely distributed. Thats important for both exploration and evolution. we use em to carry similar environments to two dislocated areas that are of similar ages. For example, the Gas basins around the Devonian Appalachian Sea, stretch all the way from ELsmere to Greenland to Northern PA. "Index " fossils help the exploration geologist finds similar arenas for deposition (in this case , gas deposits in the marine shales and sandstones). Evolution studues are aided by the fossils calibrating to short time intervals (say a ten million year period) and help link unique specimens of similar organisms that show developmental differences (ie evolution)within the short period of time.

Here I am providing information to your misunderstandings of the subjects at hand and all you can do is continue your insane harangues.

I would be deeply shocked if you could figure out what a bus time table was for.....
I have the schedules for the suburban trains to Philly , NYC and DC on my droid. " They have an app for that". PS , I havent ridden a bus in about 20 years so you probably are right..
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 04:17 am
James Boswell wrote-

Where there is a controversy concerning a passage in a classic author, or concerning a question in antiquities, or any other subject in which human happiness is not deeply interested, a man may treat his antagonist with politeness and even respect. But where the controversy is concerning the truth of religion, it is of such vast importance to him who maintains it, to obtain the victory, that the person of an opponent ought not to be spared. If a man firmly believes that religion is an invaluable treasure, he will consider a writer who endeavours to deprive mankind of it as a robber; he will look upon him as odious, though the infidel might think himself in the right.

And these intemperate, repetitive, unoriginal and ignorant spats are not only a disgrace to a science thread and to A2K, disrespectful of viewers and contributors here but also profoundly odious. And they concern those who are all in favour of teaching evolution in schools, as a naive abstract concept of course devoid of any indications of the practicalities involved.

Which suggests that were they to triumph in this debate the schools of the nation would degenerate into an exaggerated form of what we are witnessing here. And obviously so because personal pride is the abiding characteristic of the irreligious. How could it not be? Fights over definitions and individual qualities are all that remain. And if religion is abolished the whole of society will sink into the same state as they will become our masters

The kids of the nation have a right to not be exposed to the sort of thing we are seeing here at close quarters and with the authority of the state behind it. It is the duty of all right thinking people to make sure that the persons involved in the above aggression are kept well away from kids and well away from any influence over their socialisation.

The intolerance of atheists has manifested itself in every country where it has been the policy of the established order. And intolerance of it is amply justified.

Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 04:46 am
Funny, I was right along with you till the last line. In this thread , however,it is the religious who are making these stupid value assignments and are questioning the morals of those who dont need their worldviews to begin and end with the Baltimore Catechism. Mr Boswell merely gives us an insight as to why you and ANUS seem to be impermeable to many aspects of our simple reason.
I do agree that such exchanges are execrable and I feel sorry to be a partner in em. But, they do serve as a good example of why the US Constitution is written as it is. We have a simple series of two phrases in our Constitutions first AMendment,(the AMendments collectively entitled "A Bill Of Rights") and these two phrases stand behind and underpin this threads entire premise. The fact that it appears to be difficult for two non AMericans to "get it", has been source of some of the more (at least initially) avuncular discussions by the US members to help you understand better. However that was quickly not to be. WHen, and only when the "Foreign correspondents" have been unable to accept these phrases as law of our land, (and otherwise impune reputations of judges and jurors) Or to "preach" things supposedly scientific which are just not so , but are just examples of , a stubborn streak of ignorance born of an unquestioning Archaic Catholicism. Forgive me for continuing the discussions with my own dudgeon raised. Others may speak for themselves but, I find it somewhat amusing and certainly frustrating that a self proclaimed scientist (Who gives me doubts of his capabilities in that career path), and another Commonwealth participant , who has a very thin skin along with an inability phrase a questions or reponses to the questions of others, are the primary water carriers for the concept of "the only way we can grow as a civilization is through the assistance of the high priests". I support my thesis by a careful study of the last several pages where you and ANUS seem to be the instigators of that worldview.

With thatset of beliefs , you and ANUS can line right up with Christine Odonnell ,Anti-Constitutionalist and senate candidate from the compact state of Delaware.

Actually, Im still trying to figure out what dog you have in this discussion because you seem to support a termination of the concept of a "separation of church and state" I must add though, in the matter of US public schools, Britain has long surrendered any influence on our day to day sovereignty and laws. Weve gone beyond you and have , in our history, summarily sent you back home several times when you did try to interefere. SO , you may wish to say "Shut up and deal" while we go about our lives in a fashion thats been dictated by our own codes of laws thank you.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:50 am
@cicerone imposter,
Who the **** wants to date you?
Ahhh...a premenstrual lesbian.
You're the epitome of ignorance and bull ****.
Are you aware your opinion doesnt count ?
You don't even understand who you argue against
because people like farmerman makes a living with his special skills
God BLESS Gomer the Turd !!!
All you do is spit bull ****.
Sexist bitch !!! What is wrong with cow **** ? It is people like you that have hindered the womens movement from doing "it".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 09:19 am
First Amendment flap: Was Christine O'Donnell touting 'tea party' view?
(By Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor, October 20, 2010)

Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell on Tuesday during a debate with opponent Chris Coons seemed to question whether the Constitution calls for a separation of church and state. So what’s her view of the First Amendment?

The First Amendment is the section of the nation’s founding document that deals with church-state issues, after all. The First Amendment reads, in part, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."

To Ms. O’Donnell, it may be the second clause there – “prohibiting the free exercise” – that’s most important. That means the government can’t interfere with religion, she emphasized in remarks to National Review Online after Tuesday’s debate at Widener University School of Law in Wilmington, Del.

To O’Donnell, that means, for instance, that public schools should have the right to teach intelligent design as a theory of how life on earth came to be, along with the theory of evolution.

The First Amendment “gives them the freedom to teach that if that’s what they want,” O’Donnell told National Review Online’s “Battle ‘10” blog.

Mr. Coons, along with many constitutional law scholars, likely would see that example the other way around. They’d say that intelligent design, which holds that the universe is best explained as the creation of some form of larger being, is a religious belief, not a scientific theory. Allowing it to be taught in public schools would be to favor one particular religion over another – something prohibited by the “respecting an establishment of religion” clause of the First Amendment.

Confused? Let’s start from the top.

During Tuesday’s debate, O’Donnell and Coons were arguing over the teaching-of-Creationism thing when Coons said that one of the “indispensable principles” of the Founding Fathers was “separation of church of state.”

“Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?” said O’Donnell in reply, drawing gasps from a crowd composed largely of law students and professors.

A few minutes later, Coons returned to the subject, saying the First Amendment establishes the separation between church and state.

“The First Amendment does?” said O’Donnell. “You’re telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the First Amendment?”

After the debate, O’Donnell did not respond to reporters asking her to clarify her remarks. Her campaign manager, Matt Moran, later issued a statement saying that she was not questioning the concept of separation of church and state. “She simply made the point that the phrase appears nowhere in the Constitution,” Mr. Moran said.

O’Donnell is not the only conservative Republican Senate candidate with "tea party" support who has raised the issue of what the First Amendment means. In Nevada, Sharron Angle has taken a point of view similar to that of her Delaware compatriot.

In an interview earlier this year, Ms. Angle said that Thomas Jefferson, the Founding Father credited with originating the phrase “separation of church and state,” has been misunderstood on this matter.

“Thomas Jefferson was actually addressing a church and telling them through his address that there had been a wall of separation put up between the church and the state precisely to protect the church from being taken over by a state religion,” said Angle to Las Vegas Sun columnist Jon Ralston. “That’s what they meant by that. They didn’t mean we couldn’t bring our values to the political forum.”
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 09:24 am
wandeljw' sourec wrote:
“Thomas Jefferson was actually addressing a church and telling them through his address that there had been a wall of separation put up between the church and the state precisely to protect the church from being taken over by a state religion,” said Angle to Las Vegas Sun columnist Jon Ralston. “That’s what they meant by that. They didn’t mean we couldn’t bring our values to the political forum.”

Yes, in fact Jefferson was writing to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, who were complaining about their treatment in a state which had an establishment, a Congregationalist establishment. There was no mention of "values" in its politically charged contemporary meaning. The establisment clause does mean, however, that you can't bring your values into a science classroom, in a publicly supported school.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 10:12 am
Actually, Im still trying to figure out what dog you have in this discussion because you seem to support a termination of the concept of a "separation of church and state"

My dog is that one that knows that what the USA gets we get with a few years delay. Our lefties have a lot more power than your's do. Our conservatives are lefties by US standards.

The French, who are out on the streets right now battling the cops to stop them from having to work after 60 (Eh? you might say) refused what I assume were attractive concessions to lift their ban on American movies and TV shows in a bit of a dust-up at a GAAT summit. So hard cash says American influence is to be curbed. That's as scientific as it gets. In France I mean. I'm in England and, as far as I know, any bans we have are for other reasons. So they say that in five to seven years we get as American as you are now and that when we are in that state you are five to seven years further on. But in a sort of synergistic diffusion way. Not sudden.

So I have a dog in the fight, and we do have a "Special relationship" and we did support your military excursions with our blood and in the teeth of fierce opposition despite you not supporting our's in '56.

because you seem to support a termination of the concept of a "separation of church and state"

I don't support the termination of the concept because I don't believe the separation exists except as words. And if I see evidence that supports that contention I usually find a way of mentioning it somewhere. As you might remember.

be impermeable to many aspects of our simple reason.

I plead guilty to that. I suspect simple reasoning in the sociological, psychological and anthropological realms and especially that very simple reasoning derived from a mechanical approach which the atheist has no other choice but to adopt. Look at the simplicities in the art Stalin approved of. Simple reasoning is for those who can read the print out on a rock sample in an age analyzer and stick a label on it with a fancy name and deduce that Christianity is all bullshit. I'll always be impermeable.

I don't see why it's of significance that a non-American, I can't speak for anybody else, doesn't "get it". I understood that about 250 million Americans don't get it. Possibly none of them come on here because they have thin skins and can't take what you lot dish out. Or that they can't be bothered with you anymore.

You're scared of telling us what we get when Christianity is abolished. I wouldn't say the things you say about Christianity about another institution if I I didn't want it abolishing.

If American Christians don't come on this thread I think it right to stand in for them so that you lot don't have a free run at any young people here as if it's an NFL game with only your team. And I fully respect your right to not give me a free run.

I don't see how you having humiliated us a few times has any bearing on the debate. You have an isolationist position there fm. I trust you are an isolationist all through. I've already caught one of your number being one thing on one thread and another thing on another. "Mind your own business" is fundamentalist isolationism. And contrary to American foreign policy for two hundred years.

the only way we can grow as a civilization is through the assistance of the high priests"

I have never said that. Without defining "growth" I never would. We all know what a materialist defines as growth. Bigger piles of ****. Happiness not a factor. Hence your necessary denial of the psychosomatic effects of religion. It couldn't be debated whether those effects are any good or not until they have been allowed to exist.
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 10:49 am
Warning to those ignoring posts by Spendius - excerpts from his recent post are being quoted herebelow. Bold added:

spendius wrote:

...what the USA gets we get with a few years delay. Our lefties have a lot more power than your's do.
..we did support your military excursions with our blood and in the teeth of fierce opposition despite you not supporting our's in '56.
Simple reasoning is for those who can read the print out on a rock sample in an age analyzer and stick a label on it with a fancy name and deduce that Christianity is all bullshit.
You're scared of telling us what we get when Christianity is abolished.

The first 2 points are true - if puzzlingly ungrammatical for an author claiming advanced degrees. They're also wholly unrelated to evolution.

The last 2 points, however, are sheer fantasy - fantasy bordering on calumny, to be precise. Neither Farmerman nor, to my knowledge, anyone else here, ever suggested or implied that any scientific theory including evolution can be in any way linked to criticism, let alone abolition, of any religion, including Christianity. If you plan to insist on the reality of your latest fantasy you'll have to substantiate via posting links to your alleged sources.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 11:43 am
@High Seas,
Look HS. I've been on these evolution threads for six years. I know what the agenda is and I have spelled out the motives for it. Getting rid of religion is the only motive they can have.

What was ungrammatical about those two expressions?
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 12:06 pm
So, therefore, the only basis you can provide for your claim that anyone on the evolution thread advocates abolition of religion is mental telepathy. Fantasy, in other words. Thank you for admitting it - and please make a note of the page number (349) so we can refer to it if you persist in posting here.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 12:31 pm
@High Seas,
I have every intention of persisting to post on this thread or any other.

I've made my explanation of the position. I have been doing for seven years almost. If you think what has been said on these threads about religion comes from any other place than the wish to abolish religion it is you who have the fantasy.

Your claim, born of your recent intervention, that I am reading too much into what has been said abou religion is merely another soft trick and suggests that you are oversensitive about the matter. Perhaps you don't like it being put quite so starkly. But what else can it be. It is not neutral and it is definitely not friendly to religion. There's only one place vacant.

So quote me to your heart's content. But don't let Setanta know because he "hates" it when people quote me. Probably because he doesn't like it being put quite so starkly. And they hold all the aces. They are dangling the temptations of the flesh before our eyes. And they have that part of science they choose to have to back them up which they try to pretend is all of science except, as I caught one anti-IDer doing, when they choose to use the other part in another argument.

Yes--349 folks.
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 12:48 pm
Caution to posters - additional quotes from Spendius follow. Does anyone know the number to call for paramedics closest to his location?
spendius wrote:
... And they hold all the aces. They are dangling the temptations of the flesh before our eyes. ....

Paranoid fantasy involving some unspecified "they" combined with religious mania about wholly imaginary "temptations of the flesh".

Spendius - if you won't consult a medic about your religious hallucinations on a science thread, won't you at least speak to a priest? I don't think we have any exorcists available online. Take a copy of this page and let some trusted professional read it. He'll probably be able to correct your grammar as well Smile
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 01:50 pm
@High Seas,
You take a copy of this page and let some trusted professional read it.

Those sort of cheap tricks don't turn a hair on me. You could say such things about anybody thinking anything you disagreed with.

All it is is a smokescreen to try to cover that you can't or won't respond to the posts. It's insulting our intelligence even though it is better expressed than "you're off your meds".

Bring the trusted professional forward and ask his opinion before imagining what he will say.

And I wouldn't keep fretting about my grammar when you haven't yet responded to my request to say what was wrong with something else I wrote earlier. I am satisfied with my grammar. If you're not show the folks my errors. Don't keep bleating about it like a lamb when its Mom has got through a fence and can't get back.

Spendius - if you won't consult a medic about your religious hallucinations on a science thread, won't you at least speak to a priest? I don't think we have any exorcists available online. Take a copy of this page and let some trusted professional read it. He'll probably be able to correct your grammar as well.

If you made a speech like that in my pub everybody would fall about laughing. Do your acquaintances not do? They are letting you down.
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 02:27 pm
You really should try to associate with a better-educated class than the one in the pub you're forever bringing up - the Royal Society, perhaps?
Reaction-diffusion patterns (which can be created in a laboratory using standard reagents) are simple and deterministic. ....the patterns produced vary, according to things like how rapidly the chemicals diffuse. That could be selected. ..... So researchers at the University of Bristol, led by William Allen, have been deconstructing these patterns, trying to match the elements to cats’ habits and habitats, and thus show whether the patterns are evolving. They published their results this week in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Your claimed professional qualifications should ensure an instant acceptance of your application for membership in the Royal Society - or, alternatively, we can offer introductions to these Bristol researchers tracing correlations between evolution and how the leopard got his spots Smile

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