Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 01:13 pm
Thanks, BBB! I guess her father was only a substitute Bozo. Farmerman is from the Philadelphia area and probably was suspicious because he was thinking of the regular actor who played Bozo. Smile
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 01:14 pm
If I was politically opposed to Ms ODonnell I don't think I would have given that report any publicity. He sounds like the sort of Dad one is proud of. If the intellectual approach of the elite college pinheads and constitutional experts think they are denigrating the family name with such a story they are making a mistake. Two in fact.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 01:39 pm
I was ?

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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 02:16 pm
Look out. It might have been planted to have the precise effect it is having. Ms ODonnell might have wished to bring a bloke who likes entertaining kids into the picture.

Could she not get him to get his kit out and do one last show on the hustings with the nose horn going off everytime "our opponents" are mentioned. Amplified of course. Change of tone as well.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 05:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'm not a god? ROFL
Thats correct. You are not. The stupidity of your very short bad tempered posts indicate someone who would be better off sitting in the park feeding the ducks waiting to die.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 05:23 pm
You must be one stupid jerk; can't seem to understand the simplest of concepts, and trying so hard to insult me. Little punks like you are dime a dozen, and you have nothing better in your life but to seek arguments that make no sense.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 05:25 pm
@High Seas,
A clockwork world would be intolerable - is that what you support?
I certainly do not support a clockwork world and that is a desperate argument to introduce.

We can "evolve" computer simulations of viruses
And I can build cities with lego...but it isnt the same thing, is it ?

I think evolution is correct but to hold it up as absolute science is garbage. It has gaps and holes in it. These same "scientists" once insisted the ocean bottoms were dead flat. Einstein and Hawking were both wrong. We hold todays science high at the peril of being very wrong tomorrow.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 05:43 pm
BTW, You travel about all the evo threads so the fact that you knew that my answer to RALPHY was on another thread attests to what a great craven liar you are.
Look fuckwit, you know as much about "evo" as you do about "geo". Abbreviating things does not prove you are "with-it". See if you can follow this....I knew it was on another thread because it wasnt on this one....assuming you did say it to someone and are not having another drunken hallucination....and you spoke of Ralphy, whoever the hell that is, but I havent communicated with them or seen their posts. Do you see how simple logic can be applied ? You should try it some time.

You travel about all the evo threads
Do I ? This is very unscientific, requiring proof from a self declared "scientist" as great as you are, but do you have proof ? Perhaps my post on another "evo" thread ? Isnt it exciting to use abreviations ? It makes people thing you know what you are talking about. I think I will say another...."geo"...ahh, that felt good. Cant you feel your credibility soaring when you use an abbreviation ? By the way, I was talking about geography.

You purposely ignore inputs if they dont agree with your worldview.
How stupid are you to say that and not realise it applies to you ?

Im really not too concerned about whether youve failed to "see "anything in response to your question re: experiments supporting evolution.
Because you know you didnt say anything.

Your main aim here is to strut about qualifications you do not have...you make far too many mistakes for someone of sound mind and depth of knowledge. Why do all your posts always manage to fit in yourself, arseholes and **** ? It is because you are a sick sad little man out of his depth.

You are wrong most of the time, obvious the rest and try to cover mistakes with bluff and greater stupidity than the original post.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 05:50 pm
Ionus wrote:
You do. You are not a God.

So I responded with,
I'm not a god? ROFL

So you respond with,
Thats correct. You are not. The stupidity of your very short bad tempered posts indicate someone who would be better off sitting in the park feeding the ducks waiting to die.

So, who's the stupid one here? You're the one who came up with the original stupid statement, "you are not a god." Are you really that simple minded?

FYI, farmerman teaches graduate level geology, and also runs a consulting firm.

Ionus, You're talking through your ass - where your brain is.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 06:03 pm
What Gomer the Turd fails to realise is that there are gaps in our knowledge of evolution, and predicting things from known facts in "geo" is not the same as predictions in "evo".

most predictions and experiments that validate and support it, are in the sciences that support the theory.
Gee, thats surprising.

the discovery of key intermediate fosils,
Has the great "scientist" (no, no, I am talking to you Gomer the Turd, dont look around) understood the mathematics of finding fossils ? We only find them where that fossil bearing rock is near the surface. What stops future generations from finding a fossilised "Elephant Man" and declaring ancient man (us) had increased cranium bones from bashing their heads into keyboards at the frustration from stupid fools like Gomer the Turd.

Have you read some of the garbage that is written on fossils ? Entire books on extrapolation when we do not know how common the source was or what degree of diversity existed at the same. These amount to science fiction without the science.

Awwww ! What happened to "geo"? I thought you sounded important when you said "geo". You can use it for lots of things. A truly fun word.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 06:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
trying so hard to insult me.
You find the truth insulting?

you have nothing better in your life but to seek arguments that make no sense.
You are one really dumb old fart. You are arguing about whether you are NOT God. The old folks home is full of the senile and bitter, we could always go there for your opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 06:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
So, who's the stupid one here?
You are. I thought that was obvious.

"you are not a god."
Dont fight it. Its true. Just remind your ego that you may be wrong. That is all I ask. It isnt too much for you, is it ?

farmerman teaches graduate level geology
And gets his kicks failing students. Another over compensating egotistical jerk just like you.

and also runs a consulting firm.
A sex aid shop does not constitute a consulting firm.

Ionus, You're talking through your ass - where your brain is.
Are you related to Gomer the Turd? He has a fixation on arseholes and **** and himself too. Thats it isnt it ? You ARE related ! Please tell me you are not ******* each other ?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 07:07 pm
Your brain is so rotten, it doesn't know truth from fiction. You create ideas in your arse, and think you've discovered something new. All that comes out of you is ****.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 07:16 pm
You back? You dont let mere ignorance get in the way of an insane sounding thread. I would like to mention the fact that Ive taken time and patience explaining the very things that you seem to continue wanting to argue.
We only find them where that fossil bearing rock is near the surface
Im surprised at your perspicacity on this. You sound like Ann Elk (Mistress of the obvious). However, ya ever hear of Ground Penetrating Radar? Its a tool used to locate fossil beds "Beneath the surface". Most index fossils (look it up) are actually brought up in drill cuttings from hundreds to thousands of feet indepth. If you only think that paeontologists hunt for "Dinosaurs" youd be very incorrect. 99% of our fossil efforts are for small critters which have actual utility in mining and drilling horizons and reservoir structures. I think that everything you know about this subject youve gotten from cable tv

Look fuckwit, you know as much about "evo" as you do about "geo". Abbreviating things does not prove you are "with-it". See if you can follow this....I knew it was on another thread because it wasnt on this one....assuming you did say it to someone and are not having another drunken hallucination....and you spoke of Ralphy, whoever the hell that is, but I havent communicated with them or seen their posts.
Apology accepted (takes you long to admit what I stated in the first place.As far as my knowledge on several subjects herein, I shall tell colleagues that you have xcritiqued my capabilities based upon your DDc}, (doctorate of the Discovery Channel.

PS, I may not be the best geologist in the world but, Ive got real quals in the science, what do you bring besides a terrible temper and an inability to leave off when you are getting stumped by simple information

Your main aim here is to strut about qualifications you do not have...
. I really must get under your skin cause this emptyheaded assertion , although it tries its damndest to be insulting, bothers me in the least because you are merely caught in the groove of repetitive insults that are based upon your own lack of any knoledge on the subjects at all. Why should I woorry about what you think? Youre horse pucks under my boots sailor.

You are wrong most of the time, obvious the rest and try to cover mistakes with bluff and greater stupidity than the original post.

That may be. I always listen to history information from Set, and financial insites by CI, and general sound information and interrogatories by Ros, and wandel. I read good writing and poecy by Joe Nation, Edgar and Enymion. I take gardening advice from Osso,Shewolf and dapad. Ive left out several other parentheticals. HOWEVER dude, I for the life of me, cannot figure out what you are even half accomplished at.

Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 07:23 pm
What Gomer the Turd fails to realise is that there are gaps in our knowledge of evolution, and predicting things from known facts in "geo" is not the same as predictions in "evo".

Wht ANUS fails to recognize is that, in every case, Ive stated that the underlying evidence and predictions SUPPORT the evolutionary model. Try to keep up with the bouncing ball ANUS.

most predictions and experiments that validate and support it, are in the sciences that support the theory.
Im glad you posted this as a followup. All I can say is SEEE? thats what I said. Do you have btrouble understanding the point. The underlying sciences (all working and converging on a single specimen) provide strong EVIDENCE of evolutionary theory. I prsonally believe that its correct and true, but thats not the goal of the therories cause someday we may come up with something that refutes the point. I think Ive been pwrfectly clear about that position from day 1.

Because you know you didnt say anything.
. PWErhaps it was over yer had a bit. Ive posted these experiments and studies several times (You did comment to the affirmative above) so Have I caught you in still another lie.

Im getting tired of this useless exhortation by your empty headedness. Ill try to refrain unless you continue to try to foist your brand of lies and misinformation as scientific evidence and observation (Sorta like your Dinosaur DNA blurt) Im sure you wont let me down, you manage to say something really dumb on each page.

Oh yeh , try to enroll in some anger management, Im just having fun whereas I believe that youre one step away from violence.I really think that you take yourself seriously , sorta like you are laboring under a false conclusion that you know of what you speak.

Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 07:41 pm
LAST POINT ANUS, If you have any problem with anything I say about these items of science, please debate me on the very issue and try not to just engage in pwersonal attacks, cause I juast come back at you and your misunderstandings dont get resolved in your mind.
The fact that you still think that you were correct in the Dinosaur DNA comment (For our readers who may not know, Anus stated that we can tell the evolutionary relationship between chickens and T rex by eachs DNA). I think that evryone knows by now that weve never ever found any DNA of any dinosaur anywhere on the planet. Still, Anus feels that he was correct in that assertion, I tried to correct it by asking a question. Anus then took it really hard that anyone would dare to question his authority and then WE were off to the races, and Ive been a prime target of his ignorance (Course I dont know whether he insults CI, Setanta, wandel or me the most) I feel Im in pretty good (READ stable intelligent) company.

Im all done gotta go and burn some incense so the Phillies dont blow another game.
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 07:48 pm
Someone asked Odonnel a question tonight about her dad's show bizz credentials. They have another debate tomorrow at the Univ of Delaware again. Since thats only 45 or so miles, I think I may trot down and go see her debate with Coons.

She is making this whole election sequence quite interesting (the mid term local elections (PA Md, NJ, and Del)have otherwise been coffin-nail driving exercises by the news media on the DEMS ).

Im glad that we dont adopt the Swiftian methodolgy for running elections and electing leaders. Id get tired of watching the rope walking triicks and , I must say, I enjoy the many candidates make complete ANUS's out of themselves when they know nothing about what they speak.

Sorry, I hadda give a real world example.
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Ralph 2
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 08:21 pm
Prima Facie is Prima Facie, regardless if it comes from the Naturalists point of view, or the Creationists point of view. But the Facts of Science point to CREATION being far more Plausible than Naturalism, as Creation and the Law of Biogenesis have never been subject to FALSIFICATION by any Experiment in the Scientific Method of Observed, Reproducible, Experimentation resulting in Constant DATA....as has the basic tenant of Vertical Biological Evoultion..aka, Spontaneous Generation of Dead MATTER vertically evolving into first a single celled A SEXUAL biological life form then vertically evolving into a gender based procreation biological life form. There has not been ONE observed or reproduced experiment that concludes with NATURE being able to vertically evolve LIFE once it CREATES it from DEAD NON LIVING MATTER....NOT ONE.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 08:46 pm
@Ralph 2,
Ralphy, You're getting ahead of yourself. Contemporary science is but a hundred years old. We've not looked at "the beginning of life forms" until recent times. Be patient.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2010 08:54 pm
@Ralph 2,
Creation and the Law of Biogenesis have never been subject to FALSIFICATION by any Experiment in the Scientific Method
Youve kind of argued against yourself there RAlphy baby. If it CANNOT be falsified, is it even science?. You are stuck on the phrase , "law of biogenesis" when its really a tautology.
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