Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 03:14 pm
@High Seas,
God said, "Let there be leopards with spots and not all the same size and shape like a polka-dot frock."

And lo--there were leopards with spots and every spot was unique. In fact every hair in the spots was unique as well as were also the hairs on the background.

And God looked at his work and was pleased. "That'll teach them gazelles to run fast," He said with a deep chuckle.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 03:27 pm
And god said, let a non-virgin woman bear a child by the nickname of spendi to be born in the UK, and it was done!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 05:19 pm
So you looked up cloaca...but were too arrogant to admit it.
Here I am providing information to your misunderstandings of the subjects at hand and all you can do is continue your insane harangues.
You are quite a noble creature in your own mind. I return personal insults, I dont start them. I lost interest in your dribble when you continued to make a fool of yourself on your knowledge of sailing. Then on another thread when you thought you had the opportunity to humiliate me you started a reply with insults and followed through with arrogance and bluff. All your replies are of you posturing......if you are a lecturer..and I doubt anyone would be desperate enough to hire you...why cant you explain "geo" and "evo", clown. True understanding breeds explanations that flow, unless you are mentally disabled whereas I thought you needed psychological help not psychiatric help. You are a scientist ? Dont make me laugh...I know scientists and they are twice your height as men and intellectuals.

You post nothing but pathetic attempts to be worshipped by the crowd, a Caesar without a crown. And just to show how tough and manly you are you use words about **** and arseholes so mummy will spank you...why is that anyway? Is your body fat and useless ? Need a mummy to pay attention ? I have known many tough men and they dont talk like you fool.

Now it seems your argument is that if fossils can be found of small animals then evolution must be true for large animals. Garbage. If sciences converge then evolution must be true. Garbage. I have a cat where sciences converge, it means nothing. I have a car where sciences converge...it also means nothing for evolution. As you will probably forget, I will remind you I think evolution (oops, I mean "evo" like all us fashionable scientist say, dont we ?) is accurate but you stupidly deny there are holes in it. Just like the original sailing thread where you bluster your way forward like a lawyer arguing against the facts. Just like the DNA thread where your first comment was to sneer from on high...you must pay your workers millions for them to tolerate such a windbag......or are you a different person when they are in front of you ?

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 05:25 pm
@High Seas,
Neither Farmerman nor, to my knowledge, anyone else here, ever suggested or implied that any scientific theory including evolution can be in any way linked to criticism, let alone abolition, of any religion, including Christianity.
You are wrong. They (Gomer the Turd, **** for Brains, Mister Edd...to name a few) have repeatedly sneered at religion as the dumb man's choice and said as much that they are truly intelligent because they do not believe in religion. Read any discussion on religion at this forum and you will see for yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 05:29 pm
@High Seas,
the only basis you can provide for your claim
I also make that claim..and it surprises me that a person who can read would be ignorant of it being proven. Read any thread on religion...any...it is full of the self proclaimed "scientists" declaring that religion is for the stupid and their snide remarks are a true expression of intelligence. Technology and science IS a God to them and they are on a witch hunt.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 05:30 pm
@High Seas,
Caution to posters - additional quotes from Spendius follow.
You are warning bigots they might have to deal with an opinion not of their making.
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 05:52 pm
Ionus wrote:

Caution to posters - additional quotes from Spendius follow.
You are warning bigots they might have to deal with an opinion not of their making.

Affirmative! You're a fellow pilot - with thousands more flight hours than I have, and experience in both mountain flying and flying over desert terrain (I only have the former), plus you've served in your country's armed forces, which I cannot claim. Further - and please correct me if that's wrong - you seem to have suffered either a combat-related injury or serious illness, whose effects are still felt. I'm sorry to hear this. But it's in my capacity as a licensed pilot that I wish to tell you: I've no idea of the other threads you mention; made it very clear my comments concern "here" i.e. this thread, started by Wandel. Never even looked into the others, and since you read my posts you'll know I confirmed this to Farmerman a couple of pages ago. The man is legit and a friend of mine. If my word is, in your opinion, no good, I've nothing to add to what I just said, other than I hope you'll reconsider your position.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:05 pm
So you looked up cloaca...but were too arrogant to admit it.
I tripped you up on the use of this term. You never realized that the cloaca is present in the human embryo and is only later differentiated into two ducts. I used this term AS A JOKE and you are too dumb to realize that, every time you bring it up, you reinforce my opinion that you are quite ignorant of anything thats not on Discovery.

I lost interest in your dribble when you continued to make a fool of yourself on your knowledge of sailing. Then on another thread when you thought you had the opportunity to humiliate me you started a reply with insults and followed through with arrogance and bluff
Again, my thread on BOATING (not sailing) has =been a sort of log and a journal. If you think that my travels, my rig, our experiences were in error, please share them and Id be happy to discuss them.

As far as "Seeing an opportunity to humiliate" you was entirely in your hands. ALL I did was ask point blank "Where did you have any evidence of T Rex DNA?". That was a quetion that pointed to your veracity and knowledge.

USING a term "geo" or "evo" are shorthand forms that Ive used consistently throughout. You are only now catching up? where were you months ago . The term "Evo/devo" is a term of art and you are just showing more ignorance. I never made these terms up. In my company, I have "geo" people (geology,chemistry and geotech) and engineering (I dont have a shorthand form dfor engineering,). You certainly worry about such small things as to make me wonder why?

Now it seems your argument is that if fossils can be found of small animals then evolution must be true for large animals. Garbage. If sciences converge then evolution must be true. Garbage.
. Thats a baldface lie and obviously you have not understand a word I said. Im not gonna dignify your repeated lies with a response. I said that index fossils are tools in the location of fossils that represent intermediate forms , and further, I explained to you that over 90% of fossils we use in studies are not just "kying atthe surface" >When you are wrong, you are wrong at the top of your lungs. I wish youd stop miscasting what Ive said and try to listen and understand. (Im really not sure that you are capable of adult learning because youre mind seems ossified)

Just like the original sailing thread where you bluster your way forward like a lawyer arguing against the facts. Just like the DNA thread where your first comment was to sneer from on high...you must pay your workers millions for them to tolerate such a windbag
. I have no idea about what "sailing" thread you are even talking about. I never had a sail boat in these discussions. I had a deep V lobster style boat. I had it for almost 20 years in which I rebuilt a wrecked boat in which the only thing I had preserved was the hull. We built a really nice boat and reoutfitted it by personal sweat and small yearly investments. I started to pilot the boat the year before 9/11. Ive chronicled many trips into the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf Of Maine as far as Nova SCotia and the Sable Islands. If theres anything in those log journals you disagree with , let me know, dont try to just post dumass lies about me.

I berated you in the first take off on DNA because YOU WERE LYING, not because I had anything against you. Hell, I dont know you, (Im sorta glad you arent in my life cause I pwersonally think that youre a little (Hell, youre a LOT) creepy and your bubble's a few lines off center.

I think that you can have the last words , I promise I wont comment no matter how egregious your lies are. SO, heres an invitation to a rebuttal- free shot.

FROM Ur-ANUS , where foul words are emitted like cosmic farts.
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:11 pm
Please give him a moment to answer.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:13 pm
@High Seas,
I also thought of Farmerman as a friend when I first came here, but he showed a strong tall poppy syndrome towards me and we have been at each other ever since.
If my word is, in your opinion, no good,
I have given my word about 3 times in my life (maybe 4?) because it is not something that can be broken. I have not taken your word as applying to an internet discussion on religion.

My position on Spendi is quite clear...he is a very enjoyable read for those who are literate in his often obscure referencing. His arguments are clever and subtle. Most of this is lost on this crowd, who wont read it unless it has drug use, violence and (snicker) ****/arsehole jokes at someone else's expense.

My position on the Ignore Button has been stated several times. It requires arrogance and stupidity, not to mention bigotry to exclude someone for expressing their opinion just because you dont like a different point of view.

PS my injuries are not combat related which I regard as bullets and explosions. Normal accidents, especially in aviation, can occur in a combat zone but I regard them as not combat related. Regrettably, my injuries involve several spinal assaults and stomach and chest injuries that will require further operations before too long. When the pain becomes unbearable (not too far away now-I have averaged 4 hours sleep a night for several months) the operations will be risk-justified. Also I am not sure I do have more hours than you...I only got to just under 1800 hrs before "retiring".
High Seas
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:26 pm
My word was only given in ref. Farmerman, his professional qualifications, and his character; certainly I'll stand by it. I suspect I speak for others here as well, but I certainly speak for myself in saying we're most grateful for constant Australian support over the years; and that I wish you a speedy recovery.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:27 pm
Hmm , I just read High Seas post and I have to admit several facts of which I was unaware.
Anus seems to have more credentials in so many areas that Id be just as proud to submit in experiential posts. I remember on one thread (Back when he wasnt out to svage many of us) where he was commenting on plane structures. I was wondering why the Corsair(I believe) had such bent wings and either he or Roger provided the info that it was to lift the prop higher off the deck so it would clear. I remember that conversation fondly as information that I profited from. I thought that ANUS was talking about sailing and piloting as in my boat. Was he talking about piloting a plane? I have no expertise in planes except as an invited guest in the front seat on occasions. Im mostly a passnger. Although I diod once or twice sit and watch the color radar on a Lear as we were flying through Oklahoma inearly spring. My only job was to tell the pilot when purple and white came up and on what heading and ring it appeared. I done good cause Im still here.

Course there was the thread that Snood started that stated that the US Civil War was about slavery. Several of us tried to give ANUS some information about how Snoods pre mise was correct. I recall Setanta, Panzade, ,EDgar, and myself were each presenting different information that generally supported Snoods premise. I also recall that ANUS became irate and started a real scream fest at being corrected.

He has a few "Non- com in-country issues " that I recognize. The line for non coms is "I may not always be right , but Im never wrong" . Anus just has problems saying OOPS , my-bad we are no longer in the military and nobody gives a rats ass about it.
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:38 pm
I tripped you up on the use of this term.
What an arrogant old fool you are...you used the term incorrectly trying to show off, had to google it when I corrected you and now claim you were being clever.....what is wrong with your ego that it is so twisted ? Are you fat and bent out of shape and going through a senility crises?

you reinforce my opinion that you are quite ignorant of anything thats not on Discovery.
I have told you many many times......we dont have cable. Can you read or are you just forgetful in your old age ? Has it sunk in yet that I think "evo" is correct, but I am smarter than you by refusing to say it is holeproof. If you were a "scientist" instead of a pedestrian tradesman you would know all this....if you were a lecturer your explanations would be more than a collection of gobbledygook nouns in search of verbs.

ALL I did was ask point blank "Where did you have any evidence of T Rex DNA?".
Garbage. You are stupid or lying.

That was a quetion that pointed to your veracity and knowledge.
Youre a fool. I was quoting an article I had read. Did you think I did the research?

The term "Evo/devo" is a term of art and you are just showing more ignorance
This is typical of your stupidity and bluff. Do you really think people will accept your version ? You were referring to art ? Clown.

Again, my thread on BOATING (not sailing) has =been a sort of log and a journal.
What do you mean again ? Anyway, you have the wrong thread as usual. Try taking notes it will help you keep up.

I never made these terms up.
I never said that you did. I said you were a moron for employing any effort possible to appear knowledgeable when clearly you are stupid.

I said that index fossils are tools in the location of fossils that represent intermediate forms
So that has nothing to do with your attack on religion and support of evolution as being totally fault free ? Then why mention it ? Showing off ?

ALL I did was ask point blank "Where did you have any evidence of T Rex DNA?"........I berated you in the first take off on DNA
So you only asked or berated me? Which was it ? Been caught out lying again, havent you ?

Im really not sure that you are capable of adult learning because youre mind seems ossified
Have you expressed your fears ? Is that what you think is happening to you ?

FROM Ur-ANUS , where foul words are emitted like cosmic farts.
Is this clever ? I cant imagine even your sycophants here thinking it was clever.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.

Your post is typical. Lies, bluff, attempts to bully and pathetic knowledge of the subject. May God show mercy to those who have to put up with you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 06:58 pm
when he wasnt out to svage many of us
Are you serious ? Let me explain some of the "us".

**** for Brains can not be wrong on history. If he is, he leaves quietly without admitting "nuffin". His first response is not to question a person and explain differences of opinion but to call them names. He thinks he has the upper hand and by God these bastards are going to pay....I dont like him because he is a coward and a bully.

Mister Edd was so terrified of death by his brother's murder that he divorces himself from it rather than face it by approving of the death penalty...a position he changed his mind on to being against it after his brother's murder. His idea of a clever post is to say "Yes...it is". I dont like him because he is driven by fear.

Gomer the Turd bluffs when he is wrong defending some rather stupid positions. His arrogance is incredible. He seems to have been toilet trained by a woman with a chainsaw. His main style is to very cleverly include himself, **** and arseholes in the same post. I dont like him because he is arrogant and stupid.

As for the Civil War thread, if you dont like differences of opinion, LEAVE THE ******* NET !!

The line for non coms is "I may not always be right , but Im never wrong"
It is extraordinary that you have identified the problem correctly but identified it as me.....never been at fault have you? Vicitimised by mummy and a non-com? For general information, Oz doesnt have non-com pilots.

Anus just has problems saying OOPS , my-bad
Unbelievable. Show us where you have said that.

we are no longer in the military
I think I am aware of that.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2010 09:40 pm
A debate trick used by a few of the religious in this thread is what the ARistoteleans had called a "truncated syllogism" or enthymeme. ( OED Proof that Dawkins did NOT coin the term meme. IT has simply been presented thus:

Farmerman is against religion in the science classes of the US public schools

Therefore Farmerman is an atheist who is against all religion.

This has been the total and incorrect application of a debate technique that is best serving for humor and not logic.

However, despite Aristotles beleif that argument could be forwarded totally by logic, such never happens because the enthy,e, expressed is so loaded with volatile incendiary fuels.

We, speaking for science as its taught in our universities , to be similarly taught in public schools, should not accept the poor logic used by several of the religious to avert close inspection of their demands on education boards.

Hence my own vigilance and further , I submit, that the arguments of those who have no understanding or participation in this debate,by virtue of citizenship, should be dismissed from any consideration.

Its just a proposal. What do the USers think?
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 04:35 am
I have wished for a long goddamned time that you would stop cluttering this thread with pointless arguments with witless trolls who patently know nothing about science, the American educational system, the American constitution and our court system. Since i learned to completely ignore a small group of precious idiots, my life has been much simpler, and the threads in which i participate far less cluttered.
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:42 am
The incoherence of that is staggering.

If ever there was a challenge to teaching evolution it is that those in favour of it are self-evidently unfit to being given responsibility for looking after a brick.
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 05:59 am
I have wished for a long goddamned time that you would stop cluttering this thread with pointless arguments with witless trolls who patently know nothing about science,
I suppose that you are right. I just thought that several were just mildly ignorant of the issues at first. Ive since revised that view completely .

Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:02 am
The problem is that they're going to argue just because it's you to whom they respond--the actual content of their claims is meaningless to them. That's why that asshole Ionus constantly calls other people names--because it's a personal matter for him, and science be damned. Spurious is the classic troll. He doesn't care what he writes, so long as it gets him some attention. He's a child, really, in that respect.
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:15 am
The culture war battlefield is surprisingly quiet this new school year. Im more afraid that stuff like school boards approving some ID agenda used to get big press and attention and now is mostly ignored. LAtely, several of these cultural issues have been sliced from the reginal press because most of our local /regional papers have slashed their reporter and editorial staffs. So anything slightly arcane is not written up, and whenever it is, its written as "lift and paste" from wireservices and these hundreds of reporter wannabee Blogger columns where writing and accuracy are in total danger of becoming extinct and are as first draft as our posts.

I noticed recently (on an Issue about the impending rape of the BArnes collection) that the fuckin PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER had been using a blogger for copy. Jeezus Christ. We are just waiting for the last two horses to show up

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