Quote:Th purpose of your post is transparent spendi. You need to impress anyone in earshot with a recently discovered word, so you first try (according to you) to impress the **** out of the people on the Fooball thread. When they didnt bite, you decided to come over here and try to sound erudite .
Woffle. I raised the materialist theory of mind on these science threads over six years ago. That is Eliminativism. It is well known and nothing new to me. I can't get you anti-IDers to give it the time of day despite it being what you stand for without, seemingly, you knowing it, or putting you to the emotional discomfort of drawing the obvious logical conclusions from it.
It obviously eliminates, scientifically, any other considerations going beyond the motions and actions of matter/energy in any object including human brains. You have to accept it. Thoughts and emotions are material objects and can be redesigned in places like your proposed re-education camps for those who spout "crap". Obviously the thought that they do spout "crap" is also a material object designed by who knows what in your socialisation which laid the pattern on your
tabula rasa at your conception. The
tabula rasa being, of course, an empiricist notion and thus in congruence with your general position.
I make no apologies for taking every opportunity to impress anyone in earshot that the anti-ID position is full of holes in relation to organising a successful society containing millions of people of widely diverging capacities and fulfilling a broad variety of roles. One is not organising society when looking into a microscope or studying a fossil. Nor is one being scientific when one declares the thoughts and emotions of others to be "crap" and it is easy to imagine that you demand that everybody sees what you see in the microscope or in the fossil when the material of their brains is ordered differently from your's and is thus "crap".
I was also mindful that you read the football thread. And I had no need to impress the good folks on that thread because I had topped the table after 17 weeks of predictions involving nearly 300 games. Predictions, I might add, made before the results came in unlike your derisory attempts to impress people in earshot with your knowledge of football, statistics and betting.
And I didn't expect anybody to "bite". And I explained why.
Quote:I congratulate you for your educability and your willingness to "share" with us, even though you dont get the context and direction of this thread.
Thanks. The context and direction of this thread is a matter of interest in relation to Eliminativism because Eliminativism is where the teaching of evolutionary theory cannot help ending up just as a non-stop train from Glasgow to London ends up in Euston Station. Your twee pretence that it doesn't is touching and I sympathise but sympathy is hardly conducive to scientific rigour now is it?
All I was attempting was enabling people to know which train you are encouraging them to board. That is the stated purpose of A2K. If they don't want to know and are content to have you guide them without you being put to the trouble of explaining where they are going good luck to them.
I'm content with things as they are.