Quote:Spendi, I will overlook your boorishness for now.
You will take the utmost extreme examples, such as provided by a lunatic like Sade, and hammer away that this is where evolution leads. Opponents of evolution, trying to establish that destruction and depravity are the sole means and end of evolutionary thought are not in the ball park. You can't leave out the rest of the theory and get any traction for your argument.
You may overlook whatever your bourgeois sensibilities cause you to not be able to take in your stride. "Obscenity--who really cares?"
De Sade was not a lunatic. I don't see how depravity is to be condemned by evolutionary theory. You are into the Dover mindset of hanging curtains over the legs of the piano which is why the defence lost.
Of course destruction is a means and end of evolutionary thought. The survival of the fittest means exactly that.
Only a moral sensibility can understand what depravity is. There is no such thing in evolutionary thought.
I am fully aware that you want to brush de Sade under the carpet and out of sight. He destroys your case. Trashes it. So obviously you are going to seek to neutralise his works with unscientific assertions. I don't blame you for that as long as you stay away from science threads. You could be discrediting science otherwise. Science doesn't know the meaning of "extreme", "lunatic", "destruction", "depravity", "sole means" , "ball park" or "overlooking" my alleged boorishness.