Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2009 10:07 am
As a matter of interest wande The Longview News-Journal is owned by Marshall News Messenger which is owned by Cox Enterprises over in Georgia.

I can just about understand its specialist staff on education not knowing the names of 13 of the 15 members of the State Board of Education but I cannot understand them admitting it in cold print unless it is a device to let their largely clueless readers think that they are not so far behind their betters in these respects.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 06:00 am
In November on the 150th anniversary of "Origin of Species" Kirk Cameron wants to deliver 50,000 copies of an “altered version” of the book to students at U.S. universities.

Here is a response to the video:

Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 06:08 am
Brilliant! Doctoring up The Origin with all their claptrap will add a new dimension to their strategy.

What a sad little man whose only interests are complete mind control of his "flock"
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 06:26 am
How would you define incomplete mind control effemm? Forget offering your own mind as an example. I know better. The writings of The Marquis de Sade don't scare me.

You are using the expression "mind control" as an easy, all purpose club and it only works on those with soft skulls. It is actually an attempt at mind control but lacking in effort and discipline and avoiding critical analysis.

Who cares what Mr Cameron wants? I'm surprised you watched the vids.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 08:26 am
If its not mind control of his flock, why then does this clown insist on adding a myth based story of origins (myth based stories that have been debunked over and over) to the "Origin"...? Surely he cannot believe that his crap has any scientific credibility when we all know that hes pushing lies and untruths and fairy tales.

Nope, he is running scared that an educated flock will somehow stray from the Evangelical Fundamental way.
His movement is alone in all that. Fundamentalism has no value to science and science and most non Fundamental religions are living in fair harmony. The Fundamental Christian, Jewish, or Muslim sects occupy less than 1% of the worlds religious space.
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 08:43 am
Fundamentalists have always been opposed to education and open-ended inquiry. I have fundamentalists tell me that all you need to know you can find in the bible, and that other books are "vanity" and often have been told that this "vanity" is the work of Satan. If definitely is a matter of controlling what the flock thinks.
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 09:00 am
A mind so complex and beautiful that thou shouldst useth it not.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 09:14 am
I went to Catholic elementary school. A nun told us that the only books we need to own for our home library are the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 09:27 am
Once again you failed to answer my question which your previous post had obviously begged. Your failure is evidence that you have no intention of debating like a grown up and are content to blurt insults and bullshit.

What is incomplete mind control. What is a mind with no control. It looks like any mind you can't control from where I sit. You're as bad as the guy you are knocking.

If its not mind control of his flock, why then does this clown insist on adding a myth based story of origins (myth based stories that have been debunked over and over) to the "Origin"...?

Maybe he does it to find you lot something to debunk over and over because he thinks you might become dangerous if you didn't have anything to get indignant about and debunk for ever and ever.

Fundamentalism has no value to science and science and most non Fundamental religions are living in fair harmony. The Fundamental Christian, Jewish, or Muslim sects occupy less than 1% of the worlds religious space.

It has been explained to you effemm that you are only talking about those sciences where emotions and feelings and social organisation are ignored. There are sciences involved heavily with all those things. You are in a turf war with them. That's all. At bottom you want schools and media to deal only with your type of scientific certainty

If the fundamental Christian, Jewish, or Muslim sects ceased to exist those religions would cease to exist. All movements have a small core of the faithful. The fundamentalist Democrats, the activists, are probably only 1% of the group which votes Democrat. The fundamentalist sports people are only a small % of the number interested in sport.

Most non fundamentalist may be living in harmony with science but they are also living with a compromise.

Any clown can use that word about others. And the other insults you use.

Are you opposed to his right to do what he has done?
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 09:32 am
Fundamentalists have always been opposed to education and open-ended inquiry. I have fundamentalists tell me that all you need to know you can find in the bible, and that other books are "vanity" and often have been told that this "vanity" is the work of Satan. If definitely is a matter of controlling what the flock thinks.

And the same question is begged with that nonsense. As are questions about what is meant by education and open-ended enquiry. Without that they are mere self-flattering buzz-words.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 09:47 am
Hmm, Nov. 19. I live within a mile of two of the top 50 universities in the country. Think I'll get me a few free copies of "Origin". I've got a handy utility knife, and the introduction should slice out nicely, leaving Darwin intact. Cameron has got to be the least persuasive proponent of his ideas I've seen in months, ever since that legendary jackleg "preacher" with the biker tshirt and the $2.98 folding pulpit did his youTube video. Clowns. Oop. How could I forget to include spendi among the least persuasive. Sorry for the oversight, spendi.
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 10:30 am
Wonder how much the has-been, sit-com, worse-than-mediocre actor received to make that video (I'm certain he needs the money now -- the series hasn't been in syndication for many years and he's not gotten any film work excepting one forgettable TV movie). Universities get unsolicited material every day -- it's called junk mail. I know -- I was in curating at the Vincent Price Gallery at ELAC and at the UCLA art department, where we got uncountable numbers of artist "books" which were either relegated to boxed archives or thrown out. I wouldn't doubt they send the lot to a recycle center -- if there was ever a waste of trees, this is one of them.

Now it's an opportunity to publish edited versions of the Bible which includes the Gnostic and other books thrown out by the committee of Christian plutocrats Constantine hired to throw together the book in the first place.
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 10:48 am
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 10:57 am
Look Jack-- deal with the points I raised instead of going off on one like a wind-up toy.

Can you imagine no mind control. If you can't, and you can't, then what sort of mind control do you favour?

Do you accept that there are sciences which study emotions, feelings and social organisation?

Will you define education and open-ended enquiry?

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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 10:57 am
Hmm -- a response expected from a Kirk Cameron level of intelligence.
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 11:14 am
I was so astonished at the utter uselessness of your post LW I was struck dumb.

Explain Gnosticism for us will you. You used the word. If your fans don't know what you mean by it then the sentence in which it appeared was meaningless to them.

And Constantine and his plutocrats did not throw together the Bible. The most famous chapters in Gibbon deal with the matter of the rise of Christianity. (15 and 16). The reign of Justinian and the suppression of Paganism is dealt with in detail. The Bible is not a factor.

Your post was ridiculous and didn't able anyone to know anything except maybe that you had held a responsible position as curator and dealt with the junk mail.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 12:23 pm
Obviously, some dummies haven't heard of the Council of Nicea, doesn't know what Gnostic means (needs a simple dictionary again), thinks all of Gibbons is written in stone and never revised by any historians since Gibbons, and is only aware of his own bowel movements.
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 02:52 pm
I love it when hot chicks dis creationism.

wandeljw wrote:

Here is a response to the video:
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 02:54 pm
No, no LW. You have misunderstood. It is your fans who need an explanation of Gnosticism in order to understand your sentence. Not me. If they don't understand the sentence what use was it to them?

I understood the sentence. It was you throwing out signifiers of your intellectual capacities. That's all. "Sheesh!" was well in order.

And a simple dictionary will not suffice I'm afraid.

I disagree with Gibbon's conclusion on the principle cause of the decline of the Roman Empire despite his book being recognised world wide as a masterpiece of erudition, style and general appreciation of the human condition seen from an Ivory Tower. The first is, like all history, a bit iffy; the second is peerless and the third is hilarious.

It wouldn't have been polite, nor expedient, for him to have exposed the real reason but he does find ways of hinting what it was so he used Christianity as a sort of vehicle in which to carry this load because it was politically correct enough at the time for him to get away with what with that class it was read by, and ol' Eddie would care little for those who came later, avidly seeking justifications to carry on fornicating, buggering, gluttonising, murdering, pillaging and whatnot and very happy to marginalise the priests with all their woeful warnings about sinning. They would have lapped it up. The hints not quite on Ignore but almost. And never afterwards thought about so there was no way they could get connected up. Thank goodness eh?

Your scatalogical reference betrays a certain fascination. Look at the **** in your own back yard not in mine.

And if you would be so kind, educate us on the Council of Nicea while your on educating us about gnosticism. Assuming you have a few years to spare.

It's easy educating people on the habits of name droppers.

This is how to do it--"I was re-reading the Max Planck's papers on Quantum mechanics the other day in the library and I came across a roughly scribbled message in a margin, with a felt tipped pen, which read "Quantum, wantsome? Call Susie on (number withheld to protect the name of the innocent) for instantaneous jerking orbital velocities."

You don't have to use that message. You could make another one up. So long as you get in the Quantum Planck bit it should do the trick. "The papers "was a nice touch I thought. I'd use that.

You had just read them, the papers, and you walked over to the windows and gazed at the beautiful sunset (worth a fanciful rigmarole itself) and you were pondering the meaning of this important scientific discovery which, alas, is only understood by the few. If she doesn't say "What is it?" on account of her not gazing at you in awe yet you can always say--"do you know what it was?". If she says " what what was?" You can do it over again. Ad finitum probably.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 03:04 pm
I love it when hot chicks dis creationism.

ros doesn't even know that that's kinky. Grossly so.
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