Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 06:01 am
The fact that spendius doesnt "Understand" genetics , and , by extension, he feels that noone does. Thats just an inadequacy born of his own ADD. If he has neither the discipline or the gumption to "Understand" by a modicum of scholarship, I dont think thats our problem. Itmerely reinforces Wiz's comment that whatever spendi says is entirely invalid. Hes just garnering attention and we , give it to him. Even though he contributes nothing and his celebrated "women hating" stance is also entirely too creepy.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 07:31 am
Of course I don't "Understand" genetics. I have not studied the subject.

All I know is that the word derives from the same source that "Genesis" does and that it is concerned with inheritance of biological characteristics as opposed to the inheritance of material possessions or climate although the latter aspects are often of decisive influence on the biology as many an actress will inform you.

The principle has been known since ancient times in both respects, despite not being subject to longwordism, in regard to crops and animal husbandry. Exogamic marriage customs to counter inbreeding is also of an ancient lineage and cricket derives from the principle.

Like all sciences, it does not understand its subject but only seeks to. Indeed seeking is all it can ever do. The longwordian science might be said to have begun with Mendel who identified, speculatively, objects which we now label genes. We like to label things to produce an illusion that we understand them. The application of longwordianism is merely a device which helps control freaks to lord it over people with other skills and knowledge bases.

Genes are components of what we label deoxyribonucleic acid and contain the instructions by which some aspects of inherited characteristics are managed and are subject to other influences such as interaction with the environment.

I obviously accept that those who have studied the subject understand it better than I do but what their level of understanding is in proportion to what there is to be understood is likely of a low order and will remain so if they complacently believe otherwise for the purpose of self gratification.

The rest of your post is just more of the usual inane bullshit so I will refer you to any one of the previous answers I have given to such material.

Your response to MermaidVision is scientific proof of your male chauvinist piggery and asserting that I am guilty of that is meaningless. It is also proof that your mind separates human from animal responses and thus you are profoundly confused, or pulling the wool, about teaching evolution to healthy adolescents.

In the dynamics involved in the penetration of one of the millions of spermatozoa into the egg of a human female do you allow that environmental and psychological factors are involved or do you think it is a matter of pure mechanical chance.

It can hardly inspire much confidence in your intelligence effemm that you still resort to ignorant and insulting invective after five years of it having no effect on me. And neither do I have the slightest interest in what those it does have an effect on think. Their presence on a science thread can only be for the purpose of snuggling up to the subject in order that they might "wink" hints of it out on social occasions as a form of sexual signal.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 08:35 am
He really doesn't understand why he is on this Earth and addicted to playing the stalking troll on a public forum which is still in its basic scheme informal and with a great deal fewer "Ask a Question" than "Start a Discussion." There's About, Yahoo Answers and Wikipedia for most of the homework stuff so, contrary to the antithesis of the frustrated, poorly educated "brainbox," it should be in forums on science sites where he could make a total ass of itself. If it is married, I pity the poor wife, especially if it only can visit her on weekends at the sanitarium.

The "longwordian brainbox" is constantly on the defensive, but not with positive offenses or assertions but offensive negative blather. There are sentences showing some science sensibility followed by sentences which would confuse Edward Lear.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 08:37 am
Look love. That sort of thing is meaningless. I neither proves I don't understand genetics, which nobody does, or proves that you do, which is impossible.
. This bit of fractured spendi speak states that you feel that noone understands genetics and especially if a person is a woman.

You say things that you cannot back up and your inability to speak precisely might be, in my opinion, some congenital defect or a result of a swift bonk on the conk at some point.

Youve stated that you have credentials in organic chemistry. Or is that too a spendism (bullshit string)
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 09:04 am
The "swift bonk" is likely from the result of the organic chemistry in a pint glass at the pub.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 09:15 am
A book I added to my library when it was published:


There is ae PDF excerpt from the book in the upper right-hand menu.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 11:05 am
He really doesn't understand why he is on this Earth

Come to think about it and I have to agree.

I'm not bothered LW if you don't address any of the points I raise. They are not made for your benefit. I already know that you can't give up your position no matter what anybody says. And your invective has no effect on me. If it has an effect on your fans good enough for them.

My last post contributes to the debate about teaching evolution but your posts don't so you are the troll. You don't know enough about science to be able to declare that I write " sentences showing some science sensibility". Coming from you that is gratuitous nonsense. I know what a scientific sensibility looks like and you haven't got a shred of it and you are better off not having.

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Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 11:17 am
Is this one of the non-troll posts you mentioned? You're a fake and a phony and your troll stench is well known around these parts. Your posts are strictly self-flattering nonsense.
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Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 11:31 am
If you ever have a chance to listen to Bob Trivers talk, hes a treat. He spends a lot of time at Princeton in seminars with other departments . Ive sat in on a numbwer of his talks and hes goood at explaining his and Burts work.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 12:02 pm
Look love. That sort of thing is meaningless. I neither proves I don't understand genetics, which nobody does, or proves that you do, which is impossible. .

This bit of fractured spendi speak states that you feel that noone understands genetics and especially if a person is a woman.

First off, the sentence of Ceili's was meaningless. Okay I did a typo and used "I" instead of "It". Considering how many of your typos I have corrected without commenting on it is a bit rich that you jump all over a rare one of mine like a fiendish gremlin. The sentence is easy to follow if you read "It".

I don't feel that no one understands genetics. I know no one does. Or ever will.

It is a measure of how little you understand this debate that you think women can take a significant part in it. You have the "controversial issues" mentioned discreetly by the senator from Texas in one of wande's quotes on Ignore and as long as you do that you will never understand and perhaps it is for the best.

I'll exclude Marghanita Laski and Germaine Greer but I don't think any of the ladies we have seen on here are quite up for the sort of stuff those two dealt in.

If you will admit that you only want to teach the pretty bits in evolution theory to the kids then I will withdraw my objections providing there is a guarantee that no extreme Marxists will engage in a quiet seepage into the not so pretty bits. But that isn't science now is it.

It would be like talking about the institution of marriage in terms of the frocks and the cake and the invitation cards and the horseshoes and what a fine young man the bridegroom is and ending up thinking it's okay for two chaps to get married which it obviously is if that is the limit of the considerations.

You say things that you cannot back up and your inability to speak precisely might be, in my opinion, some congenital defect or a result of a swift bonk on the conk at some point.

Turn it up old boy.

Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 02:24 pm
forget it, youre not worth a pinch of ****
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 03:02 pm
But that's the main in spice ingredient in his troll stew -- don't fall for it if he asks you to taste test it. For one thing, you'll turn into a princess.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 05:28 pm
If only it would. I reckon I could be quite satisfied being a princess.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 05:56 pm
forget it, youre not worth a pinch of ****

Lost for words again are you?

One doesn't take pinches of **** effemm. Spoonsful maybe.

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Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 06:05 pm
I reckon I could be quite satisfied being a princess.
BUT Youre already a Queen.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 06:11 pm
I don't wish to be a Queen. A Queen's footmen have to be security cleared and that's no good.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 10:19 pm
I did not write this ****.
Please don't credit me with your crap. I don't want it.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 05:54 am
It's always trying to frame someone else for leaving those little piles of poop trailing through a thread but we all know what it smells like and it's too obvious it's being dropped out the widow of the Pope Mobile.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 06:52 am
I did not write this ****.
Please don't credit me with your crap. I don't want it.

I have re-read the post this refers to and I cannot see where I suggested that you did write it.

The Emperor Julian sent out edicts declaring that everything was **** that he didn't approve of. And some good it did him too!

It is irrelevant what you want Ceili. If it was A2K would be given over to your care and we can gain some idea from the above what it would become. Which is, for those who haven't got the picture, a new form of idolatry dedicated to the Goddess Ceili which I must admit is a plausible name for even a beta minus numinous being.

If you "don't want it" place me on Ignore as some other pseudo-philosophers have done in the past although I have grounds to suspect that they sometimes take a peek. Ignore was made available to A2Kers, with a degree of opposition from thick fools, and at some trouble, precisely so you needn't have any profane contact with the **** they waft around the etherial world of the--well--what else--the ether, and they can be removed from your consciousness as if they no longer existed.

Perhaps we should rebrand Ignore as FOOLGONE or SHITSHIFT.

I think it would improve the writing of the fools to know that the brainboxes had left them to themselves and they no longer need worry about their sensitivities.

It would be like us lot at our end of the bar in the pub talking about that lot at the other end of the bar and out of earshot.

I'm all for it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 07:01 am
It's always trying to frame someone else for leaving those little piles of poop trailing through a thread but we all know what it smells like and it's too obvious it's being dropped out the widow of the Pope Mobile.

You really are bereft of ideas LW.

And you seem mildly obsessed with "poop" too. If my posts provide you with opportunities to indulge this quaint passion I feel my purpose is served and am happy to be of service. After all, it is not many who post on this site who bring comfort and joy to their fellow A2Kers.
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