Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 02:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I am doing labor while carrying heavy objects, crawling on my knees and climbing stairs.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 02:44 pm
I also do some manual labor when I work in my garden, but the heavy work gets less frequent with age.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 02:59 pm
Okay, that's enough of that! Now you're getting depressing. Sad Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 03:27 pm
or why you anyone would take a course on Biology that has no practical basis in the world.

What practical basis do you see for evolution theory in the world?

And why would a biology course missing out evolution theory have no practical basis in the world. Which occupations in the broad biological field require a course on evolution apart from that singular occupation of trying to prove, for any number of reasons. evolution theory to be true.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 03:37 pm
If you had read # 3,748,446 from Edgar, it would have answered your questions.
I'm done playing with you. Go bother someone else with your garbled posts. I'm not interested in deciphering pigeon English.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 04:41 pm
Evolution genetics has to do with diseases -- hard to get more practical than curing people who are sick. It's unlikely to work on people with pea-brained disease.
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 04:49 pm
If you had read # 3,748,446 from Edgar, it would have answered your questions.
I'm done playing with you. Go bother someone else with your garbled posts. I'm not interested in deciphering pigeon English.

That's a standard answer on here Ceili. As if it has anything to do with me that you can't answer either question.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 04:54 pm
Evolution genetics has to do with diseases -- hard to get more practical than curing people who are sick. It's unlikely to work on people with pea-brained disease.

That's really stupid LW. Do you really not know why?

There's a snake oil salesman around every corner these days asserting that his expertise "has to do" with diseases. You obviously only recognise them when they are waving a bottle with a Miracle Cure label and their horse's ribs are showing.

Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 05:47 am
Here we go. From an article about Ted Kennedy-

The man whose obituaries extolled him as the nation’s most skilful, experienced and determined legislator had good reason for acting as if he were above the law; after all, as a wealthy young man he had been expelled from Harvard for bribing a fellow undergraduate to take one of the more difficult exam papers for him, only later " against all precedent " to be readmitted. The poor sap who had done his dirty work was not so fortunate.
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 08:22 am
So ask a ques
tion? Then take the answers with a grain of
salt. I love music, laughter, art, politics
and wine..

I asked a couple of simple questions and this came my way-

I'm done playing with you. Go bother someone else with your garbled posts. I'm not interested in deciphering pigeon English.

Which makes you sound like a bad tempered dragon with a short fuse who goes off stamping her feet when stumped and it makes your self inspired profile panygeric into a joke.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 09:02 am
One parent refused to turn in her son's high school band T-Shirt in that Sedalia, Missouri controversy I posted about a few days ago. Today, a Missouri newspaper has published a letter from the parent:
T-shirt controversy appalling
(By Alena Hoeffling, Springfield News-Leader, September 3, 2009)

The stir caused by my phone call to your paper regarding the band T-shirts has become most entertaining. Before my house is egged again, I would like the chance to clarify myself.

1. I stated I was raised Catholic, not practicing. It is no one's business what religion I practice so long as I do not use it to influence our public schools. My mother is still laughing since reading that line.

2. My issue is that some nameless person used money to impress their religious beliefs in a public school. A sponsor withdrew their money because the evolution was depicted upon the shirts, how spineless to withdraw after the fact. I offered to buy them all at the band meeting with no response. I would be proud to have my name associated with the freedom of speech. My father and husband both proudly fought for your right to wear this shirt. Remember, this shirt did not in any way conflict with the school dress code. If it offends a band member, that child should have the option to wear an alternate shirt, or wear it inside out.

3. The fact that our assistant superintendent believes that evolution is a religion and, therefore, he must remain neutral scares me to death. Evolution is a scientific theory and is taught in our school district. Banning these shirts is indeed not neutral. I do not and never will fault another person's religious beliefs; it just does not belong in a public school.

What's next? Make my daughter wear dresses to school because wearing pants is against my neighbor's religious beliefs? Demand Mrs. Wyatt and her amazing math department stop teaching the Pythagorean theory because it is not in the Bible? Demand to extend winter break to include the Russian Orthodox holidays? Where does it end? It ends in following the laws and keeping religious influence out of the public school district, voting for school board members who follow the same standard, and demanding that all employees of this district keep their religion at home not in my children's classes. I believe that Mr. Pollitt should apologize to these students and to the community for not standing firm to outside influence.
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 09:04 am
Just one of the over 6 million entries on Google on evolution genetics and disease:


Just like I catch myself watching a few minutes of some stupid reality show on TV for laughs, I click on a blocked entry on Able2Know which is even more stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 09:07 am
I don't come here to entertain fools. The article I told you to read had your answer. I can't help it if your too thick not only write a decent sentence but to read one either.
Lightwizard also gave you another good answer. I can't help but notice his answer didn't stop you foaming of the mouth either.
I can't help that your feeble mind can't understand genetics. If you can't figure out the importance of genetics or knowledge in general, that's not my concern. If you find it difficult to Wiki, google or read a newspaper in order to expand the grey matter in your pinched little skull, so be it.
I realized after a few interactions with you, that you're beyond my scope of understanding or frankly, my interest.
I don't want to continue conversing with an idiot. Sue me. I have better things to do.
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 12:57 pm
The problem Alena has wande is that her argument also defends the right of the sponsor to withdraw for whatever reason. If he risks legal action it doesn't alter his right until he loses in court.

I think she's a "warpath" type. Keep us posted.

It has human interest and you know how much I favour human interest before all that bone-dry-as-dust abstract, sophistical seeking after the truth navigating with the pure empirical evidence, peer-reviewed and edited to suit, as the sole light of guidance with which to peer through the thick layers of the varnish of the ages and see the vision which will make all your hair stand up on end and Darwin scientifically ratified.

It's been done in enough movies but we know they were only acting in those.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 02:02 pm
I don't come here to entertain fools. The article I told you to read had your answer. I can't help it if your too thick not only write a decent sentence but to read one either.

If I am such a fool and as thick as you suggest how on earth do you expect me to read articles written for brainboxes like you? Do you not know how media works? Fools and thick people have their own media and brainboxes do too. You are implying that the editor of the article had taken aim at thick fools and brainboxes in one go. And it isn't my fault that you haven't figured that simple thing out yet. It bodes ill for your approach to the challenges to evolution which is a much more difficult subject.

Even if the article did have the answer it is incredible that a brainbox like you should be caught reading it when it is in the business of simplifying complex subject matter in order that fools and thick people, like me, can be made to feel we understand them so we can go in pubs and explain it all to everybody.

Were you in the outside closet with a torn up newspaper in patience mode? That's the only excuse I can think of for a brainbox like you to be found reading an article that a fool such as I can understand.

But, of course, the article does not answer the questions at all as you declare it does. And it doesn't matter that it doesn't. Except that it exposes your assertion as false which taints all your other assertions with the same black strokes of the tar brush. Judging from your member profile you have two brushes.

What matters is that the questions were asked on this thread. That you choose to bluster a non answer is neither here nor there. Readers here will decide for themselves what to make of those questions and whether they were answered or not.

In a public debate the audience is what matters and I made sure that A2Kers knew those questions had been asked. And I'm making sure here that some of them know that asserting that they were answered is not the same as answering them and can never be allowed to stand duty for them being answered.

Lightwizard also gave you another good answer. I can't help but notice his answer didn't stop you foaming of the mouth either.

I dealt with LW with my reference to his "has to do" expression. And if you think that was a species of foaming at the mouth you must have never seen me perform when I have let myself go a little in that direction.

I can't help that your feeble mind can't understand genetics.

Look love. That sort of thing is meaningless. I neither proves I don't understand genetics, which nobody does, or proves that you do, which is impossible. It insults the readers of a science thread. Or any thread except maybe Insults. A person must understand something in order to be able to prove someone else doesn't. So you are claiming to understand genetics. Or seeking to give the impression that you do without offering any verification. With a flick of the wrist so to speak.

If you can't figure out the importance of genetics or knowledge in general, that's not my concern.

Well it should be. I came on here to ask experts and be abled to know and here's you, posing as an expert in both knowledge and genetics, saying it is not your concern to provide me with guidance.

What would you say is the importance of genetics and knowledge?

Sue me. I have better things to do.

If I had the time and the money to spare it would probably be interesting to sue you. I would no doubt lose but the entertainment might be worth it.

What could I sue you under? It's not illegal at the moment for gobby, uppity females of a certain age to spout opinions on any subject under the sun irrespective of whether they know anything about them and to fling out inane, schoolyard imprecations at anybody who gets in their way. And I can't say I have any other cause to complain.

Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 07:48 pm
Leave him alone to use words that aren't even in the dictionary and claim there are no scientists that understand genetics -- he is content to wallow in his messy little accidents always left by trolls like him.
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 07:51 pm
Actually, "brainbox" is Brit slang meaning an extremely intelligent person.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 05:07 am
I bet you wish you could write posts as good as I can LW for A2Kers to learn from and be slightly amused by instead of having to rely on those repetitive and puerile one-liners which take nobody anywhere for ever and ever amen.

I feel sorry for the people who have to deal on a day-to-day, in your face, basis with the sort of polemical drivel I am faced with.

Easing their burdens seems a worthwhile objective even if it is an uphill struggle.

Have you seen effemm decrying the natural and evolved antics of young ladies and admonishing them to behave in a manner more in keeping with the ideas he has derived from his Christian upbringing? Think how boring life would be if they all took any notice of that type of addled thinking. The young lady in question was only winking at a rival's boyfriend and out pops effemm's Presbyterian finger wagging with indignation.

Evolutionist he ain't. It's all an affectation.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 05:45 am
Leave him alone to use words that aren't even in the dictionary and claim there are no scientists that understand genetics -- he is content to wallow in his messy little accidents always left by trolls like him.

Perhaps you might understand my claim LW if you took the trouble to study Schopenauer's essay on Love and Stendhal's De L'Amour. We are not dealing with Hitlerian genetics I hope. Or stud farm science.

We are in classrooms and the crude similarity between animal reproduction and that of humans should not allow confusion to develop lest some scientists start trying to take control of the latter which they will, human nature being as it is, if given a chance.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 05:47 am
Once again Im amused at his howliness' seems to be at my every post. I must be a subject of some substantial envy . AM I the only one or does he stalk others also?
I gotta admit that it is getting a little creepy.

Should I be flattered or should I call family Services?

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