(Hi margo!)
Dadpad, I have to agree that it may be worth it to get to the doctor.
Latest horror story on my mind -- a good friend had some sort of skin infection. Whatever, no big deal. Didn't do anything in particular about it, some home remedies, definitely didn't go to the doctor. Then a bit later he started having weird symptoms -- tired, sweating a lot but no fever, etc. Wound up in the emergency room. Turned out that he had myocarditis (?) -- infection of the heart. He was given a 30% chance of survival (young, healthy guy), and pulled through, thank goodness. (This all happened about 3 months ago and now he's deeply spooked but apparently all better.)
Now, I'm not saying this WILL happen to you, or even that it's LIKELY, but it's what doctors are for, ya know? Let them make the determination.
Be well.