Nothing beats using vulnerable, weak women for sex then throwing them away.
I mean, um, BP, that's just wrong. Women are wonderful creatures who should be treated as such rather than pieces of meat.
Really. I mean that.
I'm not laughing right now.
I swear.
Hmm...thinking of a dual venture....The Wounded Duck Pub, cozy and unthreatening, and a wild club nearby called Cougars...this could work...
Cougars...specializing in wild pussy no doubt......
Aaaaaarrrrggghhh! How CAN you be so callous! Making indecent jokes AT A TIME LIKE THIS!!!

Eva, keep it down and get me a beer will ya?
So whaddya call the guy groupies?
The jerks in bars who sit in shifts, yellin' out
ACDC and thinking the beer gut and butt crack is all that?
The neaderthals who haven't graduated past high school guitar riffs, mullets and polo aftershave.
I'm so sick of singin for that type of slime.
Cav - "The Coque and Pussy" ( a little french to give it some cache)
Ceili wrote:So whaddya call the guy groupies?
The jerks in bars who sit in shifts, yellin' out
ACDC and thinking the beer gut and butt crack is all that?
The neaderthals who haven't graduated past high school guitar riffs, mullets and polo aftershave.
I'm so sick of singin for that type of slime.
I call them icky. Can you imagine taking your clothes off for those people. You think you have it bad!
Ceili if you feel that bad about it, come down to Raleigh, I'm always hiring reliable karaoke operators.......then you can trade the AC/DC t shirts and mullets for cowboy hats, belt buckles and "Courtesy Of The Red White And Blue" every two minutes. Believe me after that, "You Shook Me All Night Long" will seem like heaven to you..

btw Eva I don't drink beer and I'd be more likely to offer you a drink....I'm a pig, but a well behaved one in public, anyway. I'll take all the tequila ya offer though.......
I call those guy groupies you describe "Grandpa."
slappy, your grandpa has a mullet?
Um, yea. And he loves ACDC and yells at women singers. Pretty cool, eh?
And you take your clothes off for mullets?
nope, not me. But, I've been to strip clubs and have had friends who strip. Seems to be the regular crowd - at least in Georgia.
So this dude walks into a bar to have a quiet drink. Ain't gonna happen. Another dude looking to pick a fight walks up to him and yells "HEY!" The guy says "what?"
"Yer granny gives the best gum jobs in town."
"Umm, okay, whatever."
"Guess what else?"
"I screwed yer granny just last night, and she loooovvved every minute of it."
"Okay grandpa, time to go home. You're drunk."
I have bedded down a many a stripper back in the day, but I have never been to a strip club.
I'm not against it morally, but find it to be a case of piss poor consumerism.
For what I'd drop in a strip club, I can hire a pro , get exactly whatever perverted thing I want, and never leave the house.
Or just wait for them to come see me at the club on their night off, buy my drinks and take me to their house.
I've always thought of going to a strip club as much the same as if one were to got to a restaurant, and pay to watch someone else eat . . .
Bi I think I'll leave the Karoke to the 'experts', but thanks for the offer.
Slappy darlin' I've never been a stripper but if your grandpappy comes a knockin' I'll let em know you've already sent his regards.
hmm, a career as a karoake machine operator? are there official operator hats?