Ramafuchs wrote:It's awfully early for John McCain to be running such a desperate, ugly campaign against Barack Obama. But I guess it's useful for Democrats to get a reminder that the Republican Party plays presidential politics by the same moral code that guided the bad-boy Oakland Raiders in their heyday: "Just win, baby."
The latest bit of snarling, mean-spirited nonsense to come out of the McCain camp was the accusation, leveled by campaign manager Rick Davis, that Obama had "played the race card." He did so, apparently, by being black.
Negative campaigning is not a pretty thing, and it should be beneath John McCain to stoop so low. But Democrats would be foolish to forget that sometimes it works
I think the sad truth is that when you're behind, everybody goes negative.
I have no doubt that Obama would go negative if were down 10 points at this stage.
I know there are those who will say that even when he was down in the primary he never went negative....but neither was anyone else, so it really doesn't apply.
Rama points out Republicans going negative.....but seemingly forgets when Clinton did it (she's a democrat) in the primaries.