Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2015 09:58 am
Heh. Jew sex is. Wink
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2015 01:16 pm
You have a poor understanding of US law on pornography. It is illegal to portray an adult as a child in a sex 'product'. And rightfully so.
Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2015 01:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

You have a poor understanding of US law on pornography. It is illegal to portray an adult as a child in a sex 'product'. And rightfully so.

Interestingly enough stories of having sex with underaged people have long been popular in porn, and are still widely available. Some websites over the last 5 years have scrubbed out such porn, but not all.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2015 03:56 pm
Razzleg wrote:

You've revived every "child-porn legitimating" thread available on this forum, as far as i can see. And it's embarrassing how many there are...what's your angle? ...aside from legitimating it, i should say...

Clearly, you are not the only one to notice.
Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2015 04:00 pm
If questioning our laws is ever an embarrassing endeavour then we deserve every bit of abuse we receive from the state.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 02:04 am
HesDeltanCaptain wrote:

Heh. Jew sex is. Wink

Seriously, WTF? What do you think you are doing in this thread?

hawkeye10 wrote:

If questioning our laws is ever an embarrassing endeavour then we deserve every bit of abuse we receive from the state.

It's not a just a matter of questioning our laws, its also a matter of questioning our standards, moral or otherwise. I'm fine with questioning quite a few laws, but the laws one questions are telling.

I think that people that seek to question and undermine child protection laws do deserve every bit of scrutiny ["abuse"] they receive from the state.
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 02:10 am
I think that people that seek to question and undermine child protection laws do deserve every bit of scrutiny ["abuse"] they receive from the state

So people who question the AOC laws DO work to hurt kids according to you? Sometimes maybe, but you saying they always or usually do is just dishonest bullshit.

Use your ******* head, if you want to see who the state abuses the most look to the people and groups that are most hated. The definition of which is a fat white guy who fucks little kids by force after showing them pics of other kids being fucked by other fat white guys. (gives you a strong emotional response yes?)

And I see the abuse of the citizen at the hands of the state, the sex and child porn laws are almost the worst of all our very badly conceived and badly written laws, and I God Damn will question them and more.

Sorry, but stupid people annoy me.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 04:28 am
I reported this, apparently antisemitism is OK with the powers that be.
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 05:37 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Never said it wasn't. And my understanding is of the professional level.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 05:39 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Apparently missed my other 50 threads stating I am a Jew. Makes sense really, people like you only read every fifth word or so.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 05:46 am
I make it a point of ignoring most of your poor attempts at humor. I don't care if you self-identify as "a Jew" or not, the line is antisemitic and offensive and if you have any doubt about that, please consult your Rabbi.

Shame on you.

Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 05:50 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Perhaps if you read things in context you wouldn't keep embarassing yoruself?

HesDeltanCaptain wrote:

As someone who enjoys sex as well as law,

Your sex is as enjoyable as law? It's really that good?"

Then my line of "Heh. Jew sex is."
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 05:57 am
Please don't include my posts in your sorry attempt to excuse yourself. Everybody saw the context, that's not the issue.
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 06:01 am
Issue's some are morons. And others ARE antisemities using any positive mention of us to cover their underhanded slams claiming the positive mention was the antisemitism.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 06:06 am
@bobsal u1553115,

You seem to be really "interested" in child sex and incest all over the net.
I also see you got censored, too.

Re: Sexually attracted to my younger sister and acted do to

Postby HesDeltanCaptain » Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:28 pm
Sex play between siblings *may be perfectly normal. Especially during puberty when the urge to have sex is quite high. Having a sexual aged person in the same home with you 24/7 will result in sexual tension, and often enough sexual experimentation. In many cultures around the world this is much ado about nothing. But if you're feeling guilty about it simply don't do it any more.

Strictly speaking yes, it's sexual assault. If you remove trhe brother-sister aspect it's easy to see that. *. Plus it's difficult to imagine a girl not noticing you climaxed. *
Last edited by lifelongthing on Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: * = mod edits. edited for inappropriate content.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I pretended to be." - Me.


Posts: 1221
Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:19 am
Local time: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:48 am
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Really, really interested!!!

"HesDeltanCaptain wrote:If anything, an upward curved penis will perform better for women since it'll stimulate her g-spot. this! I've slept with someone who had the same thing going on, and holy g-spot stimulation! it was quite the experience. you've got nothing to worry about."

"Re: Why do I think about this?

Postby HesDeltanCaptain » Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:30 pm
Between your thighs, or high enough to stimulate your genitals? As a child of 6 you'd have no reason to enjoy that, but in later life you'd know more and such contact in the distant past might be pleasing even if wasn't at the time."

"Re: Do pedophiles date less than non pedophiles?

Postby HesDeltanCaptain » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:02 pm
Would say it's a false equivilency to being pedophile and how often you might date. Very religious peoples may not date at all yet not be pedophile. Others, like myself, may not date either but simply because much of the motivation for doing so is to have sex, and I find myself enjoying sex with myself much more than with other people (so far.) Smile "
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 06:12 am
And others ARE antisemities using any positive mention of us to cover their underhanded slams claiming the positive mention was the antisemitism.

What are you referring to, reads like deflection. As in not wanting to respond directly to the question and at least admit to a clumsy, hamfisted attempt at some sort of juvenile humor injecting religion/culture inappropriately, you make a vague charge to some undefined agency.

Again, shame on you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 06:18 am
HesDeltanCaptain wrote:

Issue's some are morons.

This is a sentence? Why is there an apostrophe?

It's clear who the moron is.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Aug, 2015 11:51 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Sorry, but stupid people annoy me.

Strangely, i don't think you're actually sorry. At least have the courage of your invective.

hawkeye10 wrote:
So people who question the AOC laws DO work to hurt kids according to you? Sometimes maybe, but you saying they always or usually do is just dishonest bullshit.

i hate to say this, but you are right about their being a gray area. For example, i don't want some 18 yr old kid's life being ruined because he made the mistake of sleeping with a 16 yr old and having to register as a sexual predator for the rest of his life, with all of the penalties that entails. On the other hand, it's absurd to think that children and adolescents don't deserve and require laws protecting them from sexual abuse.

So, I won't say that people questioning age of consent laws always work to hurt kids; however, i am still comfortable saying that those opposing AOC laws usually hurt children. And, (in the the only relevant statement i've made to this thread in this post) those persons opposing child pornography laws always always hurt children, one way or another...

By the way:

hawkeye10 wrote:
And I see the abuse of the citizen at the hands of the state, the sex and child porn laws are almost the worst of all our very badly conceived and badly written laws and I God Damn will question them and more.

Whatcha gonna to do besides question 'em? Break them, perhaps, goddammit?

hawkeye10 wrote:
Use your ******* head, if you want to see who the state abuses the most look to the people and groups that are most hated. The definition of which is a fat white guy who fucks little kids by force after showing them pics of other kids being fucked by other fat white guys. (gives you a strong emotional response yes?

The image you present doesn't give me much of an emotional response, but your half-assed attempt at an argument does inspire quite a bit of contempt. It's not impressive as a goad, nor is it cogent as a defense. This is me using my head -- why don't you try it?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2015 12:16 am
Then again, in the slammite world, if it wasn't for child sex and goat sex, there wouldn't be any sex at all.....


0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2015 12:20 am
The Three Billygoats Gruff

Many years ago, in the Khwarism kingdom, the empire centered
around the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Gurgange in the territory
now called Uzbekistan, there was a bridge across a narrow section of
the Syr Daria river and this bridge was guarded by a troll, named Ali
Mohammed Qa-eelbasi. This was before the padishah Mohammed of the Khwarism
empire burned the beards off of four of the infidel dog Chengis Khan's
ambassadors and Chengis Khan reduced that entire territory to a smoking
ruin (may he who cannot take a joke endure Allah's curse).

Now, this Ali Mohammed Qa-eelbasi was quite wealthy by inheritance and by
dint of clever investment strategies and stock trading and, having no need
of money or wealth beyond his possessions, and being an islamic troll,
rather than demanding money from travellers seeking to cross his bridge,
was in the habit of demanding various other favors from them.

One morning while Ali Mohammed was guarding his bridge and attempting to
catch fish in the Syr Daria, he heard the light clatter of little hooves
on the wooden planks of his bridge and looked up to see a little billygoat
traipsing across the bridge, trippity, clippity, clippity, trippity, and
this little goat (Allah be praised!!) had glossy white fur and flowers in his
mane, and was wearing a silk petticoat with what appeared to be lace panties
underneath, Ali Mohammed could not be quite certain, and a little training
bra from Bloomingdales', and had a coy smile upon his face.

"ALLAH BE PRAISED"!! shouted Ali Mohammed! Surely the faithful shall prosper,
this must be my lucky day!!!!

And, the little goat looked at Ali Mohammed, the coy smile still on his
lips, and said:


"Verily, I should be happy for you to have your way with
me and ravish me to your heart's content but, were you to do
that, you would then be too exhausted to appreciate my brother
when he passes this way. He is only a short distance behind me
and he is a larger, finer and more lovely goat than I; he buys ALL
of his clothing from Victoria's Secret."

Now, when Ali Mohammed heard this, he was overcome with passion and desire,
and could scarcely restrain himself; nonetheless, he replied: "Go then,
with Allah's blessing", and allowed the little goat to cross the bridge
unmolested. "I shall (eagerly) await your brother!"

Ali Mohammed went back to his efforts to catch fish and, about a half hour
later, he heard a somewhat heavier fall of hooves across the wooden planks
of his bridge: clippity cloppity clop, clippity cloppity clop, and Ali
Mohammed looked up to a sight which aroused within him a veritable paroxism
of passion. This was a larger goat with a gossamer veil over his face, red
roses braided into his glossy white silky fur all around, a golden necklace
and the thinnest sort of a purple gossamer bodice of finest khitan silk,
and dark, brown bedroom eyes.

"ALLAH BE PRAISED!!!" shouted Ali Mohammed, "Verily, this must be the luckiest
day of my life, for surely no troll has ever beheld so lovely, and desirable,
and alluring a goat as thee!"

"Patience!" replied the goat. "Surely you might have me if you wish, but
then you would be too exhausted to appreciate my eldest brother, who travels
only a short distance behind me. He is the sexiest and most voluptuous and
alluring goat in all the world, and he buys ALL of his clothing at Sexy Sadies
Midnight Boutique. Verily, were he standing here beside me, you would not
notice me at all!"

Ali Mohammed somehow or other managed to restrain his lust and passion and allowed
this goat to pass as well and, after ten or twelve minutes when he collected
his wits and got his pulse and breath back under control, returned to his fishing

Now when the eldest brother amongst the three goats came up to the bridge over
the Syr Daria river and walked upon its wooden planks, Ali Mohammed did not notice
at first, because this goat's hooves, for some reason, made no noise. Ali
Mohammed was in fact taken by complete surprise as this third goat walked up to
within five feet before the troll ever saw him at all. This goat had a silken
veil as did the second goat, and gossamer clothing but, underneath the gossamer,
appeared to be a very strange goat indeed, yellowish with black stripes, a long
tail, fearsome claws, and huge, very non-goatlike teeth. This third goat spoke
these words:


Bless, O Lord, this food to my use and me to thy service, and make me ever
mindful of the needs of others through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

and, with that, seized the unlucky troll in his mighty jaws, chewed him into
bitesized pieces, and wolfed him down.

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