Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 02:18 pm
Re: All BBB cold find about Agrote
agrote wrote:
No, consequentialists believe in one moral absolute.

An absolutist would say, for example, that lying is always wrong, regardless of the outcome. (Haven't you read your Kant?)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 02:19 pm
agrote wrote:
boomerang wrote:
The first openly gay bishop might want to re-think his participation in an activity that has the potential to provoke hecklers:

Oh please. This man didn't hide. He stood up and said "This is who I am".

You, not so much.

Well, I did. I stated my controversial beleifs, and I confessed to being a paedophile
(although, the term 'hebephile' would have been slightly more accurate,
and it is the word I used a long time ago in my other thread about child sexuality).

I did come into a public forum and say "this is who I am, and this is what I believe".
It's not as brave/risky as what the bishop has done, but it does amount to
not letting myself be silenced by the possibility of death threats.
That was the point I was making: contrary to what Philbis said,
I shouldn't let the possibility of death threats prevent me from airing my
views or expressing myself.

Having looked up the definition of "hebephile"
I found that it is one who has sexual desires for adolescents.
I don 't know how near Agrote is to the teenage years himself.

In any case,
I will let it be known that I was a teenager the last time that I dated a teenager
and (tho I enjoy beauty wherever it is to be seen), I entertain no particular lust for teenagers.

Not too long ago, I found it advisable not to accept the overtures of companionship
of a beautiful blonde who was about to have her 21st birthday;
easily young enuf to be my grandchild.
It cud not have been more obvious that she saw money and wanted it.
In my judgment, I 'd have been a fool to proceed under those circumstances.
I deem her motives to have been predatory.

This has not been uncommon in my experience.

I have a long standing interest (sometimes) in how my fellow citizens THINK
either when thay disagree with me
or when thay appear to be emoting irrationally.

I feel genuine curiousity to probe their mental processes.
If thay get mad at me and call me dirty names,
that really does me no harm; I am not that emotional.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 02:23 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
In order to LEARN, I must probe the minds of people who DISAGREE with me, to get new information.

THAT is the subject matter of this inquiry, not pornography.

This is fundamentally dishonest. This thread was intended to advance an argument that providing child pornography from children who "consented" would stop child rape. The evidence for it lies in the poll to be seen at the top of every page, which has two question, each of which are begged. One can either choose to agree that the proposal will end child rape, or one can choose to agree that one loves censorship for its own sake.

It is only after getting burned for this that David now claims that this was just an intellectual exercise, and that child pornography was never the subject. As for those who disagree, i disagreed and very specifically explained why i disagreed. In response, i was told to go start my own thread, and David put together an incredibly idiotic story about a raccoon which he mistook for me.

So much for David's bullshit story that he only wants to learn from those who disagree.

David has this in common with Agrote--they are both fundamentally dishonest.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 02:25 pm
Congratulations to Agrote, who has managed to make yet another thread a thread about himself, and the unjust persecution he suffers.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 03:03 pm
Setanta wrote:
agrote wrote:
This is half-true. A number of others demonstrated that my original assumptions were wrong. Joe demonstrated that I am confused about consequentialism. You didn't demonstrate very much at all. You responded to me, but not point-by-point.

That's a lie--you are fundamentally dishonest. I selected a specific post of yours, quoted it, and responded to it point by point

I remember you did that once. But I also remember responding to your response, and I'm not sure that you proceeded to respond point-by-point again.

Anyway, more importantly, your response was not a decisive refutation of my view. Your arguments weren't as compelling as you think.

You continue to trot out the same idiotic arguments.

Where do I do this?

As is said in another thread, i am not going to be suckered in to playing a game with you in which each time you profess your ignorance, i am obliged to trot around the site from thread to thread, finding the quotes which show just how you have done this.

Okay, that's fair enough. But this gives me no reason to think that you weren't lying when you accused me of trotting out the same arguments. In fact, I've been making new arguments.

In particular, we have your claim that viewing free images won't create demand, and that viewing free images won't hurt those who were originally victimized. I have stated in detail, and O'Bill has stated in detail how someone can profit from showing "free" images.

And I have come to agree that viewing free images can create a demand, and therefore encourage further abuse.

I'm not yet sure that it will hurt those who were originally victimised (i.e. the children depicted). I think the victims would need to know that you are looking at pictures at them, in order to be hurt by your action.

Joe remarked on how someone might be motivated to show more images even if they are not profiting personaly.

Yes, and I responded to this with a counter-argument.

Joe and i and several others pointed out that the original victims can suffer from having their humiliation dragged before the public yet again.

But this is a reason not to distribute child porn. Once the child porn has been made public, somebody who logs on and merely views it will not be dragging the victims' humiliation before the public. He will just be dragging it in front of his own eyes, and the child is unlikely to know about this.

(But his action will create a demand for more child porn, and it is wrong for that reason.)

I left your thread because you keep trotting out such things, not just these issues but others. You bring them up again and again, and each time you address them, you behave as though they had never been discussed before.

Only when my arguments have been misunderstood and need to be clarified. Or when new people enter the conversation and make arguments that I've already addressed... then I have to bring them up to date.

You attempted to pull that on me in Hawkeye's thread, and in that thread, on page 10, O'Bill for at least the second time gave a detailed account of how people can profit from showing "free" images, and on that same page you were bringing out the entire free images dog and pony show again.

I was responding to your post, which proceeded O'BILL's. I hadn't read O'BIll's post at that point. I then went onto read O'BILL's post, and I responded with requests for clarification. I was reluctant to trust somebody who had just called me a "miserable piece of garbage", so I was being as cautious as possible, asking O'BILL to explain exactly how child abusers profit even when there is no advertising on their porn sites, or when they post their porn on domains which they don't own (blogs and forums). O'BILL hadn't yet explaiend the issue of image-hosting, which was what eventually led me to be convinced that viewing child porn is rarely (if ever) a harmless action.

I didn't just bring out the "free image dog and pony show". I accepted the point about advertising and about the value of a domain increasing with the number of viewers, and I limited myself to defending the viewing of child porn in forums and blogs. O'BILL was yet to explain how that, too, could profit child abusers.

You must really think the people at this site are stupid.

Some of them are, some of them aren't.

You are fundamentally dishonest.

You can say that as many times as you like, but it won't make it true.

The rest of your post is a lie and a whine. A lie in that you claim that you were unconvinced, but at the time that i posted, you acknowledged the force of my arguments--it wasn't just O'Bill who shot down your free images bullshit, i did too.

I don't remember enough of the details to comment on whether I thought your arguments were forceful. But I do know that it was O'BILL who gave me the facts which convinced me to change my mind. You didn't explain to me that images on the internet are hosted in such a way that the author profits from the number of times the images are viewed, even in forums and blogs. As joefromchicago pointed out, for a consequentialist moral questions are reducible to fact questions. O'BILL answered my fact questions, and you didn't.

In both cases, you were right back offering the stupid contention which had been initially challenged, and in the case of Hawkeye's thread, O'Bill posted a detailed rebuttal on the top of page 10, and you were peddling your horseshit a few posts later on the same page.

See above. You've mentioned this three or four times now. This seems to be the only evidence you have of my "fundamental dishonesty". And as I have explained above, it is not evidence of this at all. It is evidence of persistence, patience, stamina, caution. Not dishonesty.

It's a whine because your chickens have come home to roost, and you don't like it.

Have you not noticed me saying, again and again, that it is wrong to view child porn? I'm quite happy to admit that I've made mistakes, and that I was wrong to think that viewing child porn is harmless and morally acceptable.

But I'm not happy to accept your evaluation of my character, because it's based on half-truths, speculations and prejudice.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 03:09 pm
Re: All BBB cold find about Agrote
DrewDad wrote:
agrote wrote:
No, consequentialists believe in one moral absolute.

An absolutist would say, for example, that lying is always wrong, regardless of the outcome. (Haven't you read your Kant?)

Okay, that isn't what I meant by absolutism. I was using the word as it is used in the very first part of that article on relativism that I linked to.

No, I haven't read much Kant.

Anyway, leaving absolutism aside, I understood you to be asking whether or not morality is relative. I argued that it wasn't, and I stand by the arguments I made to that effect. Regardless of whether morality is 'absolute' in your sense of the word (which is perhaps the correct sense of the word), I maintain that morality is not relative, and the rightness/wrongness of actions does not depend on what people think about the rightness/wrongness of actions.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 03:12 pm
Setanta wrote:
Congratulations to Agrote, who has managed to make yet another thread a thread about himself, and the unjust persecution he suffers.

You insulted me. I briefly responded. You gave a lengthier response, and it escalated from there. You made this thread about me, as much as I did.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 04:08 pm
Setanta wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
In order to LEARN, I must probe the minds of people who DISAGREE with me, to get new information.

THAT is the subject matter of this inquiry, not pornography.

This is fundamentally dishonest.

U LOVE that frase; can t get enuf of it ?
Is EVERYONE "fundamentally dishonest" (unless he agrees with u ) ?


This thread was intended to advance an argument
that providing child pornography from children
who "consented" would stop child rape.

Are u being "fundamentally dishonest" in choosing to ignor
my assertion that I have no evidence to that effect ?
Maybe you are.
I am unwilling to concede what u and your philosophical allies
have implied, that this subject shud be avoided not discussed
(your assertions to the contrary not withstanding).

I remain steadfast in support of the proposition
that any aspect of legal or social policy may be FREELY discussed and considered.
You are not required to participate against your will,
tho your participation is welcome; hopefully you will become civil.

As I have indicated elsewhere on these threads,
I do not believe that anything will STOP rape,
but it might be possible that some measures will reduce the incidence thereof.

I raised the question of whether social policy shud be to end sexual censorship
in hope that (some) rapists will be satisfied to direct their negative energies
into non-living photographic objects, to save the living women or children.

My use of the word "end" rape in the caption
was influenced by shortness of space.


The evidence for it lies in the poll to be seen at the top of every page,
which has two question, each of which are begged. One can either choose
to agree that the proposal will end child rape, or one can choose to agree
that one loves censorship for its own sake.

It is only after getting burned ?? for this that David now claims that this was just an intellectual exercise,
and that child pornography was never the subject.

I have not pointed to any law
and recommended that it be amended nor repealed.
I wish to probe opinions,
and I will continue to DO that.

U endeavor (unsuccessfully) to clothe me in shame
for raising a question for discussion.


As for those who disagree, i disagreed and very specifically explained why i disagreed.
In response, i was told to go start my own thread,

Look, u can start your own threads
and cast your assertions and your aspersions and your questions
any way that u want,
and so can I.
There is NOTHING rong with pointing that out.
U make it sound as tho I had abused u; jeez !

I reject your bluster about fundamental dishonesty.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 04:13 pm
agrote wrote:
I remember you did that once. But I also remember responding to your response, and I'm not sure that you proceeded to respond point-by-point again.

Your uncertainty is not evidence that i failed to respond point by point to the post i quoted.

Anyway, more importantly, your response was not a decisive refutation of my view. Your arguments weren't as compelling as you think.

This is pure bullshit--you are lying again. After an exchange of posts over a series of pages, you acknowledged every point i had made.

Okay, that's fair enough. But this gives me no reason to think that you weren't lying when you accused me of trotting out the same arguments. In fact, I've been making new arguments.

As i have already pointed out, i left your other thread because of your fundamental dishonesty. Making up new bullshit arguments does not alter that your claim that viewing "free" images doesn't hurt the original victims and does not increase demand for such images have been soundly and definitively refuted.

As to whether or not you think i'm lying, go read your own, pathetic goddamned thread. Read Hawkeye's thread. You do it time and time again. It was explained to you how someone can profit from providing you images of child porn, even if you don't pay for them. Within a few pages, you were trotting out once again the argument that viewing such images doesn't create a demand for them. It was explained to you all over again. Within a few pages you were trotting out the argument once again. O'Bill twice gave you detailed explanations of how someone can profit from providing images to you for free, thus establishing that viewing free images can increase demand. In both instances, you were, within a few pages (and in one case, on the very same page), trotting out a claim that viewing free images doesn't create demand.

I don't give a rat's ass if you think i'm lying or not. You're the one with the serious honesty problem.

And I have come to agree that viewing free images can create a demand, and therefore encourage further abuse.

This does not alter that you were hammered on this point, and time and again attempted to advance the argument that view free images does not create demand.

I'm not yet sure that it will hurt those who were originally victimised (i.e. the children depicted). I think the victims would need to know that you are looking at pictures at them, in order to be hurt by your action.

It has been explained to you time and again that the original victims continue to be victimized by the humiliation of knowing that images of them are out there, and available to be viewed. Who gives a **** if you are convinced or not?

Joe remarked on how someone might be motivated to show more images even if they are not profiting personaly.

Yes, and I responded to this with a counter-argument.


Joe and i and several others pointed out that the original victims can suffer from having their humiliation dragged before the public yet again.

But this is a reason not to distribute child porn. Once the child porn has been made public, somebody who logs on and merely views it will not be dragging the victims' humiliation before the public. He will just be dragging it in front of his own eyes, and the child is unlikely to know about this.

(But his action will create a demand for more child porn, and it is wrong for that reason.)

Jesus, what an idiot! It has to be distributed for you to be able to view it, genius.

Only when my arguments have been misunderstood and need to be clarified. Or when new people enter the conversation and make arguments that I've already addressed... then I have to bring them up to date.

Yeah, i know all about how you are a victim of unjust persecution . . . you prate about it frequently.

You attempted to pull that on me in Hawkeye's thread, and in that thread, on page 10, O'Bill for at least the second time gave a detailed account of how people can profit from showing "free" images, and on that same page you were bringing out the entire free images dog and pony show again.

I was responding to your post, which proceeded O'BILL's. I hadn't read O'BIll's post at that point. I then went onto read O'BILL's post, and I responded with requests for clarification. I was reluctant to trust somebody who had just called me a "miserable piece of garbage", so I was being as cautious as possible, asking O'BILL to explain exactly how child abusers profit even when there is no advertising on their porn sites, or when they post their porn on domains which they don't own (blogs and forums). O'BILL hadn't yet explaiend the issue of image-hosting, which was what eventually led me to be convinced that viewing child porn is rarely (if ever) a harmless action.

I didn't just bring out the "free image dog and pony show". I accepted the point about advertising and about the value of a domain increasing with the number of viewers, and I limited myself to defending the viewing of child porn in forums and blogs. O'BILL was yet to explain how that, too, could profit child abusers.

This is a string of lies. When you trotted out your idiotic argument that viewing free images does not create demand, you were not responding to anything which i had written. What limits you subsequently placed on your feeble arguments in no way alters that you have consistently been dishonest about your arguments, bringing up the same arguments again and again, usually doing so in a manner which doesn't acknowledge that they have been addressed by someone else, and sometimes even behaving as though your interlocutor had not already addressed your arguments.

You have been fundamentally dishonest.

You must really think the people at this site are stupid.

Some of them are, some of them aren't.

You have still treated those who are not as though they were. It is a testament to your fundamental dishonesty that you would imply that if someone here were stupid, you were somehow justified in advancing arguments which have already been refuted by others.

You are fundamentally dishonest.

You can say that as many times as you like, but it won't make it true.

Your behavior here makes it true. I just have the pleasure of rubbing your nose in it as many times as i possibly can.

The rest of your post is a lie and a whine. A lie in that you claim that you were unconvinced, but at the time that i posted, you acknowledged the force of my arguments--it wasn't just O'Bill who shot down your free images bullshit, i did too.

I don't remember enough of the details to comment on whether I thought your arguments were forceful. But I do know that it was O'BILL who gave me the facts which convinced me to change my mind. You didn't explain to me that images on the internet are hosted in such a way that the author profits from the number of times the images are viewed, even in forums and blogs. As joefromchicago pointed out, for a consequentialist moral questions are reducible to fact questions. O'BILL answered my fact questions, and you didn't.

Another string of lies. You claim that you don't remember enough detail to comment on whether or not you thought my arguments were forceful--yet above you have stated that you thought they were not compelling. So, you remembered what you thought of my arguments when you began writing this post, but forgot by the time you reached this point? You're a piece of work. There was no need to ask "fact questions" because both i and O'Bill explained just how site advertising and traffic click-through counters pay the site owners. You are lying when you say that i did not explain that the site owner profits from the number of times and image is viewed. Changing the term to "author" is a dodge, i do not care, and i doubt that anyone here cares if the "author" of an image and the site owner are one and the same person. If a site owner is exploiting the "author" of such images, i seriously doubt that any public outrage will be raised. You're just making **** up now.

In both cases, you were right back offering the stupid contention which had been initially challenged, and in the case of Hawkeye's thread, O'Bill posted a detailed rebuttal on the top of page 10, and you were peddling your horseshit a few posts later on the same page.

See above. You've mentioned this three or four times now. This seems to be the only evidence you have of my "fundamental dishonesty". And as I have explained above, it is not evidence of this at all. It is evidence of persistence, patience, stamina, caution. Not dishonesty.

God, you're pathetic. You want to claim that persisting in peddling the same bullshit argument when it has been refuted time and again is evidence of a series of virtues on your part? It is amazing just how much you are out of touch with reality. I have mentioned the O'Bill incident in Hawkeye's thread simply because it is the most egregioius example. O'Bill gave you the same detailed response in your own thread--and it was after seeing you trot out your bullshit argument once again that i left that pathetic piece of **** thread forever.

It's a whine because your chickens have come home to roost, and you don't like it.

Have you not noticed me saying, again and again, that it is wrong to view child porn? I'm quite happy to admit that I've made mistakes, and that I was wrong to think that viewing child porn is harmless and morally acceptable.

But I'm not happy to accept your evaluation of my character, because it's based on half-truths, speculations and prejudice.

It is not based on half-truths, it is completely true that you have been shown that your arguments are based on faulty assumptions, and yet have returned to them time and again. I have not speculated on these matters, i have addressed directly the facts concerning how images are distributed and how people profit from them online.

The prejudice comment is part and parcel of you martyr image. Poor, poor misunderstood Agrote--there's nothing wrong with being a paedophile, it's just an unjust social prejudice.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 04:25 pm
agrote wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Congratulations to Agrote, who has managed to make yet another thread a thread about himself, and the unjust persecution he suffers.

You insulted me. I briefly responded. You gave a lengthier response, and it escalated from there. You made this thread about me, as much as I did.

Actually, i referred to three individuals in that post--you were the only one here came here to wine about how unjustly persecuted your are. You consider that you were insulted to have someone speculate on whether or not you masturbate when considering the topic of child pornography? Perhaps you should review your entire position as a would-be pederast.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 05:02 pm
I think its really very sad and troubling,
that we cannot discuss social policy (censorship)
without such fierce ad hominem invective and defamation.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 05:13 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
U [sic] LOVE that frase [sic]; can t get enuf [sic] of it ? Is EVERYONE fundamentally dishonest" (unless he agrees with u [sic]) ?

No, just the people who lie about what they have written, when it can be demonstrated by pointing out what they have written.

I am unwilling to concede what u [sic] and your philosophical allies have implied, that this subject shud be avoided not discussed
(your assertions to the contrary not withstanding).

I have nowhere stated or implied that this subject should not be discussed. This is yet another example of your dishonesty.

I remain steadfast in support of the proposition that any aspect of legal or social policy may be FREELY discussed and considered. You are not required to participate against your will, tho [sic] your participation is welcome; hopefully you will become civil.

I only became "uncivil" to you after you had sneered at me with remarks such as your comment about me on my knees before a burglar. It was obvious at that point (which wasn't the first time you had indulged such sneers) that the gloves could come off. If you weren't prepared to deal with the consequences of your own snide hatefulness, perhaps you should not have indulged it. It seems to me that you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

You don't react well at all to criticism, and you have lashed out at me and at others on several occasions. Yet you continue to whine about civility.

As I have indicated elsewhere on these threads, I do not believe that anything will STOP rape, but it might be possible that some measures will reduce the incidence thereof.

I raised the question of whether social policy shud [[sic] be to end sexual censorship in hope that (some) rapists will be satisfied to direct their negative energies into non-living photographic objects, to save the living women or children.

My use of the word "end" rape in the caption was influenced by shortness of space.

Your use of the claim within your poll was what i had advanced as the evidence of your fundamental dishonesty. The question in the poll begs the issue of whether or not providing such images will end rape, it assumes that. The amount of space available to you in posting a poll question did not require you to beg the question of your thread. You're just making feeble excuses at this point.

The evidence for it lies in the poll to be seen at the top of every page, which has two question, each of which are begged. One can either choose to agree that the proposal will end child rape, or one can choose to agree that one loves censorship for its own sake.

It is only after getting burned for this that David now claims that this was just an intellectual exercise, and that child pornography was never the subject.

Nonsense. I have not pointed to any law and recommended that it be amended nor repealed. I wish to probe opinions, and I will continue to DO that.

U [sic] endeavor (unsuccessfully) to clothe me in shame
for raising a question for discussion.

Whether or not you had reference to laws has nothing to do with the fact that your poll questions invited respondents to agree that your proposed measure would end rape, or to proclaim that they favor an unreasonable censorship.

I have not attempted to "clothe [you] in shame" for bringing up the topic. You are starting to sound like Agrote in his martyr mode--poor misunderstood, persecuted you.

You stated that your thread was not about pornography or any specific measures, that it was just about exploring the subject--but your poll questions gave the lie to this. You also stated that you wanted to learn from others who disagreed with you--yet when i disagreed with you, which i did with specific references to the premises of the thread, and without calling you any names, you first suggested that i start a different thread, and then made a witless post about having seen a raccoon, and that you thought it was me. Oh yeah, you want to explore what others who disagree with you think.

In your post #3317461, you made this claim:

OmSigDAVID wrote:
The subject matter of this thread
is ENDING RAPE by deflecting the emotions that impel it,
toward non-living (photografic) [sic] objects.

But in this thread, in your post #3318478, you make this claim:

OmSigDAVID wrote:
These threads have been explorations into the relationship between emotions and photography, or perhaps more broadly into the relationship between emotions and art.

I 'm not inquiring into pornography; I am inquiring into WHAT u [sic] all THINK about it, and how the law shud [sic] apply to it and how your thought process operate.

In order to LEARN, I must probe the minds of people who DISAGREE with me, to get new information.

THAT is the subject matter of this inquiry, not pornography.

Note that you referred to "these threads," not to this thread. Given what i quoted from the earlier thread, you have been dishonest, either there or here.

As for those who disagree, i disagreed and very specifically explained why i disagreed. In response, i was told to go start my own thread,

Look, u [sic] can start your own threads and cast your assertions and your aspersions and your questions any way that u [sic] want, and so can I. There is NOTHING rong [sic] with pointing that out. U [sic make it sound as tho [sic] I had abused u [sic]; jeez !

Nonsense, i wasn't complaining about being abused. I was pointing out the hypocricy of you claiming that you wanted to learn from people who disagreed with you, and yet when i disagreed with you, and gave specific responses to your points of discussion, you told me i should start my own thread.

I reject your bluster about fundamental dishonesty.

Here's a quarter . . . go call somebody who gives a rat's ass what you do or don't reject.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 05:17 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I think its really very sad and troubling,
that we cannot discuss social policy (censorship)
without such fierce ad hominem invective and defamation.

Argumentum ad hominem is a logical fallacy which occurs when one interlocutor substitutes name-calling for a response to the other's arguments. I have addressed Agrote's claims point by point--telling him he is a liar thereafter is only an illicit little pleasure. It is not argumentum ad hominem because i have responded to what he has written point by point.

For a long time, i reponded to your threads, if i bothered to go into them at all, with references to what you had written. In your gun threads, which often partake of an hysterical tone, you began to describe me and other members as cowards and haters of freedom because we dared to disagree with you. You began the defamation, and now you whine about it. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. At the point at which you began to characterize me as a coward and hater of freedom, i considered the gloves to be off. You had made yourself fair game for invective because you had employed it against me and against others.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 05:44 pm
Setanta wrote:
agrote wrote:
I remember you did that once. But I also remember responding to your response, and I'm not sure that you proceeded to respond point-by-point again.

Your uncertainty is not evidence that i failed to respond point by point to the post i quoted.

I'm not denying that you responded point by point to the post you quoted. I'm denying that you kept it up in your subsequent posts.

Anyway, more importantly, your response was not a decisive refutation of my view. Your arguments weren't as compelling as you think.

This is pure bullshit--you are lying again. After an exchange of posts over a series of pages, you acknowledged every point i had made.

I'll have to look at the thread again before I comment on this.

Okay, that's fair enough. But this gives me no reason to think that you weren't lying when you accused me of trotting out the same arguments. In fact, I've been making new arguments.

As i have already pointed out, i left your other thread because of your fundamental dishonesty. Making up new bullshit arguments does not alter that your claim that viewing "free" images doesn't hurt the original victims and does not increase demand for such images have been soundly and definitively refuted.

So do you admit that you were mistaken to accuse me of trotting out the same arguments?

As to whether or not you think i'm lying, go read your own, pathetic goddamned thread. Read Hawkeye's thread. You do it time and time again. It was explained to you how someone can profit from providing you images of child porn, even if you don't pay for them. Within a few pages, you were trotting out once again the argument that viewing such images doesn't create a demand for them. It was explained to you all over again. Within a few pages you were trotting out the argument once again. O'Bill twice gave you detailed explanations of how someone can profit from providing images to you for free, thus establishing that viewing free images can increase demand. In both instances, you were, within a few pages (and in one case, on the very same page), trotting out a claim that viewing free images doesn't create demand.

Reread my previous post. I've just dealt with this allegation.

I don't give a rat's ass if you think i'm lying or not. You're the one with the serious honesty problem.

I don't think you're lying about the page 10 thing. I think you've misinterpreted it, as I explained in my previous post.

And I have come to agree that viewing free images can create a demand, and therefore encourage further abuse.

This does not alter that you were hammered on this point, and time and again attempted to advance the argument that view free images does not create demand.

O'BILL was the one who "hammered" me on this point, and he did it incrementally. He wasn't aware of my ignorance of how the itnernet works, so I had to press him before he confirmed that even when child porn is posted on a blog or forum, the child abuser most likely profits from people viewing it, because the value of the domain on which they host the images icnreases with the number of times the images are viewed, in any location. I admitted defeat after this final revalation - after my arguments were decisively defeated. And not before.

What, exactly, are you complaining about? Would you prefer me to have said that viewing child porn is harmless before I had been shown exactly what was harmful about it? Wouldn't that have been intellectually dishonest?

I'm not yet sure that it will hurt those who were originally victimised (i.e. the children depicted). I think the victims would need to know that you are looking at pictures at them, in order to be hurt by your action.

It has been explained to you time and again that the original victims continue to be victimized by the humiliation of knowing that images of them are out there, and available to be viewed. Who gives a **** if you are convinced or not?

I do, obviously. I have said time and time again that the act of viewing child porn will not change this fact. The images will be available to be viewed whether or not some paedophile chooses to view them. The child is unlikely to know that they are available to be viewed, unless the child is in the habit of looking for child porn on the internet. The child is more likely to assume that they are being viewed, and they will assume this whether or not anybody actually views them.

For that reason, I am as yet unconvinced that viewing child porn further harms the children who have already been abused. If you can explain to me how your argument survives the objections I have just posed, then you may be able to change my mind.

Joe remarked on how someone might be motivated to show more images even if they are not profiting personaly.

Yes, and I responded to this with a counter-argument.


You're entitled to think that it was not a good counter-argument. But I did make one... it was to do with the motivation not being dependent on other paedophiles viewing the child porn.

Joe and i and several others pointed out that the original victims can suffer from having their humiliation dragged before the public yet again.

But this is a reason not to distribute child porn. Once the child porn has been made public, somebody who logs on and merely views it will not be dragging the victims' humiliation before the public. He will just be dragging it in front of his own eyes, and the child is unlikely to know about this.

(But his action will create a demand for more child porn, and it is wrong for that reason.)

Jesus, what an idiot! It has to be distributed for you to be able to view it, genius.

But not by the viewer. The viewer is not responsible for its distribution. The act of logging on and viewing some child porn obviously does not result in that child porn being made available to the viewer. The child porn has to be available to be viewed, before it can be viewed. So the action of logging on to some child porn is not the action of "dragging the victims' humiliation before the public". That act has already taken place: the act of putting child porn up on the web to be viewed; an act which I have never defended.

Am I getting through to you? Basically, there's a difference between logging onto a website... and making a website. If you make a website full of child porn, you parade child abuse victims around in front of the public. If you log onto a website full of child porn, you are the public. Viewing child porn does not make you guilty of humiliating previous victims of child abuse. It makes you guilty of encouraging further abuse to take place, which is a different crime.

Only when my arguments have been misunderstood and need to be clarified. Or when new people enter the conversation and make arguments that I've already addressed... then I have to bring them up to date.

Yeah, i know all about how you are a victim of unjust persecution . . . you prate about it frequently.

This has got nothing to do with unjust persecution. I'm not accusing anybody of persecuting me; I'm accusing them of misunderstanding my arguments. For whatever reason - whether it's ignorance, prejudice, or whether I'm just not very good at explaining myself - people frequently misunderstood my points, and so I felt the need to clarify them. That is why I ended up repeating myself a lot.

You attempted to pull that on me in Hawkeye's thread, and in that thread, on page 10, O'Bill for at least the second time gave a detailed account of how people can profit from showing "free" images, and on that same page you were bringing out the entire free images dog and pony show again.

I was responding to your post, which proceeded O'BILL's. I hadn't read O'BIll's post at that point. I then went onto read O'BILL's post, and I responded with requests for clarification. I was reluctant to trust somebody who had just called me a "miserable piece of garbage", so I was being as cautious as possible, asking O'BILL to explain exactly how child abusers profit even when there is no advertising on their porn sites, or when they post their porn on domains which they don't own (blogs and forums). O'BILL hadn't yet explaiend the issue of image-hosting, which was what eventually led me to be convinced that viewing child porn is rarely (if ever) a harmless action.

I didn't just bring out the "free image dog and pony show". I accepted the point about advertising and about the value of a domain increasing with the number of viewers, and I limited myself to defending the viewing of child porn in forums and blogs. O'BILL was yet to explain how that, too, could profit child abusers.

This is a string of lies. When you trotted out your idiotic argument that viewing free images does not create demand, you were not responding to anything which i had written.

I'm talking about the post I made on page 10 of the cannibal thread, in which I quoted a post that you had written.

What limits you subsequently placed on your feeble arguments in no way alters that you have consistently been dishonest about your arguments, bringing up the same arguments again and again, usually doing so in a manner which doesn't acknowledge that they have been addressed by someone else, and sometimes even behaving as though your interlocutor had not already addressed your arguments.

This is incredibly ironic. This is exactly what you are doing. Right now. You're repeating the same accusations of dishonesty and repetition, despite everything I've written in response to those allegations. You're not dealing with the objections I've made to your accusations; you're just repeatign the accusations, as if blisffully unaware that your interlocutor has already addressed your arguments.

You have been fundamentally dishonest.

There you go again.

You must really think the people at this site are stupid.

Some of them are, some of them aren't.

You have still treated those who are not as though they were. It is a testament to your fundamental dishonesty that you would imply that if someone here were stupid, you were somehow justified in advancing arguments which have already been refuted by others.

I'm not implying that, and I don't think it.

You are fundamentally dishonest.

You can say that as many times as you like, but it won't make it true.

Your behavior here makes it true.

That's just another way of saying "Your are being fundamentally dishonest." You're just repeating the accusation. You're not adding anything to the conversation.

The rest of your post is a lie and a whine. A lie in that you claim that you were unconvinced, but at the time that i posted, you acknowledged the force of my arguments--it wasn't just O'Bill who shot down your free images bullshit, i did too.

I don't remember enough of the details to comment on whether I thought your arguments were forceful. But I do know that it was O'BILL who gave me the facts which convinced me to change my mind. You didn't explain to me that images on the internet are hosted in such a way that the author profits from the number of times the images are viewed, even in forums and blogs. As joefromchicago pointed out, for a consequentialist moral questions are reducible to fact questions. O'BILL answered my fact questions, and you didn't.

Another string of lies. You claim that you don't remember enough detail to comment on whether or not you thought my arguments were forceful--yet above you have stated that you thought they were not compelling.

Yes, I was previously under the impression that I hadn't found your posts compelling. But you've just caused me to doubt this, by confidently asserting that I went on to acknowledge the force of your arguments.

I won't be able to take much more of this. I simply haven't been lying - to you or anyone else. Mistakes are not lies. I generally don't lie, and if you knew me you might agree. Being told repeatedly that I am a liar is indescribably frustrating. If it continues, you may not hear from me again. You're completely entitled to dislike me, or to disapprove of my views or my sexuality/paraphilia/sickness/whateveryouwanttocallit, or aspects of my character which actually exist. But I can't cope with being accused of being an all-round dishonest person, when I know that it isn't true. I'll never convince you of that, of course, but so be it.

So, you remembered what you thought of my arguments when you began writing this post, but forgot by the time you reached this point? You're a piece of work.

You're very aggressive, aren't you.

There was no need to ask "fact questions" because both i and O'Bill explained just how site advertising and traffic click-through counters pay the site owners.

I can't remember what you said about it (yes, I honestly can't remember; I'm sorry that your posts aren't memorable). But I remember distinctly that O'BILL answered my fact questions one at a time. First he pointed out that child abusers could make money with advertising. Then he explained that even without advertising, the value of a domain increases depending on the number of visitors it gets. Finally, he explained that the value of a domain increases based on the number of times images hosted by it are viewed - including in other locations, such as forums or blogs. He explained one of these things at a time, and so for example before his final point I was still convinced that it was harmless to view child porn posted in a forum.

The question of whether it is wrong to view child porn in a forum boils down to the fact question (among others) of whether doing so financially benefits the producer of the porn. I became convinced that the action was wrong after o'Bill answered this fact question. Not before.

Is that unreasonable?

You are lying when you say that i did not explain that the site owner profits from the number of times and image is viewed.

I honestly don't remember you saying that. Mistakes of memory are not lies.

Changing the term to "author" is a dodge, i do not care, and i doubt that anyone here cares if the "author" of an image and the site owner are one and the same person. If a site owner is exploiting the "author" of such images, i seriously doubt that any public outrage will be raised. You're just making **** up now.

Which part of my post are you talking about here? You've lost me.

You want to claim that persisting in peddling the same bullshit argument when it has been refuted time and again is evidence of a series of virtues on your part?

Nope. Three problems with that question:

1) I don't believe in virtue. I don't think patience, stamina etc. are virtues. I just think that I do happen to be persistent when it comes to a debate, and I can keep going long after other people (quite reasonably) lose interest and drop out of the conversation. I think that takes patience, stamina... I can't remember what the other word was.

2) I think you have those qualities. Well, maybe not patience. But you've clearly got a lot of stamina. Even if I did believe in virtue, you'd be the last person for me to call virtuous. So virtue's got nothing to do with it.

3) I don't think I have been peddling the same bullshit after it's been refuted time and time again. My persistence was with my line of enquiry into whether it is wrong to view child porn, not with any particular "bullshit argument"; certainly not one that was refuted. I kept the question, posed in the title of my thread, open until the moment I could see that it had been resolved. Not a moment before.

It is amazing just how much you are out of touch with reality. I have mentioned the O'Bill incident in Hawkeye's thread simply because it is the most egregioius example.

Okay. So what are the other examples?

O'Bill gave you the same detailed response in your own thread--and it was after seeing you trot out your bullshit argument once again that i left that pathetic piece of **** thread forever.

Have you read a single word I've written about this today?

It's a whine because your chickens have come home to roost, and you don't like it.

Have you not noticed me saying, again and again, that it is wrong to view child porn? I'm quite happy to admit that I've made mistakes, and that I was wrong to think that viewing child porn is harmless and morally acceptable.

But I'm not happy to accept your evaluation of my character, because it's based on half-truths, speculations and prejudice.

It is not based on half-truths, it is completely true that you have been shown that your arguments are based on faulty assumptions, and yet have returned to them time and again.

So how come I no longer think it's okay to view child porn?

I have not speculated on these matters, i have addressed directly the facts concerning how images are distributed and how people profit from them online.

I'm accusing you of speculating about my character.

The prejudice comment is part and parcel of you martyr image.

Hey, you're the one who keeps telling me I'm a victim. I've said nothing of the sort.

Poor, poor misunderstood Agrote--there's nothing wrong with being a paedophile, it's just an unjust social prejudice.

Think carefully about that statement. Paedophilia is a sexual disposition (a disposition to find children arousing). It's involuntary; nobody chooses to have it. And it's officially deemed pathological; an illness.

How could it be wrong to develop an illness, through no fault of your own, which consists of nothing more than tendency to feel aroused?

Have you ever heard of the Kantian principle that "ought implies can"? Wrong actions are actions that we ought not perform. If we ought not do something, this implies that we are able to refrain from doing it (and if we ought to do something, that implies that we can do it). Paedophiles are unable to refrain from being paedophiles. Yet you seem to think that they ought not to be paedophiles; that being a paedophile is wrong.

This flies in the face of the widely accepted "ought implies can" principle. It's a controversial position to hold, and it requires argument. I wonder if you have an argument for it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 06:39 pm
I'm not going to play the nested quote game with you. This is why i dropped out of your self-justification thread. The fact that you repeat arguments which have been refuted, and which you acknowledge have been refuted (which you did in response to posts by me and by Joe) in other threads, or later in the same thread, is the evidence that you are fundamentally dishonest. So pointing out that your behavior here makes it true that you are fundamentally dishonest is not a case of simply repeating an accusation, which you imply is unsupported. It is a case of pointing out that the accusation is proven by the manner in which you have posted in various threads. You acknowledged in your own thread the force of the arguments which i and Joe advanced, then you appeared in Hawkeye's thread, and advanced arguments which had already been refuted in your thread, which you acknowledged as having been refuted in that thread, as though the mere fact that you were now in a different thread entitled you to behave as though your arguments had never been refuted.

That makes you fundamentally dishonest. You can play the nest quote game again if you wish, but i'm not playing that game with you. You have demonstrated your dishonesty, and i don't feel in the least obliged to prove it again each time you object.

I certainly do i hope i never hear from you again. Your repetition of the same stale arguments, which have been shredded again and again by me, and by others who have done so with considerably more aplomb makes you a tedious person to have to deal with. I have not, for the record, ever accused you of being an "all-round dishonest person." I have accused you of being fundamentally dishonest, and that is based on your continued attempts to advance arguments which have been refuted, repeatedly, by more than one member here. Essentially, it appears that you are saying that no one here is clever enough to have refuted any argument of yours, and that no matter how often or how well someone does so, you are excused because of your conceit that you "write well" and advance "carefully honed" arguments. In fact, you can't know if your arguments are "carefully honed" until you try them out, and at this site, the quality of your arguments has a very poor track record indeed.

It may well be that it is not in your character to be willfully dishonest. In that case, one can only assume that you are fundamentally dishonest with yourself, and will cling to demolished arguments because you cannot face the alternative, which is that all your attempts at self-justification, all your attempts to vindicate yourself have failed. Too bad--part of growing up is accepting that you can be wrong, and that you need to change. You display little or no willingness to change your point of view, so whether it is willful dishonesty, or just self-delusional dishonesty with yourself, i consider you to be fundamentally dishonest.

I have to speculate on your character, as i don't know you personally. All i have to go on is how you present yourself here. That presentation leads me to the conclusion that you are fundamentally dishonest. That this dishonesty may arise from having deluded yourself, and being dishonest to yourself doesn't alter that it is dishonesty.

I find it ironically humorous that you claim that you have never portrayed yourself as a victim, and then immediately after that go on and on about how a paedophile cannot help being what he is, saying: "How could it be wrong to develop an illness, through no fault of your own, which consists of nothing more than tendency to feel aroused?" That sure stinks of self-pity to me.

I have not stated that simply being a paedophile is a wrong action. However, to claim that society has an unjust prejudice against paedophiles and then to drag out your Kantian argument is the height of absurdity. Society does not condemn people simply for having paedophilic tendencies. Society cannot know that someone is a paedophile unless they act upon their lusts. At that point, they have done wrong, even by your Kantian standard, because they will have done what they ought not to do. It is upon that basis which society condemns paedophilia, so you just indulge a whine to complain about it.

Do another of your nest quote routines, but don't expect an answer. I've grown sick of your delusions and your attempts to defend your delusions, often with contradictory statements and puling references to the injustice of expecting you to overcome what you freely admit is an illness. If it is an illness, get help for it. But don't come here looking for sympathy, you won't find any.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 06:57 pm
You had made yourself fair game for invective because you had employed it against me and against others. - setanta

On Abuzz, I defended david when he was accused of being one of the more notorious trolls (Massagato). david thanked me. Then, when I appeared on one of his threads, he attacked me in the face of my friendly posts, with a flurry of invective I won't try to recount. My point is, he he has not gotten respect from me from that day. Any here who have noticed my attitude can now know why.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 07:00 pm

I don't actually consider you to be a fundamentally dishonest person--not necessarily. I consider that you often have naively simplistic points of view, especially as regards capitalism, alleged laissez-faire "free markets, and the issue of gun control. But i think you have been basically honest in the naive (and what i think are ill-considered) remarks you have made on those subjects.

I do believe you have been dishonest on the issue of child pornography and rape. Of course, it didn't help that you unwittingly walked into a hornet's nest. Essentially, you were blind-sided by this topic, because, i suspect, you were not prepared for the reactions it would get.

Agrote revealed his paedophilia quite some time ago--it may have been as much as two years ago. Then he began his latest attempt at self-justification in the thread to which i and others have referred. In the interim, between the time he first revealed that he is a paedophile, and the time when he started his thread on a law proposed in the UK, the member Hawkeye raised some truly bizarre issues about rape and the age of consent. He stated that he thought rape laws are actually an example of prejudice against men. He stated that there can be no such thing as marital rape. He even wandered deep enough into the quicksand to allege that having sexual relations with an unconscious woman does not constitute rape. He railed against age of consent laws, and argued that even "the experts" don't have a clear idea of what consent is, and he consistent avoided ever responding to the issue of informed consent. He jumped into Agrote's thread about the proposed new law in the UK to bring up his views on rape again, and he got hammered for it. So he started a thread of his own, and attempted to justify sexual relations with adolescent girls, and attempted to justify his views on rape. Drew Dad started a thread in which he stated in no uncertain terms that it is wrong to view child pornography, a direct response to and lampoon of Agrote's thread.

So by the time you came along with your threads on this topic, people were sick to death of the entire subject. They were sick of it popping up everywhere (or so it seemed) and they were sick of what they saw as the necessity of constantly pointing out that child pornography is wrong, and why it is wrong.

You first sally into the subject was rather naive. You suggested that child rape could be ended (or, as you later claimed, reduced) if children who "consented" were allowed to pose for photographs, which could then be provided to people who wanted to view them, and that that would reduce the incidence of child rape.

This is naive because it ignores the issue of informed consent. Anyone who is under the age of 18 is legally a child. The law considers that people under the age of 18 are not sufficiently mature and lack sufficient experience of the world to give informed consent to a variety of things, and not just sex. For example, someone under the age of 18 is not allowed to sign a financially binding contract, because the law considers that they lack the maturity and experience to understand what it means to agree to financially binding conditions. Of course, the law also considers that children under the age of 18 lack the maturity and experience to consent to sexual acts with adults (most state jurisdictions make distinctions about minors having sex with other minors, or having sex with someone who is within three years of their own age).

So your call for children to consent to be photographed for the purpose of assuaging the lusts of paedophiles was naive in that legally (and many here would also say morally), children are not capable of giving informed consent to pose for such photographs. If their parents were to consent for them, the law would consider that a form of child abuse, in that it would exploit them sexually.

That is why your response to this topic has drawn the fire and ire which you have experienced. It is unfortunate that you later decided to claim that you were not talking about child pornography, but just wanted to discuss the topic of censorship, because that was dishonest on your part.

Believing that you are deluded and naive, but also not believing that you have been willfully dishonest, i am willing to "bury the hatchet" as the expression goes. At any time, however, that i find you referring to me in a disparaging manner as you have done in the past--i'll give it back to you in spades.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 07:02 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
You had made yourself fair game for invective because you had employed it against me and against others. - setanta

On Abuzz, I defended david when he was accused of being one of the more notorious trolls (Massagato). david thanked me. Then, when I appeared on one of his threads, he attacked me in the face of my friendly posts, with a flurry of invective I won't try to recount. My point is, he he has not gotten respect from me from that day. Any here who have noticed my attitude can now know why.

That was pretty much my experience here; i don't remember him from Abuzz.

However, i have offered the olive branch. It remains to be seen how he responds.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 07:20 pm
Re: All BBB cold find about Agrote
DrewDad wrote:
agrote wrote:
No, consequentialists believe in one moral absolute.

An absolutist would say, for example, that lying is always wrong, regardless of the outcome. (Haven't you read your Kant?)

A moral absolutist believes that there is one objective standard for morality. Under that definition, a consequentialist is certainly an absolutist. Kant, for instance, was an absolutist because he held that the categorical imperative was the one objective standard of morality. J.S. Mill, on the other hand, was an absolutist because he held that the principal of utility was the one objective standard of morality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 07:38 pm
Agrote revealed his paedophilia quite some time ago--it may have been as much as two years ago. Then he began his latest attempt at self-justification in the thread to which i and others have referred. In the interim, between the time he first revealed that he is a paedophile, and the time when he started his thread on a law proposed in the UK, the member Hawkeye raised some truly bizarre issues about rape and the age of consent. He stated that he thought rape laws are actually an example of prejudice against men. He stated that there can be no such thing as marital rape. He even wandered deep enough into the quicksand to allege that having sexual relations with an unconscious woman does not constitute rape. He railed against age of consent laws, and argued that even "the experts" don't have a clear idea of what consent is, and he consistent avoided ever responding to the issue of informed consent. He jumped into Agrote's thread about the proposed new law in the UK to bring up his views on rape again, and he got hammered for it. So he started a thread of his own, and attempted to justify sexual relations with adolescent girls, and attempted to justify his views on rape. Drew Dad started a thread in which he stated in no uncertain terms that it is wrong to view child pornography, a direct response to and lampoon of Agrote's thread.

You leave the impression that I believe that anything not rape should be OK, which very clearly is not my view. I am advocating for a graduated scale of sexual misunderstanding/transgression, many of them would no longer be called rape (as many were not until these last years) and would not be handled by the courts. My ideas may be bizarre on the sense that they go against conventional wisdom and the current moral structure, but they are supportable on the grounds that they would benefit societal health.

BTW, sex with an unconscious person who has not previously given indications of consent would be rape. Also, I have responded in depth about what informed consent is however I don't believe that all sex that violates informed consent should be illegal. Sex is a mutual exploration, we don't know the destination until we get there, so informed consent in sex is often a fallacy. We like to pretend that we know what we are doing and that we are in control of ourselves, but this is not always the case. Just as sex is better when it is a little bit dirty, so it is also better when it is a little bit out of control. Informed consent is a shackle and a poor fitting one at that.
0 Replies

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