Hey lovelies...
Well, this time tomorrow we will be at the airport - gotta be up at 4am and will have nearly 24hours travelling in front of us door to door. Oh my word. Talk about pushing my limits.
Friends arrive today that are gonna be staying in the house - so we just get up early and mosey on out the door and..................... off we go!
So very tired right now but very excited.
The little cabin is all booked up for the middle of the 24 days - it's luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvly - and I can't wait. Only a couple days - but it will be wonderful. If anyone is in the Arkansas area - give me a shout - we'll be on a big lake to the West. (I think!)
Mackenzie (hey) - have got all my meds together - rather a lot of them and will carry them in my hand luggage. US immigration may think I am a travelling pharmacist. Also got a letter from my doctor stating I may need assisted boarding and all that. So hopefully, go that covered.
Worse comes to worse - I NOW HAVE TRAVEL INSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All done (just haven't received the email yet

Mysterman - thanku - you've been fab with your info and generosity.
Margo - jump on a plane and I'll pack you in my backpack! What a riot that woud be a?
Ooooooooooooooooh can feel some loud music coming on right now - maybe that will wake me up!!!