On Our Way Stateside... Advice Please...

Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 03:43 pm
Hey lovelies

Have no cell or internet signal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva - have your numbers on my PM!!!!!!! OH NO

Hope you can get hold of JPB and sort out to meet up at lunchtime tomorrow. I have a DrusillaGPS (whole other story) so we can find your house if that's easier for you - you'll need to let JPB know. Can't wait to meet you. xxxxx

Hope everyone is doing good. We've had the best time - (bugs are way massive and bothering the little fella a lot) - cabins have been wonderful. Think I found Heaven when we arrived at Devil's Den. Been to the Chapel. Canoeing on the lake. Just fab. Off now to buy up a gift shop!

Lovin y'all

Iz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 07:57 pm
Waikiki, Maui and San Francisco/Sonoma were all wonderful, Mismi! I will have to recap as soon as I figure out how to work things around here. I had to hit the ground running as soon as we returned re: work, and now A2K's giving me headaches!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 08:04 pm
I had Shewolf's e-mail address in a PM, Rockhead, just like yours...gone now! I don't have JPB's or D&D's...we always communicated by PM. I do have phone numbers for the bunch in ABQ, but it is late now.

JPB...if the cell phone number you have ends in -9980, it's current. What time should I be at the airport tomorrow? (That may be the easiest way.)
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 08:13 pm
Eva, I posted a ghost E-mail on my thread for these kinda things.

Hit it with your e-mail, (if you trust me), and I will e-mail you from one of my regulars...

Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 08:16 pm
Will go look for it right now. I assume that's your music thread?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 08:26 pm
Just e-mailed you! Please check ASAP!

Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 08:38 pm
Done, sent you one from "me"

0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 06:12 am
JPB...if the cell phone number you have ends in -9980, it's current. What time should I be at the airport tomorrow? (That may be the easiest way.)

Yep, that's it. I'll be arriving at 12:15 and plan on meeting Izzie and the little fellow in the baggage claim area. We've got some silliness to take care of with the rental car and then can head out. I'm leaving here around 8:30 but can call you from the airport.

RH can send you my cell number by email (heh, I just typed PM), if he hasn't already done so.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 07:16 pm
Hey All

Just to let y'all know we had the best time in Arkansas and saw and did loads. Pics to post when I get back to the UK. Still trying to get the hang of the new A2K.

Met the gorgeous Eva and it was so wonderful. Posted back to you Eva on the Yabber Liner. Having a fab time in Kansas with RH and JPB - been out tonight and are being thoroughly looked after and spoiled by the US contingent.

Had a G&T earlier..... so need to go lie down.

It's been the best time in the USA.

Hey to SheW, Osso, Mysteryman, CJ, FoxFyre, Beth, Roger, BPB, Alex, Soz, Butrflynet, Dys, CJgirl, Mac11, Margo, McKenzie, Mis, LilK, Tai, HIM, Hamburger et al...... it's been great! Thanks all for your help xox xxxx
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 08:47 pm
Thanks for the post, Iz. Post when you can. Meantime, we're all enjoying your trip. Rest, and have fun, all of you.

Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 12:24 am
Thanks Osso....

Here's a few pics of Devil's Den and what I wrote on Tuesday but couldn't post it.... this place was special...

Have loads of photos but may need to wait til I get home before I can post all (and put y'all to sleep.... Rolling Eyes )

K- lovelies..... this was written on Tuesday when we arrived at Devils Den - such a fantastic day................................. so, apologies for the delay but this is just the log for that day.....


Well…..what an amazing day.

We left and got to the airport…fortunately it wasn’t too hot and we got checked in - then…. O’Bill " you will laugh " SECURITY TOOK MY BUG SPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I begged and pleaded " but nope…. as I was looking very pitiful….they let me carry on the half used one " didn’t notice any shampoo or conditioner which was a bit of a result " BUT THEY TOOK MY NEW BUG SPRAY!!!!!

HA " then, we got on the plane…. no probs…lovely clouds " 55 mins " THEN AS WE CAME INTO LAND " Dan Dare had overshot the runway " he went to the left " then to the right " it looked as tho the wing was going to hit the trees " then the loudest roar of engines " little fella and I looked at one another " held hands….. kids in front were jokingly saying “we’re going to die” (which kinda worried the little guy) and we went very quickly back up in the air " IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOUD. Oh My Word. So…we’re all sat there thinking….” Mmmmmmmmm ….. what’s going on” and Dan Dare makes an announcement “Sorry about that folks " we came in a little too fast so are gonna try it again” " HA " OMG " WHO IS FLYING THIS PLANE!!!!!! Nervous tittling laughter throughout the cabin " little fella and I a little white knuckled (nearly required the incontinence pad " phew phew phew) - anyhoo " we landed safely " eventually " then had to have the ‘ole wheels through the airport " lovely lady pushing me along and little fella still holding my hand.

Got the checked in bag " got to the car rental place….. CREDIT CARD DECLINED…….OMG!!!!!! Queue of folk behind us… nervous tittling again " handed over another credit card… and off we went (or rather off I was pushed) to get the car. Then….. met a very nice fella " Andrew! What a darling he was. Decided, being blonde and all that, and thanks to dear Alex who made a wonderful suggestion " and got a GPS. Well I never did!!!!!!!!! Bless Andrew " he tried and tried and tried to get the GPS working (which we had named Drew by this stage) " nope…wasn’t going to work " so we sat giggling in the car for about half and hour and he emerged from the office punching his fist in the air and a big smile on his face. So Drew was installed " Devil’s Den was set …… and off we went. EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY. Drew turned out to be a girl…..so is now DrusillaGPS " need to figure out how to give her a sex change and get a sexy blokes voice….

We put on some very loud Nickelback " and flew down the highway " and didn’t get lost!!!!! (until we stopped for fodder and couldn’t work out how to get back on to the highway!) Driving into Arkansas was very much like driving in England….. similar scenery. We went through Ozark National Park and saw a beautiful lake. Just kept stopping and taking photos. It was wonderful. Loved driving here…. Just loved it.

DrusillaGPS got us to Devil’s Den….. and then I arrived in Heaven.

Oh guys " you should see this place " it is stunning….so, so stunning. We drove down this long and winding road….(ooooh, feel a song coming on) and at the bottom discovered the Visitor Centre was closed. Mmmmmmm…… now what? We spotted a Ranger…. Another very nice chap who took us over and showed us where the keys to the cabin were and how to get them (he was most apologetic that we hadn’t been told what to do " bless) THEN……OMG " BUTTERFLIES…. Everywhere " this was about 5.30pm " they were huge butterflies…..HUGE HUGE HUGE…at that was right outside the empty Visitor Centre. The nice Ranger pointed us in the right direction and we got back in the lovely car and drove to the cabin……..then I knew I was in Heaven….. deer deer deer deer deer " just wondering around the beautiful cabins….I was so gobsmacked " they were so close…. Of course " photos photos photos…. THEN we found our cabin. Number 16 (16 is my favourite number) " OH " our cabin is gorgeous. We couldn’t believe how lucky we are " we just stared at it and went “ooooh ahhhhh” " then we ran (yep, ran) up the steps and in " LOVELY. Just perfect.

So….. we decided to go exploring…… about 6.30pm by this stage….. we found the DAM. The Devil’s Dam. Sheesh " can’t believe we are just surrounded by all this beauty. Well, I can’t really describe it " other than " incredible. We were the ONLY folk there….. not a soul to see…. We must have climbed and clambered on every rock " dragonflies everywhere (they will NOT sit still for photos tho!) " great big white ones with 4 brown carrier bags on their wings " they all look like they’ve been to the sales. Little fella is a little unsettled with all the bugs " they are HUMUNGOUS here (just had 2 wasps in the cabin " he screams very loud). We went walking along the trails " we saw moor deer " took heap of pics. Will let y’all make your minds up as to what you think the place is like. I love it. We love it. We bought a few supplies and came back to the cabin about 9pm. As I stepped outside…. There was a raccoon looking at me right by the table….. oh….. a Rocky Racoon with the biggest mask and cheekiest face you ever did see. Little fella was beside himself. We sat for a few minutes " and all you could see were fireflies " their little bums lighting the way through the forest. It sounds like a tropical rainforest outside. Just the most incredible sound I have ever heard. It is sooooooo loud.

So, I am sitting here with my Earl Grey, little fella is easting skittles " and I can’t wait for tomorrow to come. We are going to hire a canoe and go up river…. Walk a few trails (there’s a waterfall we need to find!) and then we shall have to leave and head for Beaver Lake. So desperately want to be able to share this with y’all right now " I have an internet connection…..public WiFi " but who the heck knows how to get it working….. hey ho!

So…. It’s been a great day " so very happy and feel as tho I am really living. It’s been a long time " living sure does feel good.

Couple Pics....or a few

Devil's Den - being in a Devil's Den was Heaven... but I knew that a Blue?



Our Cabin





Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 12:28 am
K - gonna post pics on here.... or maybe start a new thread.... just wanted y'all to see what you all helped me to achieve!

Last Friday met up with JPB and EVA.... went to lunch - what a great time....
Izzie wrote:

So.................... here are JPB and EVA - aren't they just the loveliest lovelies.

We had a fab lunch, great company, not enough time.





Son of Eva and the Little Fella
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 12:40 am
Ozark National Park









Handsome BLUE.... of course...

Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 02:57 am
I wish I had known you were going to Devils Den.
I went there last year for a vacation, and it is an absolutely gorgeous place.
(Of course, you probably did tell us and I missed it).

I am glad you are having a great time, and I hope you get so many pics of everything that you need a new computer just for them.
Its good to see that you are enjoying yourself, and that little one is also.
Its a shame that you couldnt get to Crater of Diamonds State Park, but that gives you an excuse to come back for another visit.

I am trult glad to see that the other A2K'ers that you are meeting are taking good care of you, and am saddened that I wont get to meet you.

But if you ever do come back to the states, I am claiming the privelege of getting to meet you and little one and to take you to the Garden of the Gods

Its about 45 minutes from my house, and it is an absolutely stunning place to visit.

So, enjoy the rest of your trip, and I hope you will have many pleasant memories of the US and all of the people you meet here.
And I am truly sorry that my wife and I didnt get to meet you, and I hope that someday we can.
Reply Sat 23 Aug, 2008 01:00 pm
Thanku MM - I had the best time... and I will return to the US and hope to meet you and your wife when it's possible. You are very kind. Everyone has been so generous to me. Thanku.

Now.... as a reminder of your trip last year to the Den..... yep, here's my million and one photos - hope it brings back some good memories. Have been smiling as I uploaded these...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Aug, 2008 01:04 pm
K " so I am back in Britain having had the most amazing time. Now to bore you with all the photos if you wish to look " or anyone thinking about going to Devil’s Den or Beaver Lake " this will give you an idea " tho mind, I am into snapping shot " so there are loads. Scroll on down quick if not into waterfalls.

Written whilst we were there:
So today we had a busy day. Woke up to find deer beside the cabin…just sauntering on past " finally got the little fella up and about " he was very tired " and packed the car up again and off we went. Got to the visitor centre….fun and games…credit card declined again. So… very helpful lady took pity on us and called the UK " sorted " off we went " trekking the Devil’s Den trail. So, there was meant to be a waterfall " they had 5” rain over the weekend " but nope…. just a trickle. Still mighty purty tho. It was a tough ‘ole climb (well, for me it was) but worth every step " stunning scenery, limestone caverns and a blue tailed lizard with a gold face!!!! Naturally, we got a little lost….but we found the trail and got back to the car. Then had to go back to the Visitor Centre coz, being as organized as I am, could not find any of the maps I had printed off, telephone number or address of the cabin we were going to at Beaver Lake. Very helpful lady again wished us well after they let me use the internet to call up my email " and…. we typed in the address in DrusillaGPS and she got us to Beaver Lake. Good drive " found the new cabin " NOW " when it said very secluded cabin in 17 acres " they weren’t joking. This place is down a long dirt track in the boonies " but just fab. As you get out the car you could think you were at a little Austrian Chalet " except it is hot. Nice temp tho " around 80-85. Were greeted by the dogs…. Walked in and perfect. Went for a walk to the lake and the noise all around was amazing. Found the canoes and dock " beautiful lake. Met the owner " she came to shake my hand " HA " gave her a big hug " then little fella and I went canoeing. Now…… it would have been coco if the lake wasn’t quite so high! Apparently they have had loads of rain in the spring " the lake is incredibly high " to the extent of many trees being half under water……. This of course meant " webs. As we got in the canoe (which the nice lady had de-spidered for us " and I pushed off heading for the …..trees/reeds " screams and hollers started as we were heading for the webs. Know how he felt " but also knew I didn’t want to be tipped out " it was like Laurel and Hardy. Calmed him down and off we went " had a little paddle " THEN " the speed boat decided to go past " and little fella starts paddling so we are side on to the ripples…….. at which stagehe was pahincking again and I started hollering at him. My worst nightmare (other than spiders) is being in deep water (should be used to that by now a?). Doesn’t matter how strong a swimmer I am " it’s the fact that I dunno what’s underneath me " and I then crap myself " so I did NOT want to be capsizing (plus I had my camera with me). So….we get back to shore " will he let me go to shore and past the trees " NO CHANCE " so we manouvered alongside the dock and I clambered up and tied the canoe to the railings. We shopped, then found the Thorncrown Chapel…. OMGosh " what a place…. Just too stunning for words. Peaceful " calm " can’t really describe it " kinda takes your breath away.

Came back to the cabin " then I discovered I was a not a big and brave as I thought I was. I tried to go outside…….mind " this is in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of secluded woods…the noise is so loud, like being in a rainforest " and everywhere you look " there are spiders. Well, I couldn’t do it. I’ve achieved a lot this trip " but nope, not that, I couldn’t go out in the dark with all those things out there. Hey ho. Ima wus " but that’s OK.

Slept for 9 hours " was exhausted " got up " went canoeing…. All was going well til I looked behind me and saw the spider in the back….. I kept quiet and tried not to think about it….. then little fella starts with the screams " one right next to him. So I had to get him from the front of the canoe to half way down without tipping us (he was in panic mode) and we went back to the dock. K " no more canoe. Did that! It was gorgeous " but it’s no good if he’s scared.

Went into Eureka Springs to look for an internet café… could we find one " no chance. Nice town tho " quiet old and western " but quite commercialized too. Lotsa tourist shops. Would have liked to have wondered round there but ran out of time.

Saw fab humming birds " oh they are so lovely " reminded me of California.

So lying here in my lovely bed tonite " shoulder has gone kaput tonite…. Not so good. So excited about seeing JPB, Eva and RH tomorrow.









Studio Cabin $100/nite






Dragonfly with shopping bags

Little fella with big grin


Reply Sat 23 Aug, 2008 01:11 pm
I’m sure Mother Teresa was here….



Happy chap




0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Aug, 2008 01:14 pm
Further down river " trails to walk




Lovely moth


Ugh….but beautiful webs blowing in the breeze



0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Aug, 2008 01:16 pm
Just to show I was there with the little fella " big grin (ugh " dislike my photo being taken!)


Love black and white

Had a few probs with credit card use in US " helpful lady let me phone home " little fella thought this was hysterically funny… sorted tho with apologies from TESCO


0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Aug, 2008 01:16 pm
Wow! great pix!

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