almost raped last night and still in love with a married guy

Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 04:11 pm
we create our schedule and our environment for the most part, you choose your work and being so busy. You might not see that yet, my wife is a work-aholic, and it took a long time for her to understand that she chooses to do that to herself and to see that she was doing it to avoid dealing with her issues. It may well make sense for you to keep these hours and to work with depressed people as a means to an end, with the end in sight, with a clear path to a better situation. But you have to be able to see the finish line, how many more years of this do you intend to put yourself through?

Given the rest I would not worry about your relationship issues....use married man to help you get through this period and on to something better, don't beat yourself up about it. He is using you as well, we all use each other so there is nothing novel about this. You need to have a clear path out if this mess that will work before you become totally burned out/used up. If you don't know what this is figure it out, now.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 08:45 pm
cyphercat wrote:
Wow, you're a therapist? didn't you say you're 25, or am I remembering wrong?

You must be a really driven person to have gotten to have an actual "career" established at such a young age, it seems to me--but maybe that's just coming from the perspective of being 28 and only just finished my BA...but anyway, point being, good God, don't you think maybe you need a break from school?? That schedule sounds unbearable. I think you need to knock that **** off for a while. Smile Seriously, you must have been in school for so long already. What about a year off to decompress? To me, your schedule alone is cause for depression...

(just an aside, my husband is going to be taking organic chemistry next semester, I've heard allll about how hellish that is!)

Hey cypher,

yup I'll be 26 in august. Being driven has never been my problem! To be honest, I think my love life and relationships is the worst part of things. My life has never been "easy" per say, I grew up with a very loving but not financially blessed family and have had to work really hard for everything. I decided a couple years ago I wanted to go to medical school so Im finishing up my science courses so I can take the MCAT in the spring. I guess Im so close i just want to at least get to that point. And you're right, my schedule is very depressing- it prevents me from being able to relax alot, sleep is something that's gone out the window, I can't rememerb the last time I slept more than 3 hours on a weekday more than one night in a row It's just working full time and going to school, its torture. Blech. Once I take the MCAT my hope is to take a year or two off while applying to schools to (hopefully) try to travel and find a new job and try something new for a while. Maybe write that book I've always wanted....

But see, despite all my driven nature, my lack of successful love life contistantly depresses me. And yes yes yes, Im young, I know that. But sometimes you start to wonder what the hell youre doing wrong....well, besides falling for married guys of course.....so with respect to that, I am very jealous of you :-)

Good luck to your husband. Organic chemistry isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, its just massive amounts of information. Im lucky in that despite my shite study habits I have a fantastic photographic memory so I can cram mad amounts of info in my head ;-) What is he going for?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 08:50 pm
vikorr wrote:
I'm curious why, if you suffer depression, you are putting yourself around depressed people all the time, and having to empathise with them? Surely there's another line of work (similar principle with marriage counsellors - I'm told they have a very high percentage of divorces)

You are familiar with what happens with a lot of physchiatric doctors/nurses when they stay too long around lots of mentally ill people?

You are familiar with the concept that people become happier around happy people, and sadder around sad people, madder around mad people etc?

You are familiar with what happens when you repress/ignore your feelings (like you have to do around the people you are treating - that it's for a professional reason is irrelevant)?

Vikor, Im not sure I agree with your suggestion. One thing I do pride myself in is my caring nature. I got into this field precisely because mentally ill people tend to be very misunderstood by the general population. Do you suggest that all the sad, sick, depressed , mad people of the world should be shunned and untreated, because if you "stick around them" too long you'll become depressed yourself? No, I don't surround myself with depressed people . It's my job. I took it because I wanted to help people. I still want to help people, but Im trying to change the career path a little so that I can have a bit more autonomy as a physican.

And I really dont know why everyone keeps talking like changing jobs is so easy. ALLLLL my work experience is mental-health related, and the few times I've made an effort to look into other fields I might like , maybe editorial, or marketing, or something alot those lines, the starting positions they would have wanted would be entry level, starting froms scratch, and half the salary I am making now. Money isn't everything, but I can't take a pay cut right now.

Thanks for the advice in any event, from everyone. I do appreciate people responding, I truly do, whether I agree or not.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 08:56 pm
Mame wrote:
LostGirl811 wrote:

WOAH, now, Mame, generally i get what youre saying, but emotionally healthy people get raped all the time. If everyone knew someone was a bad seed off the bat date rape woudnt exist. This guy was a perfect gentleman from the moment I met him a couple weeks earlier, the whole night, and only at the end of the night when we took the cab home did anything surface. So im mildly insulted....I may have some issues, but so do alot of people and I didn't "ask" for it.

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I was talking more about the types of dates you've been having, and shouldn't have specified just the one. It's just that it was so recent and I think your spidey-senses were out of whack or you'd have picked up on more than what you did.

LostGirl811 wrote:
Anyway, on to other things. Im not asking anyone to tell me what Im doing is ok. I know it's not , and I know its not good for me, and I know it'll never make me happy because it'll never go anywhere, but there are plenty of intelligent, sane, normal people that make bad decisions, and they are not all disturbed for it. I do everything in my life the "right" way, I take care of everyone, I go out of my way for people, i work in a good job, despite my not enjoying it, I'm highly educated, I went back to school, and my life is very stressful right now. Maybe that shouldn't be an excuse for finding momentary solace with a married man, but at the moment it is.

Sorry, again, but intelligent sane normal people do not participate in a dead-end relationship for years on end. We have more self-esteem than that. Now, I'm not here to pick on you, but you do not do everything in your life the "right" way, since you're involved in this dead-end relationship. I'm not commenting on you; I'm just observing the facts as you told them. And good for you that you see your stress is an excuse for your behaviour, but actually, it's just adding to it.

LostGirl811 wrote:
No I dont like the feeling I have when he leaves to go home to his wife. When he was going around work showing his baby's sonogram pictures to people when i still worked there I felt like running out crying. But I do hope you can understand why someone who is so massively stressed out all the time, and has barely two seconds to herself every day, might make these bad decisions, because even though she knows it sucks in the long run, she wants, and perhaps needs, at least just a few hours a week where she can geninly feel happy for at least that brief period. It doesnt make sense maybe, and its very easy to judge when you arent experiencing those feelings.

I see this as justification for continuing in a dead-end relationship. What's wrong with loving yourself?

And if you're just ranting, that's fine. I wished I'd known that in the beginning.

Best of luck to you.

Hi Mame

No im not just ranting, that was a wrong choice of words. Sometimes Im just not sure how to word myself anymore.

Ive not JUST sat around for four years waiting for married man. I have dated other people, I even had someone I really, really liked for a good 9 months, except he lived in England and dumped me due to not liking the lng distance. Its just that, over these four years, none of the other guys i date ever seem to work out, so I inevitably find myself going back to married man, I guess because he's familiar and comfortable, and he makes me feel loved, even if it is momentary. When I feel ugly that day, or lonely, and just want a MAN'S touch, he gives it to me, however rare, and however fleeting.

I knw I make excuses, that's what people do when they are in a rut. I was listening to this song today, it's rather accurate, I think. Every single line. Wanting badly to quit something bad for you and just saying, "just one more time, just one more time and then I'll end it'. Especially the end:


It's like you're a drug
It's like you're a demon I can't face down
It's like I'm stuck
It's like I'm running from you all the time
And I know I let you have all the power
It's like the only company I seek is misery all around
It's like you're a leech
Sucking the life from me
It's like I can't breathe
Without you inside of me
And I know I let you have all the power
And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me

It's like I'm lost
It's like I'm giving up slowly
It's like you're a ghost that's haunting me
Leave me alone
And I know these voices in my head
Are mine alone
And I know I'll never change my ways
If I don't give you up now

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me

I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it
Just one more time
Then that's it
Just a little bit more to get me through this
I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it
Just one more time
Then that's it
Just a little bit more to get me through this

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 09:04 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
we create our schedule and our environment for the most part, you choose your work and being so busy. You might not see that yet, my wife is a work-aholic, and it took a long time for her to understand that she chooses to do that to herself and to see that she was doing it to avoid dealing with her issues. It may well make sense for you to keep these hours and to work with depressed people as a means to an end, with the end in sight, with a clear path to a better situation. But you have to be able to see the finish line, how many more years of this do you intend to put yourself through?

Given the rest I would not worry about your relationship issues....use married man to help you get through this period and on to something better, don't beat yourself up about it. He is using you as well, we all use each other so there is nothing novel about this. You need to have a clear path out if this mess that will work before you become totally burned out/used up. If you don't know what this is figure it out, now.


I like your forward nature. I know it sounds like I just like your answers because youre telling me to go ahead and do what im doing , but maybe using it as a band-aid could be ok if I could just get the mentality straight that I need to use him just for fun, for now. Even if I do love him....

I am supposed to be done with these classes in December, at which point I have to take the MCAT exam, and start applying to medical schools. I feel that perhaps next year will hold new things for me, and while I'll still have stress, it wont be nearly as ridiculous as the schedule I have now. Right now I am at a very in-between phase in my life and I think that more than anything kills me sometimes. Far enough along in life to be stressed the f**k out about all this bollocks, but not quite to the point where I can feel like I am happy with the direction my life is taking me. I call it my quarter-life crisis, for lack of better terminology.....

One day I'll figure it out.....I probabl should try to sleep more though.....I was so dizzy today I almost fainted in my office. In the past five days I have had a combined....let's see.....18 hours of sleep. Yup, 18 hours of sleep since last Wed. I've no idea how I do this anymore. Oh well, after this schedule, bloody medical school should be a breeze....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 09:06 pm
Organic wasn't all that bad, not that I was a star, and I loved biochem. Physical Chem I lucked out on not having to take as I would have been in deep trouble.

I've been following this thread. I'm sure I gave my opinion on all this somewhere back on an earlier thread. (I can understand, but get out now...)

I'll add that I've worked full time in a serious job, gone to school at night, and done my homework in the wee hours - for years, and then again, more years, both while single and married. It is debilitating. Most of those years I was happy, though, so the stress was absorbable. I liked design homework - my last so called career field - even if I was doing it at 2:30 in the morning. Desperation might have made me more creative, who knows. (snore....)

I agree with some that a premed person can find other jobs than the one you have, could be a good idea.

You don't sound like you like the patients/clients, don't like lab classes, all is dreadful. No comfort zone but the one that is a problem for a zillion previously explained, by many, reasons.

So ---

get yourself some ice cream (or equivalent pleasure)
get yourself a fun new job
dump mr. married.

Not in that order.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 11:05 pm
LostGirl, I give up. I don't mean to sound rude, but you do seem to like to recount your tales of misery. As if you enjoyed it almost.
I've heard many reasons from you why nothing is possible, but nothing constructive as of yet. I don't see you wanting to even try.

Good luck with everything.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 11:10 pm
Being OK with less than something is still less than nothing.

Best of luck

0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 05:33 am
dagmaraka wrote:
LostGirl, I give up. I don't mean to sound rude, but you do seem to like to recount your tales of misery. As if you enjoyed it almost.
I've heard many reasons from you why nothing is possible, but nothing constructive as of yet. I don't see you wanting to even try.

Good luck with everything.


I do appreciate what everyone says. if I didnt I wouldnt really bother posting on here anyway.

I said it somewhere in there, its lost in the fray.....I don't mean to be so nagative (or negative, but maybe that typo makes sense) but that's how I've been a long time now. I keep it to myself generally, so its all poured out here instead, I guess.

I sat in my room on saturday and cried hysterically for three hours straight. Wasn't sure why I started. I get those spells alot.

It's not enjoying the misery, it's more one of those subconscious things where maybe if you talk it to death it'l go away. Sort of like when you say the same word over and over and over and over it starts to not make sense anymore and sort of just dies away..

That is, unfortunately, one of the annoying things about depression. You become horribly pessemistic and it seems to others this really annoying trait that "oh, that person is impossible, its like she enjoys being miserable". I dont. But sometimes , when you've been like this for so long, you forget sometimes how to be any other way. It's to the point where you become feeling so horrible about yourself that youre looking for things to make you feel like you arent really this miserable person that you feel you've become.

And then you even get told you suck when you come to a message board to dish out your problems, and it re-affirms your suspicions that maybe you do just suck.

Sorry to have "annoyed" you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 07:03 am
I'm sure as a therapist, you have heard the term "histionic personality"
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 08:48 am
Yanno, here are a few observations:
  • medical school will still be there next year.
  • Organic chemistry can still happen if you don't take other classes at the same time.
  • Studying -- at least reading -- can be done at the mechanic's. Not fantastic concentration, to be sure, but at least some reading, so that when you read it carefully it's not wholly unfamiliar.
  • Mom can get herself to the mechanic's if she needs to.
  • Your brother can occasionally take a cab.
  • Exercise can happen in the smallest of ways. A gym is unnecessary; try walking to a few places or parking farther away. You'll also sleep better at night.
  • Bridesmaid? Okay, it's done. No more bridesmaiding, okay? Totally not a necessary thing in your life. You're overbooked as it is. Just say no to the poofy dress.
  • There are other anti-depression drugs out there, some you probably haven't tried. Not saying that's the only fix in the world but I doubt that you've tried every single possible therapy out there, or given it enough time to kick in if you have.

Etc. etc. you get the idea.

There are solutions out there but you need to look for them. I understand the depression bit and how it keeps you from seeing solutions. That's why we're offering up solutions, but you keep batting them away. And I know that depression does that, too.

So -- my suggestion -- try taking a suggestion or two. They need not be mine. You won't hurt my feelings, of course. But ... try. Saying no means failure is 100% guaranteed. But trying means that success might actually happen.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 08:59 am
LostGirl811 wrote:
dagmaraka wrote:
LostGirl, I give up. I don't mean to sound rude, but you do seem to like to recount your tales of misery. As if you enjoyed it almost.
I've heard many reasons from you why nothing is possible, but nothing constructive as of yet. I don't see you wanting to even try.

Good luck with everything.


I do appreciate what everyone says. if I didnt I wouldnt really bother posting on here anyway.

I said it somewhere in there, its lost in the fray.....I don't mean to be so nagative (or negative, but maybe that typo makes sense) but that's how I've been a long time now. I keep it to myself generally, so its all poured out here instead, I guess.

I sat in my room on saturday and cried hysterically for three hours straight. Wasn't sure why I started. I get those spells alot.

It's not enjoying the misery, it's more one of those subconscious things where maybe if you talk it to death it'l go away. Sort of like when you say the same word over and over and over and over it starts to not make sense anymore and sort of just dies away..

That is, unfortunately, one of the annoying things about depression. You become horribly pessemistic and it seems to others this really annoying trait that "oh, that person is impossible, its like she enjoys being miserable". I dont. But sometimes , when you've been like this for so long, you forget sometimes how to be any other way. It's to the point where you become feeling so horrible about yourself that youre looking for things to make you feel like you arent really this miserable person that you feel you've become.

And then you even get told you suck when you come to a message board to dish out your problems, and it re-affirms your suspicions that maybe you do just suck.

Sorry to have "annoyed" you.

You do not "annoy me", it is your life to live. I would write something along the Jespah's post above, so instead i'll just say i second what she said.
it's not the crying and your feelings that i referred to as wallowing in misery...that i totally get and empathize with. it's the recounting that in detail while not willing to take any, not even the smallest step to mitigate them that i do not get.

like jes, "try" is all i'm suggesting.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 09:27 am
My sense... you want sympathy.

You want to be taken care of.

This is understandable.

Your main relationship (married man) does not give you that, though.

You're not giving yourself that.

Some caretaking needs to happen -- and you're not going to find it on a message board.

Even sympathy on a message board will dry up pretty fast if you make it clear that you have no intention of doing anything to improve your circumstances.

And it sounds like even sympathy from a paid therapist will dry up under similar circumstances.

There are things you can do. If nobody is around to take care of you, then take care of yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 03:35 pm
Vikor, Im not sure I agree with your suggestion. One thing I do pride myself in is my caring nature. I got into this field precisely because mentally ill people tend to be very misunderstood by the general population. Do you suggest that all the sad, sick, depressed , mad people of the world should be shunned and untreated, because if you "stick around them" too long you'll become depressed yourself? No, I don't surround myself with depressed people . It's my job. I took it because I wanted to help people. I still want to help people, but Im trying to change the career path a little so that I can have a bit more autonomy as a physican.

Unfortunately, you missed my point.

As a couple of side notes : There are other fields you can care for people in, and you also need to care for yourself. That mentally ill people are misunderstood, does not mean you spefically have to deal with them.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 04:50 pm
Okay, LostGirl. This has gone on long enough.

Bottom line: Read this thread and pretend your posts were written by a patient of yours. Then ask yourself, "What advice would I give them?"

Write your response here so you can come back and read it as many times as you need to.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 05:18 pm
I have some other questions that I don't presume to know the answer to, but could be relevant.

I once was premed, back when few women became mds. I've written before here on a2k how few women were accepted to med schools in the US and a few abroad and in Canada in 1961, per the 1962 MCAT book on med schools. The average was probably between 0 and 1, no kidding, slightly skewed by the Med College for Women, whatever its name was - I think it was in Philadelphia. And a few others took as many as 5 or 6, no doubt daughters of alumni, not to be cynical because they were probably very sharp. That changed later, after the civil rights act, but was by circumstance too late for me.

I pick up that you aren't all that happy in it, but mainly want to help people. I relate to that, it was my raison d'etre, what e'er the spelling.

In my own situation, I found out long later that I was happier and better suited for landscape architecture and art. When I was knocking my socks off as a premed with zilch money, I'd never even heard of landscape architecture. I hadn't questioned since I was ten or eleven that I wanted to be a doctor, and had zoned in on only that. My horizon re what I could do only started to grow larger in my thirties when I started with art classes after lab work.

So, I'll question you on how sure you are you want to be a physician.
I'm not questioning that you may be adept, I'm just wondering about the basis of your desire to be so licensed. I'm not seeing it making you content in the doing. Thus I'll be bold and suggest some time off and some career counselling appointments.

I'm not trying to talk you into being me, but I also don't pick up that getting your, say, residency past will make you content. I think you need a break.
Also, ditching the guy, nag. That's not irrelevant.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 05:21 pm
By the way, Eva, I have long loved your signature line and have failed to mention it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 05:30 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 07:18 pm

You are all right in your own way.

It's hard to give myself advice like I give my patients. I say things, and then go back and read them and wonder who the hell wrote that. When I get depressed it's like I'm this other person. I hate it but it's been a struggle for a long time.

This conversation veered way off course than I originally intended. Had an emotional morning after that horrid date night and then seeing Mr. Married, I dont know.

Anyway, I'll end this thread here in thanks to everyone for their input. All is duly noted. Quitting school not an option right now, Im only five months away from being done with it for a while, I want it to be over with already. Hopefully alot of stress will subside when I dont have to work full time and be in school four hours a day.

(oh, and by the way, my brother can't take a cab by himself, he's like 7 years old ;-) )

Cheers loves, I'll let you know when things look up.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 07:21 pm
PS to ossobuco:

To be honest, my secret dream job involves me being a best selling novelist, but the chances of that happening is slim. So maybe in the "in-between" phase of schooling I'll work on that , but I can't really base my life on it at the moment. One needs to pay bills.....
0 Replies

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