rabel22 wrote:If you had you would find that I did attend some collage to implement my job as an electrician with the equivalent of 2 years of collage education. No piece of paper telling everyone how much smarter than them I am. I did work along side many so called engineers who couldn't wipe their a-s without help, thus the lack of respect for collage education. Paper dosent an education make.
Be cool brother.
You don't need to defend your education to anyone in this forum.
The fact that someone has a bachelors, masters or doctorates degree is by no means proof that they are more intelligent, more knowledgable, or even better educated than you.
It also doesn't mean they make more money than you. I may be mistaken but I believe Bill Gates had about as much of a college education as you.
There's certainly nothing wrong with extensive formal education, and degrees do signify a level of accomplishment, but these days, bachelor degrees are a penny a dozen and anyone with half a brain and the willpower to lay off drugs and booze (to excess) can get one.
Masters ain't that much harder to achieve, including MBAs.
My brother has his Phd, and while I love and respect him, he's not a genius, and he makes a whole lot less than me.
There are people who love to learn and these are the folks who get my respect. It really doesn't matter whether they learn in a formal or informal environment. The former spend more money and get a certificate that actually is worth something, but the latter get a less biased education.
Just because Cyclo can demand a cookie for running into Noam Chomsky at Berkely the other day, clearly doesn't signify that he is any more or less equipped than you to debate these topics.
A truly educated person knows the extent of his ignorance and would never lord his inadequate accomplishments over another.
BTW - No one would have discerned by your posts that the extent of your formal education did not reach a degree level. Either you previously told Cyclo you didn't have a degree (in which case he was being a snotty shite) or he was (as a snotty shite) trying to bait you.
Either way, eff him and the horse (CI?) he rode in on.