Who thinks he's a saint, though?
I first noticed him with his "I'm not against all wars, just dumb wars" speech in 2002. Read it in a local paper and was blown away -- it was great to see someone saying something so in line what I was thinking about Iraq.
We're used to him now, we're used to what he has to say, but that was honestly shocking at the time.
Since then I've read a whole lot about him and feel like I know him as a candidate pretty well. He's no saint.
I'm not supporting him because of sainthood or anything approaching it.
I certainly don't just support him because (or even "mainly" because) I think he's a winner, though. I've liked him a lot since 2002, when he was nobody in particular; and started my "Obama '08?" thread in March of 2006. At that point I saw potential for him to be a winner, yes, and that was one thing I liked, yes -- but he was the underdog by a mile at the time.
And the rest of what I liked had to do with his
thinking. His pragmatism, his approaches. His ability to throw elbows when needed. (Does anyone doubt that now? I had a lot of arguments about that months ago, about his toughness or lack thereof.) His unwillingness to engage in true gutter politics, even given two "target rich environments" (Hillary and McCain). His ability to listen and synthesize -- his appetite for the opposing view.
And much more than that too.
I think he'll be a much better president than either Hillary or McCain -- not just similar, but significantly better.
But (hence the thread), yeah, politics is going to be played. I get tired of the "see, he's no better than anyone else!!" stuff that happens over perfectly reasonably decisions. While I haven't agreed with every decision he's made, I've seen the point pretty much every time. And yeah, I think he's significantly better than the competition. "Better" can and does stop well short of sainthood.