Fear of a Black President

Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 05:18 pm
ican711nm wrote:

All humans are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Humans forfeit those rights that they deny others.

Which American leader should forfeit those rights for the 100,000 plus dead Iraqi citizens?

Which American leader should forfeit those rights for the illegal incarceration of how many hundreds of people?

Which American leader should forfeit those rights for the ... ?

ican711nm wrote:

Collectivists rely on others to think for them.
Individualists think for themselves.

ican711nm wrote:
I was emulating you!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 06:13 pm
All humans are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Humans forfeit those rights that they deny others.

Which middle eastern leader(s) should forfeit those rights for the 100,000 plus dead Iraqi citizens?

Which middle eastern leader(s) should forfeit those rights for the illegal incarceration of how many hundreds of people?

Which middle eastern leader(s) should forfeit those rights for the promotion of suicidal mass murders of non-murderers?
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Diest TKO
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 06:19 pm
ican711nm - careful now ican. You might not like the answers and what they imply.

Israel and Saudi Arabia come to mind, but in your cut and paste rebuttal, you didn't realize what you were corner you put yourself in. You would have been better off just answering the question.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 06:51 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm - careful now ican. You might not like the answers and what they imply.

Israel and Saudi Arabia come to mind, but in your cut and paste rebuttal, you didn't realize what you were corner you put yourself in. You would have been better off just answering the question.


A large majority of contemporary Liberals are REGRESSIVE not progressive in that they seek to limit individual liberty and obscure truth.

The Baathists and the Taliban and the al-Qaeda come to mind in that they seek the same thing, albeit at present to a much greater degree, that a large majority of contemporary Liberals seek.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 07:25 pm
ican wrote: All humans are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Except those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of Bush's war.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 07:29 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican wrote: All humans are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Except those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of Bush's war.

Cice, you're wrong again!

To be right, you should have written:
Including those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of al-Qaeda and the rest of the middle eastern mass-murderers of non-murderers that were in Iraq
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 07:35 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
snood wrote:
In a thread I started months and maybe years ago, I dealt with a sort of phenomenon that happens among blacks (and I asked if it happens among other groups of people). It happens in situations like, if a black person gets on a city bus drunk and disheveled, I think it embarrases the other blacks on board the bus. When a criminal's picture is shown and it happens to be a black person, I think a lot of black people say to themselves "Damn! Wish it wasn't a black person!" because they somehow feel on some level it reflects on them. I know on an anecdotal level this happens, because I've talked openly with other blacks about it. I am not presuming to speak for all black people.

I used to react the same way you did when I saw a Japanese in print or on tv that was reporting a criminal behavior or some negative behavior. However, I have come to realize that all cultures are not immune to one of their own making the wrong decisions of crime or personal behavior. That's the reason why no matter how well developed any country may be,
there will always be the criminal justice system in an effort to reduce crime. I see it as "normal" with all the warts and defects of humanity.

I've heard whites decry whites who've made a mistake. I was involved in an incident in which an individual, who was well liked and respected, cleaned out the contents of 3 treasuries, she was involved in maintaining. She had changed the accounts from a 2 person signatory to one, making herself, the sole signer of all checks.

When the theft came to light, she was contrite, but a bounced check is what gave her away. We still haven't gotten over the theft, nor were any charges brought against this individual. The FDIC, is going after her, though! I commented to a lawyer that if it had been me, I'd still be in jail!
It's been a year and she's free as a bird! There's justice and Just Us!
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Diest TKO
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2008 11:08 pm
ican711nm wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican wrote: All humans are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Except those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of Bush's war.

Cice, you're wrong again!

To be right, you should have written:
Including those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of al-Qaeda and the rest of the middle eastern mass-murderers of non-murderers that were in Iraq

Al Queda was in Afganistan, not Iraq. They sure grew in numbers once we got there though. That makes us the catalyst.

No WMDs, except the ones we used to blow them to bits.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 06:04 am
No WMDs, except the ones we used to blow them to bits.


There were no WMD's used by the US in Iraq.

You know that so your statement makes you look silly.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 09:27 am
Black - Muslim?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 10:20 am
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican wrote: All humans are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Except those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of Bush's war.

Cice, you're wrong again!

To be right, you should have written:
Including those 100,000 innocent Iraqis who are now dead because of al-Qaeda and the rest of the middle eastern mass-murderers of non-murderers that were in Iraq

Al Queda was in Afganistan, not Iraq. They sure grew in numbers once we got there though. That makes us the catalyst.

No WMDs, except the ones we used to blow them to bits.


The people of Iraq "themselves" tried and hung Saddam.

Because he was innocent? NO! Because Saddam Hussein in power was a WMD and a terrorist... rape rooms, thousands of innocents tortured in prisons and mass killings. When would you say it was time for the world to ACT and help Iraq? After Saddam had nukes? G.W. Bush will be remembered for saving the world from Saddam's nuclear ambitions -- after the UN was useless to the free world, bought off with the blood money of the Iraqis!

Koffi Annan either a corrupt elected leader (Michelle Obama can be proud of him (cynical)) or a damned fool idiot! Either way Koffi Annan was a COMPLETE failure at the UN. If it weren't for Bush's war with Iraq, the UN would still be being bribed by the butcher of Baghdad. Terror does not always come in a box with a pretty red bow and a card marked with love Al Qaeda.

Barack Obama keeps saying "Bush's failed policies"? Where has Barack had his head stuffed for the last 8 years? Who does Barack Obama think he is fooling? A failed policy would have been to cut and run before the surge that McCain voted for and Barack voted against! THAT would have been a FAILED policy!


Shall I post more pictures of what Saddam did to the Kurds with their faces melted nearly off and the egregious birth defects from the "WMD" that the "left/liberals" in our country, like bleating seals, say Saddam "didn't have"… or do you get the point?
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 10:30 am
Boy! There are some people on this foram that are good at reverse engineering history.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 10:53 am
Some are now claiming that the "surge" is a success after the initial justification for this war was illegal (no UN approval) and the operations for the past five years have been run by the most incompetent administration and generals.

WOW~! We're supposed to now be impressed with the reduction in violence that we helped perpetuate to the level before the surge?

That's not even reverse engineering or success by any meaning of that word; it's a war that's cost our country over 4,000 of our military men and women, and that's only the dead. If we count the soldiers who come back with permanent injuries of body and brain, this war to "bring democracy to the Middle East" (the latest justification) doesn't even come close to "success."

And that's only the human cost; over 100,000 innocent Iraqis dead, and some 2.7 billion spent every week in Iraq with a good portion of that money mismanaged by this administration. To add insult to injury, we're spending money that belongs to our children and grandchildren while Iraq holds over 50 billion in the bank.

What success? More people are still getting killed, both our soldiers and innocent Iraqis, and "peace" isn't even voiced by this administration, because they can't.

Our soldiers are spending two and three tours of duty in Iraq with many spending more time in a war zone than is known to be hazardous to their mental and physcial well-being. Many are getting divorced and committing suicide.

Where's the success?
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:00 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Some are now claiming that the "surge" is a success after the initial justification for this war was illegal (no UN approval) and the operations for the past five years have been run by the most incompetent administration and generals.

WOW~! We're supposed to now be impressed with the reduction in violence that we helped perpetuate to the level before the surge?

That's not even reverse engineering or success by any meaning of that word; it's a war that's cost our country over 4,000 of our military men and women, and that's only the dead. If we count the soldiers who come back with permanent injuries of body and brain, this war to "bring democracy to the Middle East" (the latest justification) doesn't even come close to "success."

And that's only the human cost; over 100,000 innocent Iraqis dead, and some 2.7 billion spent every week in Iraq with a good portion of that money mismanaged by this administration. To add insult to injury, we're spending money that belongs to our children and grandchildren while Iraq holds over 50 billion in the bank.

What success? More people are still getting killed, both our soldiers and innocent Iraqis, and "peace" isn't even voiced by this administration, because they can't.

Our soldiers are spending two and three tours of duty in Iraq with many spending more time in a war zone than is known to be hazardous to their mental and physcial well-being. Many are getting divorced and committing suicide.

Where's the success?

"UN approval" by people who have been bribed by Saddam?

By now Saddam would be blowing up his neighbors and not just the people within his own country.

And you can't easily see that as "the success" in Iraq?

I don't believe a seven year war between two countries has ever ended with so few casualties on both sides.

So where is "the failed" policy? Because the UN's corruption failed? Is that the failed policy Barack Obama is referencing?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:10 am
RexRed wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Some are now claiming that the "surge" is a success after the initial justification for this war was illegal (no UN approval) and the operations for the past five years have been run by the most incompetent administration and generals.

WOW~! We're supposed to now be impressed with the reduction in violence that we helped perpetuate to the level before the surge?

That's not even reverse engineering or success by any meaning of that word; it's a war that's cost our country over 4,000 of our military men and women, and that's only the dead. If we count the soldiers who come back with permanent injuries of body and brain, this war to "bring democracy to the Middle East" (the latest justification) doesn't even come close to "success."

And that's only the human cost; over 100,000 innocent Iraqis dead, and some 2.7 billion spent every week in Iraq with a good portion of that money mismanaged by this administration. To add insult to injury, we're spending money that belongs to our children and grandchildren while Iraq holds over 50 billion in the bank.

What success? More people are still getting killed, both our soldiers and innocent Iraqis, and "peace" isn't even voiced by this administration, because they can't.

Our soldiers are spending two and three tours of duty in Iraq with many spending more time in a war zone than is known to be hazardous to their mental and physcial well-being. Many are getting divorced and committing suicide.

Where's the success?

"UN approval" by people who have been bribed by Saddam?

You don't know the meaning of the word "bribed," because you fail to see the obvious.

By now Saddam would be blowing up his neighbors and not just the people within his own country.

That would be a very good trick; our soldiers looked for those weapons for several years after Bush started his war, and nothing was found - although the administration continued to "mis-represent" what they did find.

And you can't easily see that as "the success" in Iraq?

I'm sure you heard the term, "we broke it, so we own it." Well, if you've been keeping close attention to this war, you missed the sign that said "Mission Accomplshed." The insurgency and al Qaeda didn't even exist in the numbers before we attacked Iraq, but grew in volume - thanks to us. Now it's decreased some, but not all. That's not success; it only been "temporarily modified."

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:13 am
cicerone imposter wrote:

Our soldiers are spending two and three tours of duty in Iraq...

Our soldiers want to win, want the surge to continue working and need our undivided support.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:21 am
Who said anything about not "supporting our troops?"

Here again, you show your ignorance. Bush used that rhetoric often "support our troops," but he cut veteran's benefits and services. That's what is called a "hypocrite." Do you understand? Maybe not!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:30 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
RexRed wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Some are now claiming that the "surge" is a success after the initial justification for this war was illegal (no UN approval) and the operations for the past five years have been run by the most incompetent administration and generals.

WOW~! We're supposed to now be impressed with the reduction in violence that we helped perpetuate to the level before the surge?

That's not even reverse engineering or success by any meaning of that word; it's a war that's cost our country over 4,000 of our military men and women, and that's only the dead. If we count the soldiers who come back with permanent injuries of body and brain, this war to "bring democracy to the Middle East" (the latest justification) doesn't even come close to "success."

And that's only the human cost; over 100,000 innocent Iraqis dead, and some 2.7 billion spent every week in Iraq with a good portion of that money mismanaged by this administration. To add insult to injury, we're spending money that belongs to our children and grandchildren while Iraq holds over 50 billion in the bank.

What success? More people are still getting killed, both our soldiers and innocent Iraqis, and "peace" isn't even voiced by this administration, because they can't.

Our soldiers are spending two and three tours of duty in Iraq with many spending more time in a war zone than is known to be hazardous to their mental and physcial well-being. Many are getting divorced and committing suicide.

Where's the success?

"UN approval" by people who have been bribed by Saddam?

You don't know the meaning of the word "bribed," because you fail to see the obvious.

By now Saddam would be blowing up his neighbors and not just the people within his own country.

That would be a very good trick; our soldiers looked for those weapons for several years after Bush started his war, and nothing was found - although the administration continued to "mis-represent" what they did find.

And you can't easily see that as "the success" in Iraq?

I'm sure you heard the term, "we broke it, so we own it." Well, if you've been keeping close attention to this war, you missed the sign that said "Mission Accomplshed." The insurgency and al Qaeda didn't even exist in the numbers before we attacked Iraq, but grew in volume - thanks to us. Now it's decreased some, but not all. That's not success; it only been "temporarily modified."

A legitimate business deal is done in the open, a bribe is done in secrecy. A bribe is underhanded and sinful.

I don't believe a seven year war between two countries (especially involving a super power) has ever ended with so few casualties on both sides. You act like we are gassing the Iraqis in a Hitler style genocide. What an alarmist I prefer you keep your own view of "history", no thanks.

So where is "the failed" policy? Because the UN's corruption failed? Is that the failed policy Barack Obama is referring to?

The "failed" UN policy of bribery corruption of public officials and Saddam's oil influence, secret, sinful, underhanded dealings stood in complete opposition to the free nations and democracies of the world.

Does Barack stand with the failed policies of that UN? Barack admittedly doesn't stand with Bush... This president Bush of two terms is being criticized by a man who has not as of yet even been elected once.

Barack also seems to be oblivious to the fact that Bush followed the polls. An overwhelming majority of Americans (at the time) wanted Bush to rid the world of Saddam, so did Congress and so did Bill Clinton the previous president of two terms.

If Barack was against the policies of the US presidents of last sixteen years then he must have been for the failed policies of the UN...

The UN policies of "bribery" and corruption.

Does Barrack Obama really stand with the "united nations" of a free and democratic world?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:48 am
I believe that Iraq in the last seven years has experienced more peace that it has in thousands of years.

Four-thousand brave US casualties in seven years trying to unite a tribal country that has never been civilized with democracy is a "thing" that has never happened in Iraq in possibly even thousands of years... This has rarely every happened in the world, if ever in this particular way.

Now democracy can heal a country that has been torn by tribal terror and monarchy since maybe "civilization" began.

Failed policy?

Seven years ago Iraq's hospitals were neglected now they are the best in the world. They are also not getting much business lately considering the casualties are down dramatically due to the surge of troops that Barack was against.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:57 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Who said anything about not "supporting our troops?"

Here again, you show your ignorance. Bush used that rhetoric often "support our troops," but he cut veteran's benefits and services. That's what is called a "hypocrite." Do you understand? Maybe not!

So even though the money for veterans services and benefits has increased every year since Bush took office, thats still a cut?

I wonder where you went to school where an increase is actually a decrease.

BTW, have you or Rexred sent an e-mail or a letter to Russia telling them that their invasion of Georgia is an illegal war and they must stop?
Somehow, I dont think you have.
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