Here's what scares me.
I thought McCain was actually looking pretty decent as the Republican candidate. Not great -- but ok.
Then I discovered that he wants to
deregulate the insurance companies.
Duuuuuuude!!!!!!! WTF?????
(affects british accent) Have you gone mad?
You might think George Bush was a Be-Kind-To-Big-Business-Conservative, but even
he never went that far.
As for socialized medicine (not that Obama wants to do that), I still don't think it's the answer. At least, I have some serious concerns and reservations about it. I've always thought our system had some holes in it, and definately needs some improvement -- but still has some strong points to it.
But if McCain is serious about this degregulation thing? We're screwed. In fact, we'll be so far beyond Screwed that the light from Screwed will take a hundred years to reach us. Things will be worse than ever.
At least, Obama wants to offer an alternative -- a way for Americans to have affordable insurance independent of their employers. And it's voluntary. And it doesn't involve turning the insurance companies loose in a frenzy of deregulation a la the credit card companies. (Only thing is, I'd like to see some particulars -- an actual dollars and cents figure as to how much it would cost the individual per year -- and I can't seem to find that.)
Obama doesn't scare me. McCain scares me.
Deregulation scares me.