Woah, get him, Reverend, go for the nuts! I more or less dislike Jesse Jackson, but I admire the meanness, I consider it an unqualified virtue.
Then we've got Obama playing butch again, saying the kids are off limits, whereas McCain's catching flak for joking about Iran as has been his custom. I recall McCain showed up on MTV with one of his kids a while back, said he digs 'NIN'. I mean, there's a picture taking shape here... **** happens, everybody's tough, everyone likes their kids - what we can do is make it work for us to a greater or lesser extent.
So to bring things full circle, a black president, I'm not spending time typing to pat myself on the back for having the right idea about it, open mindedness is it's own end. Whether I'd be happy with Colin Powell or someone else - it is what it is - but there is the condition of having a black pres in and of itself, as such, which independent of all else means one thing or lack thereof, and then there's the possible baggage, real or perceived, and the realities that would have to be in place... I say all that to say this - a black pres is one thing, but the probable black pres, I mean, the DNC being a more statistically likely affiliation, and the candidate who materialized as it turns out...