georgeob1 wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:
As an Independent; I find myself in the unique position of respecting both General candidates a great deal, which affords me the luxury of recognizing their strengths as well as criticizing excesses from either side when I encounter them.
Perhaps so, however, that doesn't necessarily immunize you from any of the many delusions or errors that beset everyone.
It seems to me that you are far too willing to ascribe racism or other neurotic fears as the necessary explanation for anyone or any group that is presumed to oppose Obama. It seems to me that this is a fairly cheap shot that ignores other evident issues that do indeed have a rational basis; just as is the straw punching bag of the archtype American racist that you so often draw on to illustrate "the opposition" to your favored candidate. These things are, of course, real and true in some cases, but it is far from clear that they represent most of what is going on now. Simply assuming it is true or asserting it repeatedly doesn't make it so.
If you're right, you are right... meaning I am completely unaware that the wool's been pulled over my eyes, if it has been. An unlikely scenario, that.
You should know that my default opinion on assessing conservative's rejection of Obama is political... for this is the most likely cause and it would be foolhardy to guess at something more sinister (whether it exists in the individual or not). However; a more liberal mindset is obviously not predisposed to rejecting Obama's politics; so what say you is the most likely cause?
Maybe you can honestly assess in an unbiased way, and maybe you can't... since it isn't as if you are actually unbiased. For me; I see a clear logical disconnect when assessing a liberal-minded person who largely, inexplicably, grasps at most every reason to reject Obama
especially, if it comes from anyone formerly, strongly, in the Clinton camp.
To the unbiased observer; you have possible explanations of; the bitterness of sour grapes (but how long can an intelligent person really excuse cutting off their nose...?), fears of the Rezko type of corruption (but how does this
really measure against "Whitewater", Rich Pardon, etc?), membership at a church who's goings on rival : "A night at the Apollo" (but shouldn't this matter mostly only to the religious and/or how does it measure up against the systematic cover-up of decades of child molestation?), and then there's the simple matter of human prejudice.
Now if you want to believe that I find that last one most compelling because Obama edges out McCain for my vote, thereby immediately blinding me to Obama's flaws; I think that's a bit silly
especially considering you know my politics pretty well. I think every non-racist conservative would prefer to believe non-conservatives are rejecting Obama based on the same principles they themselves are. Next in line for preference, would be the very reasons they themselves bring up in attempts to earn the Independent vote. This to me is perfectly understandable; and I'll expect you and Finn and likeminded conservatives to continue throwing life-lines to folks like the Bear because of it. It
is, to me, amusing to watch him contort in acceptance of them, since he clearly, mostly despises the party you folks belong to. But this too, is completely understandable under the circumstances.
I have a pet project at work. A nice little old lady who's too ignorant to realize there's something wrong with saying she's not going to vote for the 'chocolate jesus'. I spend no less than 5 minutes, pretty much every day yacking politics with her and learning the how's and why's of her prejudice... in order to better understand how to overcome it; which is my personal challenge by November. (I'm fairly well informed, and a hell of a salesman, so I give myself a strong 1 in 5 chance of success. :wink:)
I believe she is representative of a large proportion of American's, though most lack the integrity (or willingness to be berated for it) to admit it
at least outside of their comfort zone of likeminded people.
As you know well; any time you're trying to get to the bottom of an objection in a business negotiation, for instance; the stated objection may or may not be the actual objection. One probes their adversary repeatedly, in a myriad of different ways, in an attempt to unearth the true objection... for only after it's been identified can it be dealt with.
In this case, the taboo nature of many left-leaning anti-Obamites true objection, leaves them compelled to latch onto other excuses for their largely inexplicable disdain for a candidate who's politics are very nearly identical to the person they formerly supported with vigor. It doesn't require a degree in psychology to see through most of these contortions. While I cannot know who or how many have truly found a peripheral issue they simply can't abide; I remain quite comfortable in my assessment on the whole.
If that really strikes you as being too eager to identify what I see as logical disconnects as racism; we simply disagree.