Lash wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:We should go back to neighborhood schools... this busing everyone everywhere to achieve racial balance for what reason I have no idea... hasn't done ****. The money saved on buses, drivers, maintenance, etc... could insure that all schools received the identical amount of necessary tools for the job.
Then give teachers enough money to make teaching worthwhile. Then stop coddling kids and tell 'em "If you want to do the work we'll help... if you don't get out... you're disturbing the kids who want to learn. McDonalds is hiring.
When I was a boy you were either college material or not. College was not an automatic. You had to not only be smart enough, but you had to work for it. If not you could take shop or vocational training. If you chose t5o be a troublemaker or a serial school cutter...... you could take your sorry ass home and good luck.
Quit lowering the bar and f*ck Junior's precious self esteem. Learning to lose is an important life lesson as well. You do the work, you get the grade. You do a little extra, you get even better grades. You don't, or you're not capable.... you don't. Just like life.
I really hesitated before responding to this--because I don't want Bear to feel set upon... I just disagree completely with this sink or swim mentality. Education, in my eyes, is the great equalizer. This is why I'm in school. Disadvantaged children, especially those whose parents are taking a powder in their upbringing, can be made or broken through experiences in school.
The Ed psych courses I've taken have shown me how patient, caring interaction can make a huge difference in what path many of these kids take.
Baby them through the school system---meet anger and resentment with genuine caring and encouragement---
then, let them stick their toes in the ocean...
my working with kids on the ground and in the field tells me different. by the time they're through the system... they've been so babied and feel so entitled that they are totally unprepared for the adult world and that's the problem.
This year at Project Graduation.... 3 to 4 thousand kids... given a dj, food, games, rides, scholarships, prizes, a casino... they get worse every year.
This year 2 of them were f*cking that's right f*cking on top of my giant slide. I have a basketball shot game. We found a used rubber under it at the end of the night. A boy was standing against the wall and his girlfriend has her hands in his pants jerking him off. Squinney went up to them and told them to knock it off... they just looked at her and kept on. In front of my stage girls were bent over the stage and boys were slamming... I mean SLAMMING into their asses while hundreds cheered and the girls ground back as hard as possible. All the cop, sheriffs and "chaperones" let it happen... just watched . Kids told me and squinney to go f*ck ourselves.
These kids can't navigate an alphabetical songbook for karaoke.... can't spell....and this includes a majority of kids I see from middle school to college age.... they are so ignorant it boggles the mind. Most of the kids I encounter are so rude I would wring my kids necks if they had ever behaved like that in public. And I encounter kids from every race and every socio economic background.
They are the result of babying them through the school system and every other aspect of their lives. Wait'll they find out that life isn't going to the mall.