littlek wrote:They rise above their circumstances. But, there is a certain amount of knowledge necessary to get out of the hole, or a means of finding the knowledge you need.
Are you referring to the formal educational system?
This may not be a popular statement, but it is for me, absolutely true....
The formal education system has done almost nothing to "get me out of the hole" I was in.
Well, except that at one point in life they provided me with a piece of paper, a college degree, that made other people think I was worthy of getting a job with them.
Yes, I'm white, and I did not have some "hole" of abject poverty to crawl out of "neither does every black person.
However, it was assumed that I had acquired some degree of "available knowledge" that would enable me to, well, I'm not really sure what other people thought this available knowledge was supposed to enable me to do.
I was a total drunk during my college days, the last year and a half especially was an absolute joke. However, I got all A's and B's because I just did what I was required to do, and was rewarded with a piece of paper.
Knowledge? I grew up pre-internet days, but I knew where the library was. I knew how to go up to someone doing something I was interested in, and ask questions. I didn't know this because I was white. I knew it because every person know where a library is, or know someone who knows how to do something cool.
In school, I had to pay a lot of money for books to read, that were, IMO mostly mediocre. I was "talked to" by people teaching, who even if they were excited by what they did, were not people I particularly wasn't to ask questions of, because they didn't have what I wanted.
When this new fangled computer age came around, for reasons I won't go into, I simply did not "get it" for a while. Fact is, no one was exhibiting to me anything I either wanted to do on one of these things, or, if I asked, would get explanations that didn't answer questions, or instruction that was wither condescending or done so quickly or badly it was worthless.
Finally, when I couldn't take it any longer, after someone basically let me know I had to be pretty dense to not just "get it" I went down to the B&N and bought a "excel for dummies" book, asked someone where I was working if I could use a computer during lunch or after hours, or fooled around on a friends, and by God above, I learned it. Armed with that knowledge, I went on an adventure of touching every button, trying every commend and generally knowing there wasn't anything I couldn't learn about this thing.
That excel for dummies sits on a bookshelf in my office, gathering dust. Over the years, I have loaned it to more than a dozen people, giving them the available knowledge, and telling them other resources to get them started. Of these people all of whom had access to learning, i.e. a computer, I think only 1 paid any attention, preferring not to crawl out of their hole. One of these people, to this day, cannot perform the simplest function, and when asked about her skills, will say "I need to take some computer classes" This person has had the company pay for 3 or 4 series of glasses, teaching things she could have read herself, or had been shown to her by me multiple times.
If you want the knowledge on any subject, it is available in a big building where all knowledge is free, or at the click of an index finger.
What? Someone can't crawl out their hole because they're black? They can't ask an older relative about something they see that person doing? Are they living in such extreme poverty 24 hours a day that an hour can't be found here or there to go to the library?
Sorry to all teachers out there, but school is hardly the only place knowledge can be obtained. The door to knowledge opens just as easily to all people. It might be a longer road for some, but anyone can get on it.
What I do for a living an make good money at? Nothing I was taught in school?
The odd/quirky things I love to do, that have come in handle only about a million times in my life? Not offered on any curriculum.
Sure there are specialized fields, drs. lawyers, etc...but these fields and all others, are avaiable to all, if they want it.
Here's the're a young black girl that want to make something of herself, and want to know how to work in X.
How to accomplish....keep men's penises out of your vagina, so you don't have a baby that will get in the way when you're far too young to have one. Take a bus or walk to the library during some of the time you would have been diapering/feeding, walk around until something catches your eye, makes no difference what, and sit down and crack it open.
Knowledge surrounds us, but have to actually shut our eyes and our ears for it not to creep in.