georgeob1 wrote:My understanding is that Obama indicated his willingness to do "strategically significant" (as opposed to Iraq) things in Pakistan with respect to al queda, that our current Iraq entanglement precludes.
That's not my understanding, and I think you're mixing up two distinct projects.
My understanding is that Obama wants to free up soldiers and resources in Iraq (which is lost, although he doesn't say it that clearly), and use them to turn around Afghanistan, which America still has a fighting chance to do. This is project one. It's strategically important, resource-intensive, and barred by America's being stuck in Iraq.
The operations I described are project two. If I described them correctly, they are just a modest extension of what's already happening anyway -- as you say yourself. This is project two; it's a sideshow in terms of military resources, and is not the reason Obama wants to free up soldiers and resources in Iraq. If there is cynicism here, it's in Obama's insinuating, without technically saying, "getting out of Iraq" means "bringing the troups home". He doesn't intend to do that, at least not on a large scale anytime soon. In that, he's similarly dishonest as Clinton.
Do I understand Obama correctly? I think I do, but I don't have time right now to dig through his speeches and his platform. Has anybody else got material, or pointers to it? If I was wrong, I'll be happy to be corrected.