InfraBlue wrote:Wolf_ODonnell wrote:You want to prove how he did it, so you can say, "Oh, so that's how he did. Isn't he clever?"
But no.
ID doesn't even come close to doing that.
For the IDer represented by the likes of Spendi, it's 'cause they don't want to take anymore time away from the pub than what is absolutely necessary.
"The platypus is the way he is because the Intelligent Designer made him that way.
Let's go get us a pint now."
Speaking of the platypus, it's genome has been mapped. Here are exerpts from articles from NPR and the Washington Post.
Platypus Is Even More Strange Than It LooksPlatypus Genome Found Fittingly Strange
Cobbled-Together Creature Yields New Evolutionary Insights
By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 8, 2008; Page A01
When the British naturalist George Shaw received a weird specimen from Australia in 1799 -- one with a mole's fur, a duck's bill and serpentlike spurs on its rear legs -- he did what any skeptical scientist would do: He looked for the stitching and glue that would reveal it to be a hoax.
"It was impossible not to entertain some distant doubts as to the genuine nature of the animal," Shaw wrote of the seemingly built-by-committee creature, which he eventually named "platypus," for its flat, webbed feet.
"It's such a wacky organism," said Richard Wilson, director of the Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis, who with colleague Wesley Warren led the two-year effort, described today in the journal Nature.
Yet in its wackiness, Wilson said, the platypus genome offers an unprecedented glimpse of how evolution made its first stabs at producing mammals. It tells the tale of how early mammals learned to nurse their young; how they matched poisonous snakes at their venomous game; and how they struggled to build a system of fertilization and gestation that would eventually, through relatives that took a different tack, give rise to the first humans.