snood wrote:
Naw, yer right - first it'll be one blue one, then next thing you know, illegal immigrants, then - there goes the whole damn neighborhood!!
Last thing we need hang-in round here are dem pot headed hippies..
I'm black. Here, I'll prove it by singing the super-secret black person's anthem.
Oh, I'm glad I'm not in the land of cotton
Black folks there are often shotten
Run away
Run away
Run away
From Dixieland
you've just made them mad.
just lock you car door don't look at them, ok?
I can get us out of here if you just let me do the talking.
Dammit Chai, you rubbed up against me and some of the shoe polish came off my hand. Now they'll spot me for sure.
you can just say your like michael jackson and you have some skin disorder thingie.
This is going to be like that scene in Blazing Saddles, isn't it.
ok, look.....
when I count to 3, I'm gonna throw this fried chicken into that watermelon patch.
when they start running over there, just get into the car and drive.
don't worry and me, and don't look back, even whem you hear me start screaming.
vaya con carne, free duck.
Dont worry...
dem flashing lights aint no fuzz
demz my grillz
Chai wrote:vaya con carne, free duck.
I usually do. In fact, I've got a ham hock in my purse, do you think that will help?
FreeDuck wrote:I'm black. Here, I'll prove it by singing the super-secret black person's anthem.
Oh, I'm glad I'm not in the land of cotton
Black folks there are often shotten
Run away
Run away
Run away
From Dixieland
Oh, HELL! That was funny.
oh yeah!
throw the ham hock right over the head of the real big tall one.
chuck it real good, he looks like a fast runner.
aidan wrote:you know - I'd almost think that white people can't spell - except that I can spell - but all the white people on this forum spell Aidan wrong.
Setanta - guess what! I was pretending to be a MAN- on one post a long, long time ago. You got it all backwards buddy - just like white folk always do...
(Just for the record I'm not pretending to be black - I'm just observing...)
Wanna see the confession letter you wrote when you were pretending to be a woman about a year ago?
Anyhow, this is a great thread and I am enjoying reading it. I might even leave my wallet on the table while I order a beer.
Hey, if no one else is leaving, I'm not either!
Did you miss me?
Pull up a chair, cracker.
I think Willis has left the building.
Hey! How come I left, but all the other white people got to stay?! That's SO unfair! Just because I'm paler than everybody else doesn't mean I'm whiter.
White Folk Ain't Stupid
White folk wanted to make the USA a great country. What did they do? They went to Africa and enslaved Blacks to turn the country into an agricultural powerhouse.
White folk wanted to make Washington D.C. a great city. What did they do? They used a Black to design the city and Black labor to build it.
White folk wanted to explore the western USA . What did they do?
Lewis and Clark took a Black slave with them to negotiate with the Indians.
White folk wanted to end the Civil War. What did they do? They freed the slaves who helped win the war.
White folk wanted to take San Juan Hill . What did they do?
Teddy rushed up the hill, got in trouble, and was rescued by Blacks who took the hill.
White folk wanted to take the middle and western USA from the Indians. What did they do? They sent the Buffalo soldiers to protect the settlers and to fight the Indians.
White folk wanted to raise cattle in the mid west. What did they do?
They hired cowboys to do it (Yes, most cowboys were Black.)
White folk wanted to explore the North Pole. What did they do?
Adm. Perry took a Black guide along to get him there. The guide reached the pole before Perry.
White folk wanted to make the USA armed forces better. What did they do? Truman integrated the military.
White folk wanted to improve college and pro sports and make more money doing so. What did they do? They integrated sports and built larger stadiums and arenas and tougher golf courses.
Now, White folk want a new president to straighten out the Bush mess.