affairs are not always black/white when kids are involved...

Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:26 pm
Somewhat new, but I have a tendency to ramble so bear with me. Please, no insults as to the immorality of cheating, that isn't the question I'm asking....

Anyway, Several years ago , I met a man at my old job. He happened to be my boss. We got along as friends, I thought he was attractive but when I found out he was married, quickly dismissed the idea of anything being possible. One night, as it seems to happen, we went out with some co workers, everyone else went home early, me and him decided to have another beer, and chatted. He started rambling about how his wife was a wonderful person and a fabulous mother, but that there was no spark between them whatsoever. In my semi-drunken state I somewhere later in the conversation told him I thought he was cute, then started stuttering apologies for hitting on my boss. He smiled and said there was a mutual attraction. After a moment, he kissed me. we looked at each other shocked, went to my car, and sat there just kissing for a few minutes. I didn't sleep with him that night, because I told him I thought he would regret this in the morning when he was sober. He text messaged me th next morning to tell me the only thing he regretted was not being able to spend more time with me. we spent the next year , nearly, flirting, stealing kisses at work, nothing too crazy. It was more of an emotional affair, as we only slept together once. I left the job though, because I couldn't handle the emotions, hearing other people ask him about the new house him and his wife were buying, or hearing about the new pregnancy. We didn't speak for quite some tiem after I left for a new job, but eventually we started chatting again, friendly, casual lunches in public, etc. Eventaully he started coming by my apartment to sayhello, and stil nothing would happen. We'd just sit and hug and talk and maybe at most kiss here and there. He was usually too guilty-feeling most of the time to do anything more, even from the beginning. Andd even though his wife almost found out about us, twice, and they had a bad period at home where she barely spoke to him because of it, and he freaked out that she'd divorce him and take his kids, he still speaks to me. Even today when I saw him, he mentioned how he never though of himself as the type of person to cheat and it makes him feel horribly guilty but for some reason he still wants to see me. And its not just about sex, because for almost four years it wasnt sex, it was hugging, kissing, talking and just being near each other for a few stolen moments. But a couple of weeks ago we did sleep together, and then again a week later, and its killing me inside everytime he leaves.

i would never ask him to leave his family, his kids, for me. Strangely enough my own father cheated on my mother and ended up marrying his mistress. It was hard on me at first but I think I got over it eventually as all people do with divorced parents, but when I think about his kids and his wife, who I honestly believe to be a nice , normal woman, I hold no ill-will, i feel bad, but it is so hard when you are in love with someone this much.

I'm not even sure why I'm posting as Im sure most responses will involve people telling me me and him are immoral idiots who should jsut end it, and maybe you are right, but that doesn't make it any easier of a thing to do. I dont think he can stand the thought of not seeing his children daily and living with him, honestly. If they didnt have kids I think it might have been different, but he does, and as is the title of my posting, children change the whole situation.

One day children will grow up and leave the house. Does tht mean a person should sacrifice their own youth staying married to smeone they are not in love with just so they don't uproot the family? It is not an easy decision to make. And I dont think he's planning on changing the family dynamic anytime soon. He likes being able to go home, see his kids, tuck them in, but after they are asleep he wishes he had someone there that cared about being affectionate to him which his wife apaprently is not. Yes, he made his bed by marrying and having children with her.....I guess that means he should stay where he is.

It's not like I don't think I'll ever find anyone again, I've had other relationships in this time, but no one that's made me feel quite this same way. How bloody depressing....I don't even know what to write anymore so I'll leave this incessant rambling for now and come back later should I think of anything new.

I guess more than advice I was hoping to hear other people's situations who might have been in a situation similiar to my own. Im sure there are alot of them out there..... oh, and I probably forgot to mention, but me and him are relatively young....me only 25, him only 32, and I think he's been married about, oh, 6-7 years or so. his children are both under 5 years old.

I guess I just find it sad in a way. It is so rare, to find someone special with whom you can be yourself and they've seen almost every side of you and still love you, and I torture myself that I feel this way about someone who is married with children.

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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:26 pm
Re: affairs are not always black/white when kids are involve
LostGirl811 wrote:
... I left the job though, because I couldn't handle the emotions, hearing other people ask him about the new house him and his wife were buying, or hearing about the new pregnancy. ...One day children will grow up and leave the house. Does tht mean a person should sacrifice their own youth staying married to smeone they are not in love with just so they don't uproot the family? It is not an easy decision to make. And I dont think he's planning on changing the family dynamic anytime soon. He likes being able to go home, see his kids, tuck them in, but after they are asleep he wishes he had someone there that cared about being affectionate to him which his wife apaprently is not. ....

She is affectionate to him. Pregnancies don't happen outta nuffin.

He is feeding you a line of baloney because he enjoys the extracurriculars and the drama. But he has no intention of leaving because, if he did, that new pregnancy would not have happened.

I'm not saying anything about morality. Eh, whatever. But get out for the sake of not only your own self-respect but also so that you stop wasting your time with this loser. You are young and presumably you would have other options if you were open to them -- options that involve men who are fully available to you, 24/7, and not just as a hidden, stolen romance where you can't even go out to dinner because someone might see you.

No one deserves that. End it and find someone who you can openly go out to dinner with, etc. That guy is out there but you have to be open to him and not stuck with this guy.
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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:29 pm
Don't settle for the other half of someones life (the short half at that)

You are worth more than that.

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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:37 pm
I echo jes' sentiments and with no moral tone either. I think you have spent this time with him and it is preventing you from moving on which I really think you need to do.

His situation is his problem; yours is yours. This guy, as you've said, will never leave his wife, so what are you doing, hon? If that's all you want, that's fine, but if you are in love with him (and it sounds like you are), this is getting you nowhere.

You deserve a life of your own, with your own man. If you don't want that, at least leave him so you can give yourself a chance to find out if that's really true.

He's not yours and never will be.

Let it go.

And best of luck. You sound like you really love this guy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:45 pm
I'm not sure why the presence of children should change how people treat their life partners.

You know, Aretha sang it. R E S P E C T

Respect yourself. Respect the other person in the relationship.

Here's a fine case of a fella in a relationship that's working for him, and he'd like to have two relationships that work for him. Where's the respect there? (other than for himself)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:49 pm
Re: affairs are not always black/white when kids are involve
She is affectionate to him. Pregnancies don't happen outta nuffin.

He is feeding you a line of baloney because he enjoys the extracurriculars and the drama. But he has no intention of leaving because, if he did, that new pregnancy would not have happened.

I'm not saying anything about morality. Eh, whatever. But get out for the sake of not only your own self-respect but also so that you stop wasting your time with this loser. You are young and presumably you would have other options if you were open to them -- options that involve men who are fully available to you, 24/7, and not just as a hidden, stolen romance where you can't even go out to dinner because someone might see you.

No one deserves that. End it and find someone who you can openly go out to dinner with, etc. That guy is out there but you have to be open to him and not stuck with this guy.[/quote]


I probably should have been more informative regarding that bit. I don't think they have sex very often, before me and him slept together, which in itself has been rare, when we were just friends he used to joke around when I would complain I hadn't had any nooky in a couple of weeks or some such thing, he'd half-jokingly say "A couple weeks? Trying being married. I'm lucky if I get attention once every 8 weeks." So, I'm fairly positive I know exactly when the last kid was conceived as they went to a wedding and got really drunk, but that was almost three years ago now and Im fairly certain their sex life hasn't improved since after 4 years of NOT sleeping with me (aside from the one time in the beginning), he's finally given in and done it.

Anyway, thank you for continued advice. I do love him very much, and inwardly I do not believe he will leave her. Not soon, anyway. i could see them seperating maybe when his children were grown up more, but not anytime soon, i don't think. Very hard to resist tho.....especially when the rest of my life is such crap right now. i hate my job, I work and go to school 18 hours a day, I have no time to see my friends let alone date anyone, and granted, I do feel lonely sometimes, and seeing him, even for two hours, makes me happy. And I guess that's what keeps me coming back. *sigh* Why couldn't I have met him a few years earlier....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:28 pm
Ok, you feel like you love him.

Do you want to stay or do you want to leave?

I think you probably have a good idea of what will happen if you stick around and continue to see him.

If you leave, you may imagine that it will horrible and so difficult. You might be surprised to find out how easy it can be.

No, I haven't been in a situation exactly like this. Not with a married man. But who of us hasn't been with a man/woman that we felt strong feelings for and who filled some of our needs - but who we knew weren't good for us overall?
I know I certainly have.

Leaving isn't hard once you decide to do it. The hard part is in dealing with your own life, and fixing what isn't working that drives us into situations like this.
If you'd like help there, I can help.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:34 pm
I think that a fair number of guys try to both get their needs met and keep the family together by way of having affairs, whether is works depends on if the wife finds out and if she finds out does she care.

This is not your cross to carry however, yours is the same kids or no kids...are you willing to be with someone who cheats, and are you being fair to the wife when you sleep with her husband?

Why he does what he does is of academic interest only. What he would do if he had no kids you can't know.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:42 pm
You are very young and you are emotionally tied to someone who is
married and not available. In turn, you won't be available for anyone
else as long as you're involved with this married man.

Will he ever leave his wife? Who knows! What you will know in time is
that you spent your best years waiting - waiting for someone who may
never be available.

Five years from now, are you prepared to look back without resentment
and sadness to have wasted such valuable time on this man who was
only looking for some excitement? I think not!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:43 pm
^ Exactly.

And what you do know, is that this is a man who talks a big story and yet acts primarily with his own interests first - regardless of whether it hurts others or not.

That's enough information to know this man is not capable of being a secure, loving, and mature partner.

My point is: Even in the rare event (maybe your secret hope) that you had got him sooner before the wife and kiddies, or if you got him down the road because he leaves his family....

What's the price here? He's no prize. You'd be left standing there with the booby award wondering "how did I get doped into this?".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:53 pm
Obviously you are aware from the other thread that cheating is controversial. It seems logical that most women would be motivated to try to talk other women out of being with cheating men, as they desire that their men have few women who will sleep with them.

You need to do what is right for you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:00 pm
I have some long ago experience with this, though no situation is exactly the same as anyone else's. I was not unopen to a good new real relationship happening, and it did. I don't, even now, think it was a waste of my time. It was affirming in some ways. I do think I was out of my mind re putting my own need and excitement over the life of that marriage, which was never in jeopardy of falling apart in any case, but still, I think of myself then as out to lunch. I agree that moving on is the thing to do. Move on to getting your appreciation and sensitivity from your own mind and heart and not depending on his, which by the sound of it is quite a mistake, even though comforting. We make our own happiness at home with ourselves. Open yourself up to that, and then you can be a good partner for another person who has similarly matured.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:01 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
It seems logical that most women would be motivated to try to talk other women out of being with cheating men, as they desire that their men have few women who will sleep with them.

Oy, another one of your distorted views!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:02 pm
It IS becoming clearer all the time...
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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:03 pm
It was clear all along, Rockhead. He's just in denial.
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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:07 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
It seems logical that most women would be motivated to try to talk other women out of being with cheating men, as they desire that their men have few women who will sleep with them.

Oy, another one of your distorted views!

It is not a view, it is logic. Whether this is what you women are up to is for LG to determine, I take no position on the matter.

If you disagree with my statement that she needs to do what is right for her then you and I need to have a chat, till then it looks to me like you have a personal problem.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:12 pm
Logic? You don't even know the meaning of logic, never mind implementing it.

I have a personal problem? Haha, if you're the normal one, then yes,
I have a problem.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:14 pm
Besides, if you read very careful, hawkeye, then you would recognize
that my post was not directed at her leaving this selfish whiner, my
concern was the time she is wasting with him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:14 pm
Why, Hawkeye, I had no idea it was my man on the table for grabs here. Laughing

Very weird post, indeed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:25 pm
mushypancakes wrote:
Why, Hawkeye, I had no idea it was my man on the table for grabs here. Laughing

Very weird post, indeed.

No, because women clearly feel the need to stick together, to stick up for the gender. A lot of female behavior is based upon no more than that, so it is not unreasonable to look for it and to expect it.
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