jjorge's Dean Diary

Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2003 07:06 am



With six weeks to go before the New Hampshire primary, SurveyUSA takes its first poll of the season in the Granite State:

Dean 45
Kerry 15
Clark 11
Lieberman 11
Edwards 6
Gephardt 4
Other 6
Undecided 2

The survey was taken December 14-16 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5%.


A new poll in Wisconsin shows Howard Dean taking a "commanding" lead in the Feb 17th primary state:

Dean captured the support of 33% of those polled, well ahead of Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman (12%), retired Gen. Wesley Clark (11%), Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt (9%) and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry (6%). Another 22% were undecided....
In the same poll in September, the "undecideds" were higher (32%), with little separation in the field. At 13%, Dean was third behind Clark (18%) and Lieberman (14%)....

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Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2003 07:24 am
I'm a little disappointed that Kerry and Lieberman scored so high.
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Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2003 08:32 pm
hehhehheh ...

chait-o-phobe - devoted to debunking the foolishness at the Dean-o-phobe blog
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Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2003 08:53 pm

good link!

I feel the same way.... I'm really piss*d off at Lieberman in particular for his over-the-top attacks on Dean.

FYI despite being the outsider, Dean is starting to put together a nice list of endorsements:
http://www.gay-civil unions.com/HTML/Politics/Howard_Dean_Endorsements.htm

Isn't it interesting how many minority members of congress --especially Hispanics -- have endorsed Dean.
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Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2003 12:04 pm
good link!

Well, to be fair Chait himself posted the link in his Dean-o-phobe blog ... rather gentleman-like, that was, I thought.
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Reply Sun 21 Dec, 2003 08:56 pm
As William Buckley Jr. stated of Bush

1) He is not legitimately president of the United States. The other guy got more votes. Bush slipped in because of capricious conduct by the courts.

2) Bush is a Christer. He takes every opportunity to inform the American people that he is in touch with the Lord and therefore that, by deduction, what he does is the Lord's work.

3) He gravely miscalculated the onus of what he set out to do in Iraq. The consequences of that miscalculation are deaths unending, and more money spent than King Solomon dreamed of.

4) The economy lacks the kind of resiliency it might have shown if more resourcefully tended.

5) His truckling to the rich in his tax cuts shows a callous disregard of civil adjudications between America's poor and America's rich.

And finally, 6) He is a liar. He specifically informed the public that Iraq had in hand instantly deployable weapons of mass destruction. These, it proved, did not exist.

These issues simply need be brought to the limelight along with the Patriot Acts in order to facilitate a Dean victory.
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Reply Mon 22 Dec, 2003 01:49 pm

WASHINGTON--In a dual endorsement in an important general election state, West Virginia's two Democratic congressmen have endorsed Governor Howard Dean.
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Reply Mon 22 Dec, 2003 07:23 pm
Dean "Clear National Leader" in New Harris Poll

The latest Harris Poll shows Howard Dean "has pulled ahead of all other candidates among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents nationwide." The results, with October's in parenthesis:

Howard Dean 21 (11)
Joe Lieberman 10 (13)
Wesley Clark 7 (12)
Richard Gephardt 7 (8)
Carol Moseley-Braun 6 (5)
Al Sharpton 6 (5)
John Kerry 4 (10)
John Edwards 3 (4)
Dennis Kucinich 1 (3)


The latest nationwide Newsweek poll also shows Howard Dean ahead:

Dean 26 (24)
Don't Know 20 (14)
Clark 15 (12)
Lieberman 7 (12)
Sharpton 7 (5)
Kerry 6 (5)
Gephardt 5 (10)
Edwards 5 (5)
Braun 1 (3)
Kucinich 1 (2)

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Reply Thu 25 Dec, 2003 09:07 pm
Eric Alterman excoriates the punditocracy, aka the SCLM (So-called Liberal Media) for its collective Fatwah against Howard Dean:

STOP THE PRESSES by Eric Alterman
Washington Goes to War (with Howard Dean)
'The Nation' 12-24-03

Saddam Hussein may be out of his spider hole, but Washington's real enemy is still at large. His name: "Howard Dean"--and nobody in America poses a bigger threat to the city's sense of its own importance. New Republic writer Michelle Cottle returned from maternity leave to find Washington fit for a "Tarantino-style blood bath," with the Democratic front-runner cast as a "paleoliberal...a heartless conservative...too naïve to beat Bush...too politically cynical to trust...a Stalinist...[and] a neofascist [who] kills babies and drinks their blood."

In its self-appointed role as semiofficial punditocracy politburo, the Washington Post editorial board issued what ABC News's The Note properly termed "a button-popping, eye-bugging anti-Dean editorial" that it undoubtedly hoped would serve as Dean's political death sentence. Expressing editorial shock and awe over Dean's unarguably accurate observation that Saddam Hussein's capture left the United States no safer than before, Post editors termed the candidate's views to be "not just unfounded but ludicrous" and complained of his "departure from the Democratic mainstream."

For the rest of the column go to:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2003 06:56 pm
Ah, I'm not crazy, or at least - i wasn't the only one making the observation (about feeling ill at ease with how and when Dean opted out of the federal public-financing system for the primary season). This guy said it better - Howard Fineman:

In the meantime, let me say that the immediate reason for opting out of the system has nothing to do with the war against Bush next spring and summer—if Dean gets to wage it. It’s about this winter’s war against Dick Gephardt in Iowa, John Kerry in New Hampshire, and John Edwards and Wes Clark in South Carolina. [..]

Bush opted out in 2000 in part so that he could spend whatever he wanted wherever he wanted to. Without that freedom, he wouldn’t have been able to survive the insurgent onslaught of John McCain. Now Dean wants that same freedom to maneuver. [..]

Under federal campaign-finance law, candidates who accept matching funds can only spend a certain amount in each state. [..] Dean wants to be unshackled from all of that. If need be, he can spend $5 million in Iowa to blow out Gephardt—who absolutely has to win that state to have any chance to move on. Same in New Hampshire, where Kerry trails, and can’t afford to lose. Ditto South Carolina, where Edwards leads in most polls. [..]

Dean portrays his desire to abandon the federal system as a noble cause in the fight against an overpowering Republican incumbent. But in the short run it’s something less than that: it’s a bold attempt to obliterate his Democratic rivals—fast.
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Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 12:54 am
"Standing Up for Howard Dean"

Letter to the editor Washington Post
Saturday, December 27, 2003; Page A24

Although I am committed to the electoral ouster of the Bush administration for its indifference to international law, civil liberties, the environment and the plight of the jobless and hungry, I cannot support any candidate for the Democratic nomination who proves to be behind the latest smear against Howard Dean ["Anti-Dean Ad Is Criticized; Independent Group Uses Bin Laden Image in Commercial," news story, Dec. 17].
National security judgment will be an issue in the presidential campaign; this is one reason I support Gen. Wesley K. Clark. But moral judgment is always an issue in the presidency, and that quality is clearly lacking in any Democratic candidate who secretly supports attacks that can only divide the Democratic Party and strengthen George W. Bush.

Let the commercial show the sponsor's face, instead of that of Osama bin Laden, an indirect beneficiary of this despicable assault.

New York
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Reply Fri 2 Jan, 2004 09:48 pm
CNN: Dean Leads Democrats, Trails Bush by Only 5 Points
Inside Politics reports on a new CNN/Time Poll of 1,004 adult Americans conducted by telephone on December 30 and January 1. Despite constant attacks from the inside-the-beltway pundits and campaigns, who keep charging that Dean is "unelectable," he now trails George Bush by a mere 5 points -- 51% to 46%.

Just to put that into perspective: in April of 1992, Bill Clinton trailed George H.W. Bush by 20 points.

The poll also shows Dean leading the Democratic field at 22%.
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Reply Fri 2 Jan, 2004 09:59 pm
I've got my fingers crossed.
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2004 04:05 am
wow, only 5 points behind bush!! i thought most people still haven't even heard of him.

go dean.
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2004 11:23 am
well, thats good news! such a contrast with the last few polls ...
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2004 01:24 pm
Yesterday's Boston Globe carried a column about how Dean is addressing the problem of institutional racism in this election:

Howard Dean said, "I'm trying to gently call out the white population." His genteel example was a story he tells to voters about how his chief of staff as governor of Vermont was always a woman. After two or three years, Dean noticed that she had a "matriarchy" in the office. When the chief of staff was going to hire a new person, Dean said, he told her, " `I notice we have a gender imbalance in the office, and I wonder if you could find a man.' She said it's really hard to find a qualified man. I got everybody laughing about that."

That is Dean's icebreaker to get audiences to understand institutional racism. "The punch line of the story that it's so hard to find a qualified man is everybody does it. Everybody tends to hire people like themselves. And I get them all nodding, including the African-Americans in the audience."

(from the blog)
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2004 02:16 pm

I deserve it.

I was doing great , working for Dean, having fun and participating in the greatest grassroots movement in American political history. Then I started house-hunting, and, as one fellow Deaniac said:

" jjorge's fallen into the black hole of house buying."

He was right (sob). There's a PERFECT STORM http://iowa.deanforamerica.com/taxonomy/page/or/95 building in Iowa and I CAN'T BE THERE! The closing on my new house is 1/15/04. I move into my new house 1/15 --1/16. It'll take me days if not weeks to unpack everything. (damn! Why did I have to be such a packrat and stuff my basement with all those yard sale 'finds')

I got a call last night from a friend with Rhode Island for Dean. He and several others are going to Iowa on 1/14, and did I want to come? Damn! damn! damn!

Dean people call the great Iowa trek, 'The Perfect Storm' and mark my words, HAVING BEEN THERE will be something worth big time bragging rights when Dean is president. (and ever after in Democratic lore)

I can't remember wanting ANYTHING so badly that I couldn't have...(well, maybe Linda Fuller when I saw her in those shorts in the ninth grade Sad )

I want to go! Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad (sob) I want that orange hat!

Oh yeh, you're right. I already HAVE an orange hat ha, ha, ha...
but trust me, it ain't the same. Crying or Very sad
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2004 10:32 pm
dean seems to be recieving a lot of bad press as well. it's largely unfounded though. i think everytime a dean supporter finds an article criticizing dean for some stupid little statement that some people misinterpret such as the pickup trucks comment, they should write a letter to the editor explaining it as follows.

those that criticize him for his mistakes don't realize that mistakes are inevitable when one speaks their mind and tells people exactly what they think. unlike the vast majority of politicians out there, dean makes very little effort to mask his true beliefs to say the least controversial responce. he doesn't give you the run around like most politicians. he almost always answers the question directly and explains it quite well. while this sometimes gives conservative reporters ammo to attack him, this candor, openess, and directness are precisely what make just about anyone who hears him speak like the man. i've even heard many conservatives remark that they only wish that bush and other republicans were as candid as he is. even the statements he makes that people claim are contradictions make perfect sense. he said he supports nafta, and on another occasion that nafta needs some revisions. both statements are true. anyone with a brain would agree with both statements. nafta has done a lot of good. but it's not perfect and needs revisions. only morons ignore the complexities behind these issues and sees them as contradictions. dean is a realist. he acknowledges that a completely new unrealistic universal healthcare program will fail. but he knows that slowly expanding and reforming medicare will allow for a much smoother transition. intelligent people respond to this insight. all people like his candor and directness. and this is why he'll win.

here's a VERY useful link that essentially includes every negative article writen about dean...


i've read everyone one of them and am not bothered by any of them.

if you favor dean, do your part. write to these same publications pointing out the issues outlined.

jjorge, any chance you could post a blog mentioning some of the issues brought up in this post.
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2004 11:09 pm
jjorge and other deaniacs, i need your help on this...

i compiled a list of things that bush did that i think should piss off most people including conservatives here...


IF YOU'RE DEDICATED TO BUSH LOSING, it would be worthwhile for a second person (one who isn't biased to all the issues and is pretty in tune with how american people think - a claim i wish i could make) to narrow the issues brought up here to the issues that are most likely to piss off most americans including conservatives, and list them including lots of supporting data for them. then i'll help design a series of posters, one highlighting each issue.

through help of insiders like jjorge, i think we can post copies of the posters on sites like blogforamerica so that people can print them out and put them up all over their neighborhood. this is the very essence of a grassroots movements.

as long as the issues brought up really do matter to the american people, and there is plenty of specific information on how bush opposes these issues, A LOT OF PEOPLE WILL BE TURNED AWAY FROM REELECTING BUSH.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jan, 2004 06:41 pm
Centroles wrote:
jjorge and other deaniacs, i need your help on this...

i compiled a list of things that bush did that i think should piss off most people including conservatives here...


IF YOU'RE DEDICATED TO BUSH LOSING, it would be worthwhile for a second person (one who isn't biased to all the issues and is pretty in tune with how american people think - a claim i wish i could make) to narrow the issues brought up here to the issues that are most likely to piss off most americans including conservatives, and list them including lots of supporting data for them. then i'll help design a series of posters, one highlighting each issue.

through help of insiders like jjorge, i think we can post copies of the posters on sites like blogforamerica so that people can print them out and put them up all over their neighborhood. this is the very essence of a grassroots movements.

as long as the issues brought up really do matter to the american people, and there is plenty of specific information on how bush opposes these issues, A LOT OF PEOPLE WILL BE TURNED AWAY FROM REELECTING BUSH.

Good going Centroles,
It's great to see that you want to take action and not simply complain about Bush and Company!

I'm not any more of a Dean insider than you are though. Just another foot soldier. I reccomend that you go directly to the blog with your ideas.
You can post them there and they will be disseminated widely


"The front-runner in this campaign is George W. Bush, and all the powerful people who've given him millions of dollars and benefited from his policies. The underdog is the American people."
--Gov. Howard Dean
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