Bi-Polar Bear wrote:The entire Obama campaign as represented here, in the media, on the streets has a tinge of "more than", "better than", "smarter than", "more enlightened than", "more educated than"
You know, I dont know what the **** happened with you. I dont mind the ****-disturbing stuff by itself. Knock yourself out. What I cant get over is how you mix that up in equal halves with these resentful doses of self-pity. I mean, jesus christ - you call
us whiners? You're the one who hasnt been able to get over the fact that some bozos or other acted like they were better than you. You're the one who's done nothing but this perpetual Woe Me whine for months now about how those smug, arrogant Obama folks, they talk
down to you!
I mean, oh my freaking god - they talked
down to you? Since when are you such a pussy? Seriously, since when does a guy like you even give it a second of
thought if some college kid dissed you? Let alone let it turn you into some whiny ass with a chip on your shoulder that you take out on any Obama supporter you meet for the next five months?
Half the time you post on Politics now it's to needle the Obama supporters, call them names collectively and stuff. Right? And then whenever the expected blowback comes (big whooping surprise), you spend the
other half complaining about how mean and arrogant and smug they are, how they think they're smarter than you and how unfair it all is! It's like a friggin perpetuum mobile of passive agression.
That's not, like, how a self-confident guy acts.. Thats how some passive agressive pity act behaves. Yeah, it's how
Hillary behaves. Pulls out all the tricks in the book, but when the other side retaliates it's all, the "big boys" are trying to "bully" me! (
literal quote that). But guys who dont give a f*ck aren't perpetually resentful about "how they think they're better than me" - they dont give a f*ck.
This is not about us. It's just BS that somehow all or most Obamaites have been arrogant, smug bastards pretending they're oh so much better than everyone else. F*ck, we know you, we go back a long way - I bet all the other regulars also just bit their tongues the first dozen times you went on about how much we all suck, I know I did. At some point you've just taken the worst couple of examples and decided to project some long-standing reservoir of resentment from god knows where on anybody who supports Obama forever after.
Well f*ck it, I dont know what that is all about. I dont know where you got the inferiority complex from, but it aint from me or O'Bill or FD or Snood or you name 'em, and if it's really Cyclo or Roxx that got to you then god help us. Enough with the drama queen act already. Lemme know when you're up to acting like a guy again.