What's the prostitute look like?

Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 09:53 pm
Paying 80k for a thoroughbred sure beats tapping your foot in the men's room. Oh what happened to Larry Craig's resignation.

And David Vitter.
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Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 10:58 pm
This dude championed tough new state laws against johns, and it turns out that he likely was a paying costumer at the time......string him up I say. Extreme moral hypocrisy should be a capital offense in politics.
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Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 11:25 pm
tell me why I should look up who David Vitter is, anyone?

I'm not so interested in this side of politics over the course of years, but that means that I miss varied stuff. I could google all day every day, but in this case, I'm interested in your opinions before I do.
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Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 11:39 pm
We do have a low tolerance for hypocrisy, don't we, hawkeye? Were it not for that, this wouldn't be much of an issue as it does look like he was spending his own money.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:07 am
Could I whaaat?

I think I meant to say that soliciting for prostitution or whatever it's called doesn't sound real high on the list of serious crimes, but we are more sensitive to the behavior that has been widely condemned by the perpertrator.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:09 am
Hey! Osso, you just pulled a post while I was replying to it. Makes me look like an idiot, like back on abuzz when craven changed his screen name to a ".", and then deleted the post after I sent in a reply.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:10 am
Sorry, Roger, I thought better of my question and deleted as you answered.
But thank you. (we concur perhaps on this one.)
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:12 am
OK, I replied before you accused me! I'll take the fault if you take the next one....
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:12 am
Ya know, the next time I take something to help get to sleep, I might try hot chocolate, or something like that.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:13 am
roger wrote:
We do have a low tolerance for hypocrisy, don't we, hawkeye? Were it not for that, this wouldn't be much of an issue as it does look like he was spending his own money.

He broke multiple laws by the looks of it. He is also guilty of extreme stupidity. I think that the hypocrisy is the worst of it, but this time the mantra of the naive "it was only sex, it is his personal business" just ain't going to hunt. He transported a sex worker over state lines, and as of NOV, because of a law that he help get created, he could be found guilty of sex worker trafficking. He also looks to be guilty of financial crimes. It is not clear that this was all his money and not NY's, and even if it was he looks to be guilty of the charge of structuring. Dollars to donuts they are going to find NY money used in some way, so they will get him for misuse of public funds as well.

This clown is cooked.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 12:15 am
OK, I'll state for a2k and forevermore, Roger is in no way an idiot, indeed not.

Oh, and I'm not either.

He is funnier.
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ebrown p
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 05:01 am
This guy is guilty as charged as far as hypocrisy and stupidity go.

But why the hell do we care what our elected officials do in bed with consenting adults?

Part of the story is the foolishness of our puritanical attitudes towards sex.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 05:06 am
ebrown_p wrote:
This guy is guilty as charged as far as hypocrisy and stupidity go.

But why the hell do we care what our elected officials do in bed with consenting adults?

Part of the story is the foolishness of our puritanical attitudes towards sex.

You can make that argument after you legalize prostitution, till then those who purchase sex from sex workers are criminals. We do care about know who our criminals are.
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ebrown p
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 05:17 am
Give him the fine then Hawkeye. Other then the hypocrisy, this shouldn't end a political career.

I probably would not vote for a hypocrite.

But I have no problem voting for someone who has sex with consenting adults.

((Would you like a joint hawkeye? You seem a bit uptight.))
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 06:04 am
I would tend to agree with ebrown to some extent. My main concern with elected officials using prostitutes (or just getting a bit on the side free of charge) is the fact it compromises them and leaves them open to blackmail.

In the case of Spitzer, it is being surmised that his relationship with this prostitution company may go back 10 years. Could his ongoing use of their services have kept them from prosecution back when he was prosecuting other such groups? I don't know. Surely not enough info is out there to say one way or the other. But it is just that sort of possibility that we as voters need to eliminate if we want honest and just government (I know that is a pipe dream, but I can dream, can't I?)

So yeah, I think he should probably resign, get his act together and if he wants to run for office in a few years, go ahead and do so. Then the voters could decide. In fact, if it were allowable, the state could hold a special election for governor, he could run if he wanted, and the voters could then decide if they want to keep him in office or not. Simple. Let the voters decide whether what he did should be important or not.

Oh, and just for Roxxxanne, I would say the same thing for Vitter. Let the voters decide if the care about an elected official stepping out on his wife.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:11 am
ebrown_p wrote:

But I have no problem voting for someone who has sex with consenting adults.

What about transport of women across State limit for porstitution/white slavery or for that matter how about money laundering?
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:21 am
Miller wrote:
ebrown_p wrote:

But I have no problem voting for someone who has sex with consenting adults.

What about transport of women across State limit for porstitution/white slavery or for that matter how about money laundering?

LOL the only modern prosecution of the Mann Act has involved child prostitution. I assume Christen is over 18. And what about money laundering, what evidence do you have that Spitzer was laundering money. At worse, he might be gulity of structuring, another rarely prosecuted and difficult toprove offense.

And why aren't you defending this BIG TIME HILLARY SUPPORTER?

Your true colors are showing. When you try to take up a faked position, do try to stay in character.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:26 am
CoastalRat wrote:
I would tend to agree with ebrown to some extent. My main concern with elected officials using prostitutes (or just getting a bit on the side free of charge) is the fact it compromises them and leaves them open to blackmail.

In the case of Spitzer, it is being surmised that his relationship with this prostitution company may go back 10 years. Could his ongoing use of their services have kept them from prosecution back when he was prosecuting other such groups? I don't know. Surely not enough info is out there to say one way or the other. But it is just that sort of possibility that we as voters need to eliminate if we want honest and just government (I know that is a pipe dream, but I can dream, can't I?)

So yeah, I think he should probably resign, get his act together and if he wants to run for office in a few years, go ahead and do so. Then the voters could decide. In fact, if it were allowable, the state could hold a special election for governor, he could run if he wanted, and the voters could then decide if they want to keep him in office or not. Simple. Let the voters decide whether what he did should be important or not.

Oh, and just for Roxxxanne, I would say the same thing for Vitter. Let the voters decide if the care about an elected official stepping out on his wife.

A rare event. I partially agree with CR. Both Vitter and Spitzer are guilty of hypocrisy to the nth degree. Vitter as he promotes family values, Spitzer as he has busted prostitution rings. When it comes to sex, IMO it's the hypocrisy not the sex itself.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:31 am
Plus it seems like what he's actually getting nabbed on is "structuring" -- trying to hide where money was going and why.
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Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:47 am
Leaving aside the ethical and legal issues--and the very real pain that Spitzer has caused his wife and daughters (by his indicating to the former that he considers her inadequate, and by showing the latter that he considers women a commodity), what bothers me most about the governor is his arrogance and great stupidity.

Arrogance in that he is entitled to act like this and in that he couldn't be caught. Stupidity in that escort services are notoriously dangerous. As a retired sex worker writes in a NYT OpEd this morning, no real players go anywhere near an escort service. If they want to cheat on their spouses, they take the private recommendations of their friends; the women they deal with are listed nowhere and have private numbers.

Arrogance and stupidity is a combination that I have seen in politicians before--and currently. But most arrogant politicians have some smarts--in the street-sense area. Spitzer flunks even the street-sense test. I wouldn't want someone this profoundly dumb being governor of my state.

And, of course, I could never forgive him for the heavy, bad number he's done on his wife and daughters.
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