For those interested in the attempt of statists to form a super slush fund, currently in the guise of the Cap and Trade bill, you may be interested to know that the rationale for that legislation has recently suffered due to the fact that data of anthropogenic global warming has failed to make an appearance for the last 10 years or so. Well, while it is no secret as to why Al Gore and the afore mentioned crowd are so invested, surely we can turn to science to provide some unbiased data and technologically based guestimates to guide us in making informed decisions on how we might proceed from here. Well, not so fast Bunky.It appears that science has been infected by those with a well meaning but, now, somewhat discredited agenda. It would seem that last week servers at Britain's Climate Research Unit, a part of the University of East Anglia, were hacked into and some info was, err… liberated.
The Wall Street Journal weighs in here:
But Red State informs us here:
That :"Ed Morrisey, at Hot Air, and others have done significant digging into the emails and documents. The highlights are:
1.Prominent environmental scientists organize a boycott of scientific journals if those journals publish scholarly material from global warming dissidents.
2.The scientists then orchestrate attacks on the dissidents because of their lack of scholarly material published in scientific journals.
3.The scientists block from the UN’s report on global warming evidence that is harmful to the anthropogenic global warming consensus.
4.The scientists, when faced with a freedom of information act request for their correspondence and data, delete the correspondence and data lest it be used against them.
5.The scientists fabricate data when their data fails to prove the earth is warming. In fact, in more than one case, scientists engaged in lengthy emails on how to insert additional made up data that would in turn cause their claims to stand out as legitimate. "
Morrisey's HotAir article is here:
To paraphrase Red State's Erick Erickson: This is damning sh*t