It is unconstitutional for the federal government to pay, give, or loan money to people who are not employees of the federal government and are not contractors to the federal government. This is true regardless of whether or not PRINTED MONEY is constitutional, and regardless of whether or not loaning money to employees or contractors of the federal government is constitutional.
The Stimulus Bill signed by President Obama, transfers federal tax revenues to persons not employees of the federal government and are not contractors of the federal government, and therefore violates the Constitution, "the supreme law of the land."
Therefore, President Obama is guilty of transferring tax revenues to persons not employees of the federal government and not contractors of the federal government, and therefore he is guilty of violating the Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
A president who violates the Constituion is adhering to those enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, who seek to replace the constitutional republic of the United States with a collectivist, statist, socialist, communist, fascist, or a nazist dictatorship.