ican711nm wrote:
Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'
Now we learn what the true end game is in regard to climate change. We knew this all along, did we not, ican? Climate change is only a vehicle, a means to the end. Years ago, I remember thinking that the new home of Marxists or communists was the environmental movement. Most conservatives have recognized this fact by now, and that is why we are so skeptical of the politically charged climate change issue. It is not about science, it is about politics, and always has been from day 1.
That explains why Obama has jumped on board with climate change so completely. The guy is completely clueless about the science, I think that much is obvious, and he really does not care about the science at all, but he sees the movement as a nice little vehicle to hop onto and try to further alot of his visionary politics, for his own benefit and power. And I don't really think the economic situation matters a whit to him as long as he can somehow hold onto his popularity. He only responds to issues as it relates to public opinion and his approval rating, thats all.