H2O MAN wrote:
Debra Law wrote:
Why don't we just recycle paper rather than tossing it in the circular file for disposal in a landfill?
The idea of recycling looks good on paper... but the cost in time & fuel is much
higher than the initial production cost and distribution of the original item.
You make a compelling argument.
Let's lower the cost of fuel and make recycling more cost-efficient. Let's make using fossil fuels so expensive that people will have to switch to renewable, environment-friendly energy sources. It will create millions of new jobs in the renewable energy industry. I know, I know . . . that will hurt the oil industry . . . but what about the mail order industry? It employs millions of people and generates billions and billions of dollars in sales every year.
Quote:The better plan is to reduce the overall volume of junk mail generated each and every day.
Why do you want to put businesses out of business? If businesses are deprived of the means to directly and effectively solicit consumers, how will businesses survive or grow? How will jobs be created?
And what about non-profit organizations (including religious organizations) that rely on mass mailing solicitations to generate donations for charitable purposes?
Quote:The better plan for American Conservatism is to reduce the overall size, scope and daily cost of government.
I don't understand. Conservatives want to destroy businesses and non-profit organizations in order to reduce the size, scope, and daily cost of government?