wandeljw wrote:
My personal reason for following this thread has been to explore what distinguishes modern liberals from modern conservatives. Is it their views on the scope of government? (The Franklin Roosevelt vision versus the Ronald Reagan vision?)
From my perspective, there are the old style conservatives--you know, the ones who evolved into today's modern liberals--who aggressively defend their point of view to the point of being punative and/or disallowing nobody else any different point of view; who condemn and/or despise those who hold different points of view.
And there are the neocons who share some solid socioeconomic convictions with most conservatives, but who would presume to legislate morality on a national or global level that which is more appropriately decided at the local level and who would use economic or political pressures to spread economic and other freedoms in the world.
And there are the modern liberals, many of whom evolved from those old style conservatives and emulate their worst traits, who agree with policing, punishing, and/or denouncing those who speak wrongly, who judge people by the clubs, political party, or social groups they belong to, and, in the extreme, by their race and/or religion, but who passionately defend their own.
And there are the MACs who embrace most of the values of the Classical Liberals of old and/or the modern libertarians (little "L") of today and who we have posted a definition for many times now. You know that definition that none of the non-MACs accept as the definition but they cannot articulate why the definition isn't okay.
As all or most of those willing to be identified as MACs have accepted the definition, however, let's compare the two most prevalent groups: Focusing only the specific concepts listed in that definition, here are the differences I see between Modern American Conservatives (MACs) and Modern American Liberals (MALs):
1. Human Rationality
MACs believe human are more capable of deciding what is in their own best interest and spending their own money to their own best benefit than government is capable of deciding or doing tthat for them.
MALS believe government should have the power to save the weak and irresponsible from themselves or to spare the less fortunate of many of the consequences of the choices they make.
2. Individual Property Rights
MACs believe in the Lockean principle that property precedes government, and if the people cannot be secure in the property that they acquired legally and ethically, they have no rights at all. MACs look at taxes as the their money which they allow the government to spend on their behalf.
MALS believe in the Marxist principle that all belongs to all the people and the government should dictate what the people should be able to keep for their own use. MALs look at taxes as the people's (the government's) money that the government can choose to distribute as it sees fit.
3. Natural rights
MACs believe in natural, god-given rights that are inviolate.
MALs, if they believe in God at all, think He has no place in government and natural rights are either arbitrary or vague terms for which little consideration is appropriate.
4. Individual freedom from restraint
MACs interpret this to mean that so long as s/he does not violate or endanger the Constitutional, legal, civil, or unalienable rights of others, the federal government may not restrict any person's activities.
MALS believe the federal government has license to protect the people from themselves.
5. Equality of the law
MACs believe that in order for the law to be just, enforcement and consequences for breaking it must apply evenly and equally and without bias or prejudice across the board to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, country of origin, religion, ideology, or sexual orientation.
MALs believe there should be room to ignore or adjust the application of the law for certain groups who are inconvenienced by it.
6. Constitutional limits of government
MACs distrust an unrestrained government and believe that the federal government should be restricted as much as possible to doing only that which is authorized by the Constitution and cannot be done more efficiently and effectively by the private sector.
MALs distrust the private sector and approve of more and more functions and control assumed by the federal government.
7. Free Markets
MACs believe markets are free only when laizzez faire principle of economics are allowed to work. Sufficient regulation should be in place to prevent people from doing violence to each other and as necessary so that everybody has a chance and knows the risks, and then it should get out of the way and let the market work.
MALs believe the sellers of goods are too often corrupt or unprincipled to be allowed to operate laizzez-faire and government control and/or even ownership is the best protection for the people and Kenysian economics are more effective than laizzez-faire.
8. The Gold Standard
MACS believe that the gold standard is the best means to ensure fiscal responsibility by government, and the smallest government possible that can also be effective would allow us to return to the gold standard and stop saddling subsequent generations with the economic sins of the present one.
MALS do not agree with much limitation of government power and control and feel more secure with a government that holds as much power and control as possible without seriously jeopardizing what the MAL wishes to do or accomplish.
There are other comparisons or more specific comparisons we could make, but I think this is a pretty good start.