Well let's see. If FedEx or UPS took over the postal service, what would be the first thing they would do to service ALL the people? For starters, I think they would look at the Hwy we affectionately call Hwy North 14 that runs along the east side of the Sandia Mountains. There are five--count them five--post offices within 10 miles of each other out there serving a rural unincorporated population that doesn't add up to more than a small city. And 95% of that population has to drive right past the Tijeras post office to get home from work every day or go to the city for any purpose.
The first thing I would do, and I think FedEx would do, is install a whole bunch more mailboxes at the Tijeras post office and shut down and sell the other five, all located on prime commercial property. Mail delivery would be limited to banks of community mail boxes located X number of miles from the main post office and could easily be handled by a handful of employees.
Both UPS and FedEx provide a service people are willing to pay for and both have been amazingly successful operating on seven continents and moving packages and freight in a highly efficient manner. They might not go every single place that the US Post Office goes but they can't be too picky or they wouldn't be as successful as they are.
I have paid a premium fee to send a shipment to some obscure wide spot in the road but have never had a shipment refused.
I'm not knocking the US Post Office , but if they had operated as smoothly and efficiently as UPS and FedEx do, they wouldn't have lost all that lucrative business. And why should the people have to put up with inefficiency and extra frustration from the government when there are those in the private sector who can do it better?