Debra Law
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 05:49 pm
Thomas wrote:

I dunno, Debra -- Sowell does have his moments as a prophet. For example, there's an article from the distant past titled The Do Something War, in which he chastises in no uncertain terms the administration of the time for planning to go to war in Iraq. I dug out an excerpt for ya. Here is the core of Sowell's objection to the Iraq war:

Thomas Sowell wrote:
George Bush has failed to tell us what his "exit strategy" is. When will we stop the war and go home? When Saddam Hussein agrees to unlimited U.N. inspection? What if he never agrees? Will we keep bombing the Iraqis forever?

Saddam Hussein doesn't care how many Iraqis we kill. But the American public will, especially when the dead Iraqi women and children are televised in Baghdad and brought into every American home at dinner time. Add to that the dead Americans coming home in body bags and you do not have the conditions needed for lasting public support for extended military action.

In the 1991 Gulf War, we had clear objectives and the ability to win those objectives in short order. The objective was to drive the Iraqi army out of Kuwait and destroy its equipment. When that was done, we could declare victory and go home.

The Bush administration shows its usual pattern of playing everything politically by ear on a day-to-day basis. But, in war, such short-sightedness has often been the road to long-run tragedy.


Of course, I had to do one minor edit to make Sowell sound that good: I had to replace "Clinton" and "Bill Clinton" with "Bush" and "George Bush". But with this teeny little qualification, you can't deny that Sowell is coming across as a genuine prophet here.

Ah yes. If we just substitute the words that Sowell intended to use in place of the words that he actually used within the context of the column, then Sowell finally makes sense and he may indeed be heralded as a credible predictor of future events! Alas, however, you forgot to place the requisite asterisk next to the substituted words (pursuant to precedent established by our infallible and intellectually superior thread leader) in order to make this an intellectually honest exercise in mind reading.
Debra Law
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 05:57 pm
joefromchicago wrote:

Thomas wrote:
Of course, I had to do one minor edit to make Sowell sound that good: I had to replace "Clinton" and "Bill Clinton" with "Bush" and "George Bush". But with this teeny little qualification, you can't deny that Sowell is coming across as a genuine prophet here.

Eerily prescient.*

*as amended

Excellent use of the asterisk!
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 06:01 pm
@Debra Law,
Thanks for the criticism, Debra. I'll be more diligent with my asterisks in the future.
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 08:54 pm
Someone, but I don't know who wrote: Saddam Hussein doesn't care how many Iraqis we kill. But the American public will, especially when the dead Iraqi women and children are televised in Baghdad and brought into every American home at dinner time.

Really? I can't say as I've ever heard anyone expressing 'care' about how many Iraqis the USA killed, save for Foxy and Gob1. It would probably take more of a Vietnam number to stir up some caring.

0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 09:48 pm
Thomas wrote:

Thanks for the criticism, Debra. I'll be more diligent with my asterisks in the future.

You're welcome, Thomas. Do you think that Sowell gets his uncanny ability to predict the future through his readers' substitution of words in his columns from God? I'm really concerned for the progress of the modern American conservative movement now that God has informed Joe the Plumber that he shouldn't run for public office. Governor Sanford is still in love with his mistress from Argentina, but that's okay because David loved Bathsheba. Are there any rules that require a potential first lady to produce a U.S. birth certificate? I'm concerned about that potential stumbling block in the event Sanford chooses to run for president in 2012. Maybe Foxfyre will email her pen pal Sowell and ask for guidance on these pressing matters and maybe Foxfyre will then tell us what Sowell intended to say, but didn't actually say, in his response.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 05:47 am
Slightly off topic (though I think American Conservatism is so fulsome a philosophy than all subjects can be properly considered to fall within its purview)...Thomas, are you still concerned re Franken's future performance as a Senator? Tomasky (at The Guardian) had a good piece on his talents yesterday and (if Franken's self-discipline and prudence over the last six months isn't enough to convince you) there's this piece at the Times http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/02/us/politics/02minnesota.html?hpw

Jane and I had a long drive two weekends back and put in the audio recording of Lying Liars. I'd read it before but it was nice to review (he reads it himself).

This final result in Minnesota has brought out my schadenfreude response and with rousing gusto. Fox is going quite nuts and the National Review is treating it rather as if grandma's body is rotting over in the eastwing but it's all too painful to bring up a subject of conversation.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 06:57 am
So ABC provides an unchallenged, scripted, and staged infomercial for President Obama's agemda inside the White House.

And now this:

For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post is offering lobbyists and association executives off the record, non-confrontational access to "those powerful few" " Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and the paper’s own reporters and editors.

The astonishing offer is detailed in a flier circulated Wednesday to a health-care lobbyist, who provided it to a reporter because the lobbyist said he feels it’s a conflict for the paper to charge for access to, as the flier says, its “health care reporting and editorial staff."

The offer"which essentially turns a news organization into a facilitator for private lobbyist-official encounters"is a new sign of the lengths to which news organizations will go to find revenue at a time when most newspapers are struggling for survival.

And it's a turn of the times that a lobbyist is scolding The Washington Post for its ethical practices.

Evenso, a few brave souls are finally beginning to do their jobs:

Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 07:00 am
Change you can believe in!
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 07:01 am
Well it will be a change for the better for sure if the media finally gets tired of being the administration's lapdogs and another wing of the propaganda machine and actually begins to insist on the transparency that Candidate Obama promised us. But the problem the President has is that he has already demonstrated that he can't handle unscripted questions, so it is a real dilemma for him.

If those few brave souls actually manage to force the issue, most folks might begin to realize that the emperor has no clothes on some of this stuff. Then we will have a greater impact at the polls and Ican won't have to impeach him. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 07:15 am
ican711nm wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
... if a state, say Texas or New Mexico, should advise the President that they are seceding from the Union on the grounds that you just laid out here, and advised that they were herewith no longer submitting taxes to Washington or otherwise handing over any resources, what would the response of the U.S. government be?
... What would President Obama do?

(1) Negotiate!
(2) Failing in that, take the case to SP (i.e., Supreme Court) to determine the legality of secession under the conditions alleged.
(3) Threaten to arrest the perpetrators (i.e., the governors and/or those members of the state legislatures who declared they were seceding), IF SP decides against the seceding states--SP will probably decide against the seceding states.
(4) Back off when the Texan and New Mexican members--probably other members as well--of the federal military/FBI refuse to invade the seceding states to arrest the perpetrators.
(5) Try to convince the voters in the seceding states to impeach their perpetrators.
(6) Failing that, try to convince the voters in the USA that Obama and his cohorts have not violated the USA Constitution as amended.
(7) Failing that, oppose the efforts of the House to impeach Obama.
(8) Failing that, oppose the efforts of the Senate to remove Obama.
(9) Failing that, Obama will return to Chicago to run for the Senate and probably lose.

It would be an interesting scenario for sure. At least the loyal opposition would probably be heard throughout the land, something that is not happening now.

The scary thing to me though is that I watched another 'man on the street' segment this morning in which random citizens were asked the simplest of questions re our government, the Constitution, elected leaders, etc. Most knew who our first President was. Most didn't know who our second President was. Few knew what the First or Second amendments were about or whether those were freedoms protected by the Constitution.

And the government is wanting to take even more control over our education system.

So do we still have a majority of those who do know what freedom is, what our unalienable rights are, and what is right and just to fight for?

Maybe we're already screwed and the tide can't be reversed.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:09 am
Foxfyre wrote:
The scary thing to me though is that I watched another 'man on the street' segment this morning in which random citizens were asked the simplest of questions re our government, the Constitution, elected leaders, etc. Most knew who our first President was. Most didn't know who our second President was. Few knew what the First or Second amendments were about or whether those were freedoms protected by the Constitution.

And the government is wanting to take even more control over our education system.

So do we still have a majority of those who do know what freedom is, what our unalienable rights are, and what is right and just to fight for?

Maybe we're already screwed and the tide can't be reversed.

Yes, that's what happens just after 163 days of Obama being in office.
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:16 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Why do you think this happened after Obama was elected?
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:24 am
ican711nm wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
... if a state, say Texas or New Mexico, should advise the President that they are seceding from the Union on the grounds that you just laid out here, and advised that they were herewith no longer submitting taxes to Washington or otherwise handing over any resources, what would the response of the U.S. government be?
... What would President Obama do?

(1) Negotiate!
(2) Failing in that, take the case to SP (i.e., Supreme Court) to determine the legality of secession under the conditions alleged.
(3) Threaten to arrest the perpetrators (i.e., the governors and/or those members of the state legislatures who declared they were seceding), IF SP decides against the seceding states--SP will probably decide against the seceding states.
(4) Back off when the Texan and New Mexican members--probably other members as well--of the federal military/FBI refuse to invade the seceding states to arrest the perpetrators.
(5) Try to convince the voters in the seceding states to impeach their perpetrators.
(6) Failing that, try to convince the voters in the USA that Obama and his cohorts have not violated the USA Constitution as amended.
(7) Failing that, oppose the efforts of the House to impeach Obama.
(8) Failing that, oppose the efforts of the Senate to remove Obama.
(9) Failing that, Obama will return to Chicago to run for the Senate and probably lose.

You forgot the part where pigs sprout wings. I think it's somewhere around step 3 or 4.
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:25 am
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
Excellent use of the asterisk!

Thank you. I frequently receive compliments on my asterisks.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:26 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Why do you think this happened after Obama was elected?

Probably because it was god's way of teaching people about the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:40 am
Perhaps, but first you have to establish that it is a fallacy, and the member didn't really specify a rationale for his statement. Shouldn't we leave open the possibility that he would be able to make a logical argument to defend it?
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:41 am
joefromchicago wrote:

ican711nm wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
... if a state, say Texas or New Mexico, should advise the President that they are seceding from the Union on the grounds that you just laid out here, and advised that they were herewith no longer submitting taxes to Washington or otherwise handing over any resources, what would the response of the U.S. government be?
... What would President Obama do?

(1) Negotiate!
(2) Failing in that, take the case to SP (i.e., Supreme Court) to determine the legality of secession under the conditions alleged.
(3) Threaten to arrest the perpetrators (i.e., the governors and/or those members of the state legislatures who declared they were seceding), IF SP decides against the seceding states--SP will probably decide against the seceding states.
(4) Back off when the Texan and New Mexican members--probably other members as well--of the federal military/FBI refuse to invade the seceding states to arrest the perpetrators.
(5) Try to convince the voters in the seceding states to impeach their perpetrators.
(6) Failing that, try to convince the voters in the USA that Obama and his cohorts have not violated the USA Constitution as amended.
(7) Failing that, oppose the efforts of the House to impeach Obama.
(8) Failing that, oppose the efforts of the Senate to remove Obama.
(9) Failing that, Obama will return to Chicago to run for the Senate and probably lose.

You forgot the part where pigs sprout wings. I think it's somewhere around step 3 or 4.

Could you please express what you think the President would do if Texas and/or New Mexico seceded from the nation?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:46 am
No, I won't do you that favour.

Jo already made the better response.

Besides that: whose other fault could it be when we are here on a thread with "MACS" as topic?
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:48 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I don't recall asking you for a favor. I only asked you a question. Shall I assume you don't have an answer?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2009 08:56 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Perhaps, but first you have to establish that it is a fallacy, and the member didn't really specify a rationale for his statement. Shouldn't we leave open the possibility that he would be able to make a logical argument to defend it?

I'm pretty sure Walter's rationale for his statement was to show just how idiotic it was for you to suggest a causal connection between the vast ignorance of American voters and the fact that the evidence of their ignorance was reported after Obama was elected. If that's the case, then obviously it's not his logic that is suspect here.

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