The Constitution is a contract between the federal government, the states, and the people. That contract is voided when the federal government repeatedly and continually violates that contract.
The Constitution requires that all taxes on each and every dollar of income be uniform. Also the Constitution does not delegate to the federal government the power to transfer tax revenue to individuals or groups of individuals that are not employees of the federal government.
Contemporary liberals work to deprive others of their fundamental rights to that which they have earned. Millions of contemporary conservatives have found better jobs and benefits by working for a better life for themselves rather than by working to take for themselves that which others have earned.
Contemporary conservatives must recognize these contemporary realities and work to change them, or lose their liberty.
Their first goal must be accomplishing reform of the current federal tax system to conform to that which is lawful under the USA Constitution. The USA Constitution requires that all taxes be uniform throughout the USA, not uniformly non-uniform. A flat tax, not a graduated or progressive tax on gross income, is what is required by "the supreme law of the land."
Their second goal must be accomplishing reform of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government. These three branches of the federal government must be compelled to exercise only those powers granted them by the USA Constitution. In particular, they must be prevented from giving away or authorizing the giveaway of federal tax revenues to individual Americans and to groups of Americans.
A first step in accomplishing both goals is for the legislature and governor in one or more states of the United States to decide to secede from the United States, until the federal government stops failing to obey the Constitution and keep its constitutional agreement to "support this Constitution."
Of course, many will correctly observe that it is unconstitutional for a state to secede from the United States. However, it is also unconstitutional for the federal government to exercise powers not explicitly granted it in the Constitution. Clearly, under conditions where the federal government is repeatedly violating the Constitution--its contract with the states--the federal government forfeits its power to deny the states and their people their right to secede to escape abuse of their citizens by the federal government.