Obama's transfer of property from those who have lawfully earned it to those who have not lawfully earned it, is a high crime against the "general welfare of the United States."
Foxfyre wrote:...I don't see how you can make it stick that Obama is doing anything illegal there as the law is currently interpreted. Outside the intent of the Constitution, sure. Outside what is humane, profitable, and edifying for the nation, of course. But illegal? I think you'll have a very difficult time making that case. We first must have a law that makes it illegal.
Yes, the Republicans will have "a very
difficult time making this case!" But the Republicans will not have a very
unnecessary "time making this case!"
This amendment clearly does not grant the federal government the power to deprive any person of private property for a
private use. But Obama has granted the federal government the power--by signing into law and directing the federal government--to deprive persons of private property for a
private use. This is clearly a high crime.
This amendment clearly prohibits the federal government depriving any person of private property for a
public use without just compensation. But Obama has granted the federal government the power--by signing into law and directing the federal government--to deprive persons of private property for a
public use without just compensation. This is clearly a high crime.
Since the Constitution as amended does not grant Obama the power to sign into law and direct the federal government to deprive a person of private property for a
private use, Obama cannot lawfully exercise this power. If Obama cannot lawfully exercise this power, then he is committing a high crime when he exercises this power.
Since the Constitution as amended does not grant Obama the power to sign into law and direct the federal government to deprive a person of private property for
public use without
just compensation, Obama cannot lawfully exercise this power. If Obama cannot lawfully exercise this power, then he is committing a high crime when he exercises this power.
These are fundamental principles. But it is not enough to merely
articulate these principle. Failure of the Republicans to
act in accord with these principles dooms them to losses in the House and Senate in the 2010 election. Assuming Obama is not impeached prior to the 2010 elections, their effort to impeach him will win them credibility with the voters so they can win back majorities in the House and Senate, and can impeach and remove Obama prior to the 2012 elections.
Stopping Obama from committing these and more high crimes is absolutely necessary to prevent further degeneration of the "general welfare of the United States."
You've correctly observed that the present consensus in America does not support these principles. Probably true! Therefore, it is the responsibility of those of us who support these principles to as quickly as we can act to help change this consensus to support these principles.
By the way, the American consensus prior to the Revolutionary War was opposed to the Colonies separating themselves from the government of England!