Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 08:35 am
He's there in the first line and gets the best marks for being centrist. I think the point they were making is that you would need to balance NBC or ABC with Fox to get a good balance of the news. However, since GE's mandate to NBC and its subsidiaries and the current bruhaha over ABC's "Obamacare infomerical" for which it is being criticized, that might come down differently in a subsequent study. NBC will be a long time regaining its credibility. And ABC could also prove its critics wrong in the scheduled program, but I doubt that it will.

Overall, however, we certainly are not overwhelmed or innundated with 'conservative bias' in the media and in fact, there are very few media outlets through which we can hear conservatism spoken at all. But to hear some talk about it here, you would think conservatism dominates the airways and clogs the newspaper machines across the land.
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 08:44 am
I think the point they were making is that you would need to balance NBC or ABC with Fox to get a good balance of the news.

I disagree. I think the point they were making is that you need to pick and choose which shows you watch from any of the networks to get a balanced view. To say otherwise would infer that equal doses of Olbermann and O'Reilly would result in a balanced view. That's like saying that if the world is made up of only millionaires and poor people then the average person is well off.
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 09:15 am
ABC White House Infomercial Protest-Rally
Posted: 20 Jun 2009 07:23 PM PDT
We’re not exactly sure who is circulating this message, but it has hit several of our accounts in the last few hours. Seems to be deserving of some attention.
Fellow Patriots,
This message is likely the most important message you will receive today. Please take a moment to read it, act on it and please send it to your entire email address book, your Facebook friends, and anyone else you can think of who is a friend of liberty. Also call your local (or even national) conservative talk show host to get the word out as far and wide and fast as possible.

On Wednesday June 24th 2009 ABC will be airing an “informercial” for Obama to sell us his Nationalized Health Care Plan. They have billed this as a “Conversation on Healthcare” and yet they are not allowing the other side of the “conversation” to be heard. Just like the Russian Government run news organization TASS, ABC is becoming a state run news organization for our new socialist government and they are not allowing any alternate points of view to be aired in juxtaposition to their broadcast.

There are two problems with this “infomercial.” The first problem I have already mentioned, where our first Amendment rights are being encroached upon by the creation of a quasi-state-run media (it wouldn’t surprise me if Obama is on the verge of appointing a media Czar in the near future). The second, and more immediate concern is the shameless promotion of a National Health Care Program in an infomercial format without any objective reporting on the issue, or the ability to show any kind of alternate program or point of view. Once again, the government is setting things up to try to ram things down our throat that We The People do not want and cannot afford for us or for our children. We MUST stand up and be heard!

We cannot stand idly by and see our media hijacked and become a state-run media outlet orchestrated by Obama’s administration, nor can we simply let this National Health Care Initiative be foisted upon us without putting up any resistance. It’s time for us to act. The last time we mobilized, the media tried to ignore and marginalize us. We will not be ignored! We invite every able bodied freedom loving American to rally outside of their local ABC affiliate TV station with signs, airhorns, and other noisemaking devices so that we get their attention this time. The slogan “Silent Majority No More” can no longer remain just a slogan, it’s time to show that we are NOT silent anymore. Make it sound like midnight on New Years Eve in front of every ABC affiliate TV station across the country. Make them send their reporters out to cover it live. Continue the rally through their news hour so our fellow Americans can realize how many of us share the same view. We know that this keeps you up a little later than usual however, a little sleep lost now is better than liberties lost later. Unusual times call for unusual measures. To find out where your local affiliate is, please go to this link:
ABC Affiliates
Yours in LIBERTY
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Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 09:57 am
My comments are in blue
Foxfyre wrote:
It was the failure of the Republicans to articulate and act on the principles you state that has put them out of power for the present.

I agree.

And, because of that, they currently they do not have the moral credibility or authority to now lecture the Democrats on what the role of Congress and the President should/must be.

I agree.

Again, what you describe as high crimes and misdemeanors would not be recognized as such by a majority of the people, and t0 attempt to educate them through an attempted impeachment process will almost certainly result in much criticism and additional loss of good will and faith for the Republican Party. This is evenmoreso true due to the way the President's surrogate media will present such an attempt to the people.

I disagree that the educational process required to obtain a majority of the people's support for the fact that Obama is guilty of high crimes that justify his impeachment, will "almost certainly result in much criticism and additional loss of good will and faith for the Republican Party." I think it will probably result in obtaining far greater understanding by a majority of Americans of what is required to adequately "provide for the ... general welfare of the United States," AND obtaining far greater understanding by a majority of Americans of what damage Obama is doing to the "general welfare of the United States."

For that reason I continue to disagree with your proposition to attempt an impeachment process. It might provide some emotional satisfaction, but it would not even win a battle, much less the war. And if our intent is to be effective in addition to being right, that is not the way to go.

For the sake of argument, I'll temporarily set aside my advocacy of the impeachment of Obama.

We must first educate the Republicans and bring them to a state of repentence. This is on the theory that most of the Democrats now in power are uneducable. And we have to build on the growing anti-government sentiment that is developing among the people and get everybody on the same page as to what is most important.

How do you propose to sufficiently get the attention of Republicans to educate them without specifying AND advocating the specific action required of them to adequately "provide for the ... general welfare of the United States?"

And then we have to pray that we can find enough leaders who are also on the same page to put into office to turn this all around before that will be impossible to do.

Without tying the education of Republicans to the promotion of a specific course of action, you simply will not get enough Republican attention to successfully work to "find enough leaders who are also on the same page to put into office to turn this all around." Without advocating a specific course of action I believe prayer won't help.

So if an impeachment action is the wrong specific action, then what is the right specific action?

Conservative Republicans already know that artful articulation of good principles without a committment to specific action by Republicans just produces more empty slogans about and corruptions of those very principles.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 01:26 pm
"Is Obama Getting a Free Ride from the Media?" was one of the topics discussed on ABC's Sunday Morning Roundtable this morning:
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 01:41 pm
Ican-As you know, I usually agree with your posts. I have the same objective as you--the removal of a President who, so far, has began actions which will ruin our country.

But, I have a different strategy than you--the same objective but a different strategy.

I am absolutely convinced that the socialistic thrust of Obama will lead to his defeat in 2012. Every piece of evidence points in that direction.

However, If he is soundly defeated because the economy is so badly damaged and because the USA will have massive deficits, this defeat will signal the long term demise of not only Obama but the entire LEFT WING SOCIALIST group in the Congress.


Your heart is in the right place, Ican, but your strategy needs work!
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 01:51 pm
wandeljw--I think you need to take a deep breath of air! That abc news program included five HARD LEFT WINGERS ON IT. Do you think the American people are stupid? Kookie is a left winger so is Sam and the dwarf Reich. I knew what they were going to say before they opened their mouths.

I hope you will be posting on these threads by the end of the year when the so called Health Plan will either be c0mpletely thrashed or so emasculated that it will not cause a problem to our great health system.

I, for one, have a great primary physician. He knows me well since he has been treating me and my family for years. I will not use another doctor! Obama can stick his single payer plan in his ear!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 04:11 pm
genoves wrote:
But, I have a different strategy than you--the same objective but a different strategy.

I am absolutely convinced that the socialistic thrust of Obama will lead to his defeat in 2012. Every piece of evidence points in that direction.

I infer that the strategy you "absolutely" favor is to wait for the Obama gangsters to end their own power by continued aherence to their "socialistic thrust." I further infer that you think any effort by others to directly stifle the Obama gangsters will result only in extending the power of the Obama gangsters.

I on the otherhand am convinced--but not absolutely--that failure to actively work now to hold the Obama gangsters accountable for their gangsterism will result in a far more dangerous form that will no longer be able to be held accountable by free election results.

I base this on 20th century historical evidence. The only thing that ended the evolution of the Italian, German, and Japanese gangster governments was defeat in war. However, they could have been ended far more simply by holding them accountable for their initial gangsterism before it became worse. Reagan tried that second approach with the USSR gangster government and avoided war. Therefore, I conclude we must hold Obama's gangsterism accountable as soon as we can to prevent it from becoming far worse.

Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 05:55 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Therefore, I conclude we must hold Obama's gangsterism accountable as soon as we can to prevent it from becoming far worse.


0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 06:00 pm
Most of the major news stations (ABC, CBS, NBC) are biased towards democrats. A good book by Bernie Goldberg, "Bias", explains that the whole bunch slants their news towards democrats, often without knowing they are actually doing it. I highly recommend the book to those who really wants the inside scoop.
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 06:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Most of the major news stations (ABC, CBS, NBC) are biased towards democrats.

No ****!
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 06:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Most of the major news stations (ABC, CBS, NBC) are biased towards democrats. A good book by Bernie Goldberg, "Bias", explains that the whole bunch slants their news towards democrats, often without knowing they are actually doing it. I highly recommend the book to those who really wants the inside scoop.

Don't need a book to know that. Knew that a very long time ago.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 06:55 pm

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 07:31 pm
waterboy, Yeah, no ****! However, there are information in the book that you would not guess by just knowing they are biased. YOu're also a dumb ****!
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 07:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,

Why would I need to guess?
The only network that's not biased is FOX.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 08:06 pm
Your brain is polluted!
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 08:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,

cice girl is just jealous because I have a brain.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 08:29 pm
Okie wrote:

Re: cicerone imposter (Post 3683732)
cicerone imposter wrote:

Most of the major news stations (ABC, CBS, NBC) are biased towards democrats. A good book by Bernie Goldberg, "Bias", explains that the whole bunch slants their news towards democrats, often without knowing they are actually doing it. I highly recommend the book to those who really wants the inside scoop.
Okie responded:
Don't need a book to know that. Knew that a very long time ago.

end of quote:

And more than that, Okie--Goldberg- a fine analyst--wrote

"In the 1979-80 season, 75% of all TV sets that were on in the early evening were tuned to a network news program,either ABC, CBS OR NBC"

But twenty one years later, the share of the audience watching network news had fallen to 43%.

If the networks were selling shoes instead of news, they would be out of work now"

The above is from Page 188 of "Bias" by Bernie Goldberg.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 22 Jun, 2009 12:43 am
"Free ride?" As the first black president of the US, there's plenty of "positives" that is natural with Obama. This is only his first six months; people are now getting anxious about his stimulus/fiscal plans, and are beginning to wonder when we're going to start seeing some improvement in the job arena. Most people are unable to see the impact of the world economy in chaos, and the depth of the cash crisis that promulgated this recession. Even economic experts disagree about what the best solutions are, so how can the novice even understand the myriad of variables that must be addressed to understand what works and what doesn't in a global economy.

It seems a good majority of people still want a universal health care system; premiums have become too costly even for most middle class families, and companies are reducing benefits as the cost continues to skyrocket. There's a limit to how much higher health insurance premiums can climb before only a small segment of our workers will be able to afford to have health insurance. Many families have already been devastated by the high cost of medical care when a loved one didn't have insurance, and they had to pay out-of-pocket.

It's going to be very difficult to develop any plan that will be acceptable to congress, the president, and the American People. We're still not sure how we're going to pay for it, but something must be done.

Obama will not get a "free ride" if we don't begin to see some improvements in our economy and job creation. Most honeymoons for presidents do not last this long, but Obama was elected to bring change, and most people do see him working on the important issues of our day.

He's now at the point where approval and disapproval is closing in.

When that'll change into disapproval is anybody's guess.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Jun, 2009 12:46 am
Okie wrote:

Re: cicerone imposter (Post 3683732)
cicerone imposter wrote:

Most of the major news stations (ABC, CBS, NBC) are biased towards democrats. A good book by Bernie Goldberg, "Bias", explains that the whole bunch slants their news towards democrats, often without knowing they are actually doing it. I highly recommend the book to those who really wants the inside scoop.
Okie responded:
Don't need a book to know that. Knew that a very long time ago.

end of quote:

And more than that, Okie--Goldberg- a fine analyst--wrote

"In the 1979-80 season, 75% of all TV sets that were on in the early evening were tuned to a network news program,either ABC, CBS OR NBC"

But twenty one years later, the share of the audience watching network news had fallen to 43%.

If the networks were selling shoes instead of news, they would be out of work now"

The above is from Page 188 of "Bias" by Bernie Goldberg.
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