"Free ride?" As the first black president of the US, there's plenty of "positives" that is natural with Obama. This is only his first six months; people are now getting anxious about his stimulus/fiscal plans, and are beginning to wonder when we're going to start seeing some improvement in the job arena. Most people are unable to see the impact of the world economy in chaos, and the depth of the cash crisis that promulgated this recession. Even economic experts disagree about what the best solutions are, so how can the novice even understand the myriad of variables that must be addressed to understand what works and what doesn't in a global economy.
It seems a good majority of people still want a universal health care system; premiums have become too costly even for most middle class families, and companies are reducing benefits as the cost continues to skyrocket. There's a limit to how much higher health insurance premiums can climb before only a small segment of our workers will be able to afford to have health insurance. Many families have already been devastated by the high cost of medical care when a loved one didn't have insurance, and they had to pay out-of-pocket.
It's going to be very difficult to develop any plan that will be acceptable to congress, the president, and the American People. We're still not sure how we're going to pay for it, but something must be done.
Obama will not get a "free ride" if we don't begin to see some improvements in our economy and job creation. Most honeymoons for presidents do not last this long, but Obama was elected to bring change, and most people do see him working on the important issues of our day.
He's now at the point where approval and disapproval is closing in.
When that'll change into disapproval is anybody's guess.