Is this the same San Fransico where cops executed a black man who was already restrained in front of a giant crowd on the BART?
Yeah, the cops are really afraid to use their guns...
It certainly raises the question of what reality Robin lives in.
Her telling of the four officers killed in Oakland doesn't seem to be that close to the actual story reported in the press.
Liberals eat their young... I guess you weren't that appetizing.
Setanta wrote:
I qualified in the Army with the M16 (just barely, that rifle sucks), qualified expert with the M14 (love that rifle), and with the M1911 .45 automatic.
Of course, i don't consider myself necessarily a liberal--only in the eyes of the typical American reactionary (calling them conservatives flatters them in a manner they don't deserve).
The M14 and civilian versions built by Smith Enterprise, Inc. are my favorite rifles and the .45 ACP is an outstanding caliber for a hand gun.
I also don't care for the M16/AR15.
I don't consider myself a conservative--only in the eyes of the typical American reactionary (calling them liberals flatters them in a manner they don't deserve).
Setanta, even though you and I don't agree on much here on A2K I enjoy reading your opinions.
Well, here's something which is not a matter of opinion. A reactionary is what might call a knee-jerk conservative--except that they are usually held to be even further to the right than conservatives. So your remark attempting to associate reactionaries and liberals is meaningless, no matter how clever you thought it.
Disagree with what? The republicans are trying to make Sotomayor look unqualified for the supreme court, but their rhetoric is this side of "ractionary" with no basis. Her intelligence and background are first rate, and those republican reactionaries are trying to make her look like the dumbest judge in the US. Not only that, but the republican reactionaries are crying foul because of the time-line between the nomination and hearings which is an "average" of all supreme court judges.
Reactionaries all the way!
Can you say
Joe sure has your number.
"reactionary" and "knee-jerk" can be and have been applied to both liberals and conservatives.
Answers-dot-com defines reactionary as:
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.
The Free Dictionary defines reactionary as:
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines reactionary as:
realting to, marked by or favoring reaction; especially: ultraconservative in politics.
Dictionary-dot-reference-dot-com defines reactionary as:
of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, esp. extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
So who cares whether or not you agree?
Not to put too fine a point on it . . . bullshit.
Knee-Jerk: reacting in a readily predictable way <knee"jerk liberals>
Your definitions for reactionary is correct and I was mistaken.
How very decent of you to admit as much. That was my only point.
Really? I rather think I get my kicks by showing that some people, like Joe the Ambulance Chaser, are frauds. The nation is filled with frauds. Sadly, most of the frauds are the left wing Crypto-Commuinsts who feel that they have arrived to cure society.
The senile Setanta wrote:
Well, here's something which is not a matter of opinion. A reactionary is what might call a knee-jerk conservative--except that they are usually held to be even further to the right than conservatives. So your remark attempting to associate reactionaries and liberals is meaningless, no matter how clever you thought it.
It is like a far left wing liberal. A far left wing liberal is usually a Crypto-Communist who is a relativist. The Crypto-Communist says that every thing is relative--that there are no truths. What they will not tell you is that their insistence that there are no truths must, if they are consistent, also be possibly untrue.
- Joe, the Ambulance chaser from Chicago wrote:
I wouldn't cite David Frum as a reliable source for anything, let alone American constitutional law.
end of quote
David Frum is at least ten times smarter than Joe, the Ambulance Chaser. Those of you who read these posts do not know that Joe is a fourth class ward heeler who is so down on his luck that he follows Chicago Aldermen down the street hoping they will throw away their cigar stubs.
The problem with assholes like Joe is that they do not know who their betters are.
Joe, the Ambulance Chaser, could never get close to Frum in any area of endeavor.
Note Frum's Biography--
Born to a Jewish family in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on 30 June 1960, Frum is the son of the late Barbara Frum, a well-known veteran journalist. His father, Murray Frum, was a dentist who later became a multi-millionaire as a real estate developer. David Frum's sister, Linda Frum is a journalist. David Frum is married to writer Danielle Crittenden, the stepdaughter of former Toronto Sun editor Peter Worthington.
At age 14 he was a campaign volunteer for a New Democratic Party candidate, taking an hour-long bus/subway/bus ride each way to and from the campaign office in western Toronto. He would read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago, a paperback edition his mother had given him. "My campaign colleagues jeered at the book " and by the end of the campaign, any lingering interest I might have had in the political left had vanished like yesterday’s smoke."[3]
He graduated from the University of Toronto Schools in 1978 where he was the School Captain. He then attended Yale University in 1982 where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. While at Yale he was in the Directed Studies program, a type of "Great Books" course.[4] He went on to Harvard Law School, and received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) in 1987. Frum has described one of his study methods while at law school:
When I was in law school, I devised my own idiosyncratic solution to the problem of studying a topic I knew nothing about. I'd wander into the library stacks, head to the relevant section, and pluck a book at random. I'd flip to the footnotes, and write down the books that seemed to occur most often. Then I'd pull them off the shelves, read their footnotes, and look at those books. It usually took only 2 or 3 rounds of this exercise before I had a pretty fair idea of who were the leading authorities in the field. After reading 3 or 4 of those books, I usually had at least enough orientation in the subject to understand what the main questions at issue were " and to seek my own answers, always provisional, always subject to new understanding, always requiring new reading and new thinking.[4]
He served as an editor on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal from 1989 until 1992, and then as a columnist for Forbes magazine in 1992-94. From 1994 through 2000 he was a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Public Policy Research.
Following the election of George W. Bush in 2000, Frum was appointed to a position within the White House. Still a Canadian citizen, he was one of the few foreign nationals working within the Bush White House. He served as Special Assistant to the U.S. President for Economic Speechwriting from January 2001 to February 2002. He filed for naturalization and took the oath for citizenship on September 11, 2007 [5].
Frum strongly supported John Roberts, George W. Bush's nominee for Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. However, like many conservatives, he opposed the nomination of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court, on the grounds that she was insufficiently qualified for the post, as well as insufficiently conservative.
David Frum is now a resident fellow of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank, as well as the Fraser Institute, a Canadian based think tank that advocates free market policies. On October 11, 2007, Frum announced on his blog that he was joining Rudolph Giuliani's presidential campaign as a senior foreign policy adviser.[6] [7]
Let's compare
Frum-Yale Master of Arts Joe the Ambulance Chaser-
Malcome X college--Toilet
cleaning curriculum
Frum- Yale Law School Joe the Ambulance Chaser-
flunked out of Marshall Law
School- a fourth rate Law school
Frum-Worked for the Wall Street
Joe the Ambulance Chaser-
a gofer for the Strogers.
Joe does a lot of huffing and puffing on these threads but he is really an ignorant boob. Anyone who reads what he wrote knows that he is a fake.
Here's what Joe the Ambulance Chaser wrote when asked by an innocent and well meaning poster about what a prospective law student should read--
When I was in the middle of my first year in law school, I saw a list of "books that every future law student should read" (granted, I should have looked for those kinds of lists before I went to law school, but that bridge has already been crossed). As I recall, the list included the two standards: IL by Scott Turow and The Bramble Bush by Karl Llewellyn. I didn't read either of those before I went to law school and I still haven't read either of them, so I can't offer any comments (I did, however, meet Scott Turow once -- nice guy).
Another book on the list was The Common Law by Oliver Wendell Holmes. I read this book many years after graduation, and I think I would have been thoroughly confused if I had read it before entering law school. Either that or I would have switched to accounting.
On the whole, I don't read books about lawyering (too much like a busman's holiday for me), and the law books that I read are more focused on technical or philosophical issues. In short, I really don't know of any good books for aspiring lawyers. Anyone have any better advice?
Got that? The asshole does not read--did not read-will not read!
I can list ten books for aspiring lawyers and I don't claim to be a lawyer--Only that, viewing Joe the Ambulance Chaser's flatulent offerings on these threads, I know more about law than he does.
Joe from Chicago gave this advice to some poor soul.
On the other hand, if you practice IP law for a few years and then decide to switch, you'd probably have to reorient yourself. Depending on what you were doing in IP and what you'd be doing in corporate, the transition might be difficult or it might be easy. It's impossible to say.
My God, is Joe the Ambulance Chaser, stupid, or what?
-1 Reply report Wed 17 Jun, 2009 01:02 am Joe the Ambulance Chaser doesn't know **** about Constitutional Law. His comment below shows he never read Bakke.
parados wrote:
David Frum believes that the Bakke Supreme Court case created an incentive for universities to create quotas, but pretend that they are not quotas.[2]
As the discussion page states, it is written with an obvious point of view. It needs some serious revisions since it clearly ignores the law as written and enforced.
I wouldn't cite David Frum as a reliable source for anything, let alone American constitutional law.
end of quote.
Here is what Justice Powell said:
In summary, it is evident that the Davis special admissions program involves the use of an EXPLICIT RACTIAL CLASSIFICATION never before countenanced by this Court. It tells applicants who are not Negro, Asian or Chicano that they are totally excluded from a specific percentage of the seats in an entering class. No matter how strong their qualifications, quantative and extracurricular, including their own potential for contribution to educational diversity, they are never afforded the chance to compete with applicants from the preferred groups for the special admission seats. At the same time, the preferred applicants have the opportunity to compete for every seat in the class.
But in 2003, the court again took up the issue of Affirmative Action in Grutter vs. Bollinger.
The Michigan Law School Dean certainly set up quotas which were not really quotas AS FRUM said.
If Joe the Ambulance Chaser had ever read_Grutter vs, Bollinger, he would have noted that the Admissions Dean "testified that he did not direct his staff to admit a particular percentage of number of minority students but RATHER TO CONSIDER AN APPLICANT'S R A C E ALONG WITH ALL OTHER FACTORS."
He also testified that "at the height of the admissions season, he would frequently consult the so-called "daily reports" that kept track of the racial and ethnic composition of the class". He said he sought "to ensure that a critical mass of UNREPRESENTED MINORITY STUDENTS WOULD BE REACHED SO AS TO REALIZE THE EDUCATION BENEFITS OF A DIVERSE STUDENT BODY."
Anyone who reads Bakke and Grutter knows that Frum was correct in his statement. It is only ignorant morons like Joe the Ambulance Chaser who spew throw away lines that mean nothing.
Well, I hope that you are getting treatment for it, Genoves. You might want to ask your doctor about these recurring bouts of paranoia, too.
Obama continues to violate the Constitution, "the supreme law of the land." With each such violation he is contributing to the degeneration of the American rule of law.
Obama must be stopped as soon as practical.
Organizing an effort to impeach Obama is a necessary first step.
Creating an organized albeit small group of Republicans and Democrats to campaign for Obama's impeacment is essentuial.
Failure to impeach Obama will lead people opposed to Obama to likewise abandon the rule of law and unlawfully remove Obama from office.
Genoves, you might also want to ask your doctor if he's willing to take Itry on. His paranoia is at least as bad as yours.