ican711nm wrote:
I asked: What is: American Liberalism in 2008 and beyond?
OK, okie, good suggestion!
I'll add to my previous question: What is the mindset of the "progressive" movement in 2008 and beyond?
I will take a crack at that, ican. Without composing a textbook example based upon what other people say, or what it might have been in history, I will make a short summary of what I think it encompasses as of today.
First of all, I think Obama sort of epitomizes the progressive movement of today here in this country. It represents a philosophy of moving goal posts, without much of any kind of enduring principles, except that the government knows best, and that certain pop culture leaders such as Obama can and will devise a successful strategy as they go along. Confidence in these kinds of people, such as Obama, replaces any confidence in a God, or any moral code. Moral codes are for old fuddy duddys, to be scrapped and forgotten in the trash heaps of history, according to progressives. No principle or moral code is too sacred or considered inexpendable. After all, they are bent upon moving forward with newer and better ideas.
This philosophy also includes the belief that the constitution is a living breathing document, to be bent and re-interpreted to some kind of changing philosophy, as the world changes. The progressives are extremely egotistical, in that they believe the constitution can be made to fit a changing world that is far more enlightened than the old fuddy duddy Europeans that wrote it, and even the world can be shaped by them, the planet is in their control, and it needs saving.
A God that created it all, that still holds all things in his ultimate control is not part of their belief system. Progressives believe in mankind is all basically good, there is no good and evil exactly, and this explains why they believe evil was created and foisted upon mankind by religious zealots, and if we only place our faith in the very special visionaries, such as Obama, and he will bring a new vision and philosophy to all the world, talk nice to the so-called enemies, and they will all be changed.
In summary, progressives seek to change the goal posts, or principles, to fit their vision of the future according to how they want to make it and create it. They do not believe in enduring principles that prevent them from being all powerful, and that place constraints upon their ambitions and visions of a better world, or even a perfect world. Thus, they do not see philosophies such as socialism or Marxism, or democracies, or free markets, or any old idea for that matter as applying to them. Any ideas they have are re-packaged and sold as new and innovative, as envisioned by them, thus any reminders of what worked before are dismissed as not applicable anymore. They always believe they have the better answer for tomorrow, even if it merely consists of an old idea or a mixture of old ideas repackaged.
I perhaps have not explained it perfectly, but in my words, thats an attempt at least.