You're delusional. You object to the transfer of wealth only in so far as Federal revenues are used to support programs of which you don't approve. You're mute on the subject of, for example, the defense contractor free-for-all which Ronnie Ray-gun benignly oversaw. Once again, it is the Congress which allocates money, and specifically, all money bills originate in the House of Representatives. Presidents can veto spending bills, but if they do so, they just start a big fight because ultimately, the money comes from Congress. If you object to welfare (but not corporate welfare, apparently), allow me to remind you that Congress has allocated some kind of aid to families with dependent children since the 1950s--every Congress, without regard to which party dominated the Congress. But you're only pissing in your pants over Mr. Obama.
Any business which goes into bankruptcy and is liquidated has its assets distributed by a judge, not by Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama did not directly determine the policy by which the Treasury Department determined when it would receive loan repayments. The process is neither new nor unfamiliar. Although i suspect the Mr. Obama approves of the policies of his Treasurer, there is absolutely nothing criminal in his actions in that regard.
Mr. Obama is not personally responsible for decisions contingent upon the reorganization of Chrysler, nor any other company being reorganized in accordance with the terms of loans, loan guarantees or direct cash bailouts passed by
You're loony on this, as on most topics. You have provided absolutely no examples of criminal behavior on the part of Mr. Obama. There is no basis for a bill of impeachment, and the members of the House know it whether or not you do. There is not the least basis in fact or in logic for your rant.
I eventually got tired of telling the people on the left that Mr. Bush was not going to be impeached. I've reached that point with you now in regard to Mr. Obama. It's ain'ta gonna happen, and all your ranting won't change that.
Rave on.