Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:54 pm
Your silly analysis presumes that all Republicans will support a bill of impeachment. Not only would you never get 83 House Democrats to agree to discuss impeachment, you'd never get 40 of them to vote a bill of impeachment. But more importantly, you cannot reasonably assume that every Republican in the House is going to go along with that horseshit.

You have no case that Mr. Obama in breaking the law. The members of the Congress are many of them lawyers--whether or not they are, they have the expert advice of lawyers. They are not going to attempt anything so idiotic as to pass a bill of impeachment based on nothing more than the anger of sore losers. To put it better, in the words of one of the Imperial German high command in 1914, "It is the rage of dreaming sheep."

Give it up, Ican, it ain'ta gonna happen.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:54 pm
I used to think James Morrison had half a brain....he removed all doubt.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:57 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

okie wrote:

Where is your evidence in terms of Limbaugh dictating what the party does? Do you have any at all?

Oh, how about Limbaugh being massively more popular with Republicans than your actual politicians? What about his forcing them to apologize for criticizing him, by attacking them on his show - which brings about an immediate fury from his listeners?

The proof is in the pudding; people on your side of the fence listen to what he says, and react to it, with frequency. His career has been a long one, longer than most any Republican politicians today.


So you have no evidence, except to claim he "forced" somebody to apologize, which is nonsensical on its face, nobody can be forced to apologize.

Length of career, take a look at some of the old worn out Democrats in Congress, Ted Kennedy, etc. Get serious, cyclops, besides, Limbaugh holds no office and describes himself first as a conservative, not a Republican.

Conclusion, you have no evidence. At least you have offered none so far.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:58 pm
JamesMorrison wrote:

We MACs have made ourselves pretty clear as to what we feel is the correct path for our country and why President Obama seems our polar opposite. I would invite those who disagree with us to:

1. State either your party affiliation or philosophy regarding how the American people should govern themselves. If not a government that must answer to the people than state what form of government America should pursue and why it would be a good course for America.

I am registered Republican as (unfortunately these days) it is the only viable party that represents more of my views than any other. I am far more libertarian (little "L") in my ideology than are many Republicans, however, and, with a few modifications to ensure preservation and promotion of some basic values that made the USA the great nation that it became, I could live with the MAC (Classical Liberal) definition we have been using.

2. State what you feel are the core principles of such a government or governing philosophy, not unlike Fox's proposed list of Constitution Party Principles or even said definition of Classical Liberalism.

Slight clarification: those were not a 'proposed' list of Constitution Party Principles. Those WERE the existing Constitution Party principles. While the MALs carefully avoided any kind of discussion about that, I think we MACs were pretty much in agreement that their party Platform has some problems that would need fixing before we could embrace it whole heartedly. This despite the fact that the list pretty much reflects the 'far right' of the GOP that has come under the most criticism from the Left.

The MAC/Classical Liberal definition we have been using however does list the core principles I most want from my government.

[img]3. Optional: Use those principles as an argument for and to enable those following them to propose solutions to various issues like immigration, taxes, SS, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. Pick any number or combination thereof, or just one issue, and show how that guiding principle would work in the real world.[/img]

Immigration: it is necessary to control it to ensure positive and beneficial assimilation of new immigrants into the country, maintain a healthy economy, and to ensure the national defense.

Taxes: The federal government should collect only taxes necessary to perform its constitutionally mandated responsibilities and these should be collected from all citizens who will benefit from them and who have any means to pay them.

SS, Medicaid, Medicare: I would have preferred incentives for these to be provided by the states and/or private sector, but since we now have the entitlements and cannot extricate ourselves from them immediately, I want a government that recognizes and begins to act now to devise better plans that can be self sustaining.

Welfare: should be returned to the states and private sector and should not be a prerogative of the Federal Government to remove the temptation for it to be a corrupting and manipulative influence.

Education: should be returned to the states and private sector to eliminate any possibility of high powers commanding the content and method of education and thereby control the development of thought of the young.

4. Lastly there is one optional requirement that all solutions using your principle(s) must be paid for as by the industry of only the American people and all solutions must be viewed by all other nations as financially viable (Long term solution methods may include long term loans and such but must encompass all such consequences such as dollar devaluation, and total U.S. debt). Specific dollar amounts are not necessary but proposals must always result in longtime American solvency and therefore must balance incoming revenues with outgoing payments, just like we all must do in our personal lives. This section might also include comments and evidence as to incentives or disincentives to individuals and private enterprises. (Example: Given: Health Care for all those who don't presently have it. Solution: Market based solution with various entities competing for those dollars, some of those supplied by government most not. Government gets those dollars by...)

Far too complicated for one liners here, but for starters I would like for us to return to the ideal of the Founders that the current generation not acquire debt that subsequent generations will have to pay unless there is probability of measurable benefit to that subsequent generation. (That would allow for your long term projects, James. Smile)

Perhaps we can all learn something. Those on the conservative side are welcome to the same exercise. Remember the best way to make sure you understand how something works is to explain it out loud to another, who doesn't know, with the truthful result that your student now fully understands also. This is harder than it seems and many times the teacher finds it a learning process himself.

The Left is very fond of calling me a liar. So I emphatically state that nobody on the Left will accept your challenge. Now, I hope somebody will actually make me a liar.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 04:04 pm
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

okie wrote:

Where is your evidence in terms of Limbaugh dictating what the party does? Do you have any at all?

Oh, how about Limbaugh being massively more popular with Republicans than your actual politicians? What about his forcing them to apologize for criticizing him, by attacking them on his show - which brings about an immediate fury from his listeners?

The proof is in the pudding; people on your side of the fence listen to what he says, and react to it, with frequency. His career has been a long one, longer than most any Republican politicians today.


So you have no evidence, except to claim he "forced" somebody to apologize, which is nonsensical on its face, nobody can be forced to apologize.

Length of career, take a look at some of the old worn out Democrats in Congress, Ted Kennedy, etc. Get serious, cyclops, besides, Limbaugh holds no office and describes himself first as a conservative, not a Republican.

Conclusion, you have no evidence. At least you have offered none so far.

I have offered it, you simply have denied it. This is unsurprising, b/c these are troubling things for your party to admit out loud, that an entertainer/drug addict holds sway over a lot of your party's direction.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 04:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
I used to think James Morrison had half a brain....he removed all doubt.

Mr. Morrison has always addressed me courteously. I find what he writes to be coherent, even though i often suspect that he is self-deluded. I have no reason to subscribe to such an act of character assassination, and i would prefer that you leave my name out of it.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 04:28 pm
Setanta wrote:
Your silly analysis presumes that all Republicans will support a bill of impeachment. Not only would you never get 83 House Democrats to agree to discuss impeachment, you'd never get 40 of them to vote a bill of impeachment. But more importantly, you cannot reasonably assume that every Republican in the House is going to go along with that horseshit.
never is a long time!
All Republicans and many Democrats will vote to discuss a motion to impeach Obama once they have all the facts about Obama's illegal actions.
Setanta wrote:
You have no case that Mr. Obama in breaking the law. The members of the Congress are many of them lawyers--whether or not they are, they have the expert advice of lawyers. They are not going to attempt anything so idiotic as to pass a bill of impeachment based on nothing more than the anger of sore losers.

(1) Obama is transfering wealth from those who have lawfully earned it to those who have not lawfully earned it.
(2) Obama is trying to deny corporate bond holders of bankrupt corporations their full equity in those bonds, BEFORE distributing corporate assets to any other corporate persons including employees.
(3) Obama is refusing to allow corporate receivers of federal loans to pay back those loans before he allows them to.
(4) Obama is forcing selected Chrysler car dealers to close their businesses.

More to come!
Debra Law
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 05:55 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Thank you for your comments here James, and I think you are confirming the observations of those who are fair and who aren't part of a dog pack that gangs up on other members with whom they disagree.

Taking this in context with her previous statements, poor allegedly victimized Foxfyre is continuing her false characterization that people on the right are fair compared to people on the left who are unfair. She compares people on the left to a pack of dogs (who collaborate behind the scenes) to wage vicious attacks on people on the right. It is the eternal perpetuation of Foxfyre's and Okie's conservative creed: Left is Bad; Right is Good.

Foxfyre pretends to be above reproach when she's the one who compares other members to a pack of dogs. Foxfyre's statement above is a typical example of her repertoire and illustrates that Foxfyre herself is the dog who bares her snarling teeth and attacks members on the left with vicious characterizations.

Foxfyre wrote:
Going back to Thomas Sowell's three part essay "In Context" re Sotomayor, he said:

What does it say about her qualifications (Sotomayor) to be on the Supreme Court when her supporters' biggest talking points are that she had to struggle to rise in the world?

Bonnie and Clyde had to struggle. Al Capone had to struggle. The only President of the United States who was forced to resign for his misdeeds " Richard Nixon " had to struggle. For that matter, Adolf Hitler had to struggle! There is no evidence that struggle automatically makes you a better person.

Is Sowell comparing Sotomayor to Bonnie and Clyde? Al Capone? Nixon? Hitler? No reasonable person would suggest so and the comparison's Okie has been making between Obama's tactics/policies and those of Adolph Hitler fall into this same category. Okie was just less skillful than Sowell in ensuring that there could be no rational misunderstanding, but then Okie doesn't write for a living.

I think fair minded people would take the point Okie made and show how it was wrong if they believe it is. Obama's policy is nothing like Hitler's policy in *this regard*, for instance, because. But no, they aren't interested in the topic. They just attack the messenger as if that was valid debate.

Let's conduct an intellectually honest comparison of what Sowell said versus what Okie said.

Okie authored a thread entitled "What produces RUTHLESS DICTATORS."

Okie identified Hitler as a ruthless dictator.

Okie submitted a theory: "It is my firm belief that the extreme leftist mindset presents by far the most dangerous fertile ground to produce another ruthless dictator."

Okie made an unsupported statement: "Clearly, Obama is a liberal, he is left, probably the most leftwing president we have ever had."

Okie made another unsupported statement alleging that Obama's policies are similar to Ruthless Dictator Hitler's policies.

After making this unsupported statement, Okie concluded, "I am comparing these things to provide evidence for my assertion that Hitler was a leftist, just as Obama is clearly a leftist."

Based on the entire context of the discussion, Okie is suggesting, because of Obama's allegedly extreme leftist mindset, the most fertile ground to produce another ruthless dictator like Hitler now exists in the United States. What other suggestion could he be making given the thesis of his thread?

On the other hand, Sowell asks, "so what if Sonia Sotomayor had to struggle?" He notes that Hitler had to struggle too. Sowell's point was that there is no evidence that struggle (in and of itself) makes you a better person. In contrast, however, Okie's entire thesis was that evidence of a leftist mindset (and bitterness flowing from one's childhood struggles) indicates danger.

As your beloved Fox News commentator O'Reilly would say, "clear thinking" Americans (<--gotta have that patriotic spin) are capable of understanding the difference between Sowell's comparative argument and Okie's comparative argument. However, you have not established that you are among the "clear thinking" people.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:05 pm
Your four examples of illegality on the part of Mr. Obama are illusions. Mr. Obama does not possess the power to make any of those policies, they can only be enacted by the Congress. In the specific case of repayment of loans which had been made to banks, the Treasury Department has announced that it will now accept repayment of those loans. Previously, the Treasury Department had refused to accept those payments because it had not completed its study of the assets and the credit ratings of the institutions to which loans had been made.

It may surprise you to learn that your impassioned hatred of Mr. Obama and your perfervid imagination are not reliable sources for evidence of criminality.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:20 pm
I dont remember you ever complaining when Bush was compared to anyone evil or nasty (hitler, Stalin,etc).

Why didnt you complain then, and why are you complaining now?
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:26 pm
Stupid jokes about her breaking her ankle peg you squarely on the right side of the fence.


Just like your stupid jokes about Bush when he choked peg you squarely on the left side of the fence.

If its ok to make stupid jokes about one person, then its ok to make those same jokes about others.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:34 pm
The next several years - in which Obama is likely to be re-elected, let alone not impeached - are going to be very difficult for you, Ican.


This isnt the first time you have made the claim.
You castigate H2O for making claims about the Obama admin after only 5 months in office, yet you are doing the exact same thing.

What crystal ball are you using?
Do you see nothing in that crystal ball that could prevent him from being re-elected?

What if the economy tanks even further?
What if he gets us into another unpopular war?
What if he gets impeached?
What if he dies?
What if he decides not to run for re-election?

Those are just some of the possibilities that can happen, that would prevent him from being re-elected.
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:47 pm
mysteryman wrote:

I dont remember you ever complaining when Bush was compared to anyone evil or nasty (hitler, Stalin,etc).

Why didnt you complain then, and why are you complaining now?

Bush invaded two countries MM. Two. One of which was invaded under bad or falsified intel. Demonizing Bush for things he actually did, is a far cry from demonizing Obama for things that he might do in some wild conspiracy theory.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:50 pm
@Diest TKO,
So its ok to make the comaprison if one dislikes a policy, but its not ok to make the comparison when you like the politician?

Is that what you are saying?
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 06:51 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Well at least my suspicions that the Left has been collaborating via PM and perhaps otherwise behind the scenes on how to gang up on and attack those on the Right on A2K seems to be justified based on what I'm reading this morning.


This from the same person that thought Cyclo and I were one and the same. Your instincts suck worse than your politics Fox.

You aren't some victim.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 07:02 pm
mysteryman wrote:

The next several years - in which Obama is likely to be re-elected, let alone not impeached - are going to be very difficult for you, Ican.


This isnt the first time you have made the claim.
You castigate H2O for making claims about the Obama admin after only 5 months in office, yet you are doing the exact same thing.

What crystal ball are you using?
Do you see nothing in that crystal ball that could prevent him from being re-elected?

What if the economy tanks even further?
What if he gets us into another unpopular war?
What if he gets impeached?
What if he dies?
What if he decides not to run for re-election?

Those are just some of the possibilities that can happen, that would prevent him from being re-elected.

You will note that I said he was 'likely' to be re-elected, not 'guaranteed' to be re-elected. So your list of possibilities doesn't contradict my statement at all.

Furthermore, these things you list are all highly unlikely. When making predictions about the future, I weigh the probabilities of events before coming to a conclusion; and none of those events are very high probability.

I will tell you this: he certainly isn't going to be impeached based on some fool's ranting about tax policy. The chances of that happening are so close to zero as to be counted as zero. So Ican ought to learn to live with the situation, rather than be upset for years and subject the rest of us to his ranting for years.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 07:09 pm
My four examples of illegal actions on the part of Obama are true. Each and every one of those four examples have been verified by Obama and his administration. Admittedly, I cannot tell whether or not Obama believes these actions are legal, or merely thinks they aught to be legal, or doesn't give a damn whether they are legal or not.

What Congress enacts and the President signs are in fact actions committed by both Obama and the majorities of the House and Senate. With no exceptions, those four Obama crimes I listed were recommended by Obama, and implemented by Obama's administration by direction and/or toleration of Obama.

It may surprise you to learn that your views on Obama are factually and logically invalid.

(1) Obama is transfering wealth from those who have lawfully earned it to those who have not lawfully earned it.
(2) Obama is trying to deny corporate bond holders of bankrupt corporations their full equity in those bonds, BEFORE distributing corporate assets to any other corporate persons including employees.
(3) Obama is refusing to allow corporate receivers of federal loans to pay back those loans before he allows them to.
(4) Obama is forcing selected Chrysler car dealers to close their businesses.

More to come!
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 08:03 pm
Set, I apologize to both you and JM. My outburst was uncalled for.

Sorry, JM.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 09:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Set, I apologize to both you and JM. My outburst was uncalled for.

Sorry, JM.

If you are in the mood to apologize, I imagine there are lots of others that deserve it also, ci. Personally, I don't care, but you have made a habit of calling lots of other people idiots, without a brain, whatever, for a good long time here. Maybe you could better spend your time actually posting something useful, arguing a point, or something like that? How about it?

Let me guess, ci will respond with a one liner.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 09:23 pm
A quick reference to a late evening news bulletin. The terrorist response to Obama's overtures of peace extended to Islam?

WRAPUP 5-Militants attack Pakistani hotel, 5 dead, 70 hurt
Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:40am IST Email | Print | Share| Single Page[-] Text [+]
By Alamgir Bitani

PESHAWAR, Pakistan, June 9 (Reuters) - Militants attacked a hotel popular with foreigners in the Pakistani city of Peshawar with guns and a truck bomb on Tuesday, killing five people including a U.N. worker, authorities said.

Taliban militants have stepped up bomb attacks since the military launched an offensive in April in the former tourist valley of Swat and neighbouring districts northwest of the capital.

Militants shot their way through a security post at the gate of the Pearl Continental Hotel in the northwestern city of Peshawar and a suspected suicide bomber set off the truck-bomb in front of the lobby, security officials said.

"I was in the Chinese restaurant when we heard firing and then a blast. It was totally dark and people started shouting and running," hotel waiter Ali Khan told Reuters.

Top city administrator Sahibzada Anis said five people had been killed, among them a U.N. refugee agency worker. Police said the man was Serbian.

About 70 people were wounded among them a German woman working for the U.N. children's fund. A British man and a Nigerian man were also wounded, Anis said.

The United Nations is heavily involved in providing relief for more than 2.5 million people displaced by the fighting in Swat and elsewhere in the northwest.

About a dozen U.N. staff were staying at the hotel and some had been wounded but there had been no report of any fatality, a U.N. official said.
0 Replies

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