Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:13 pm
Yankee wrote:

Funny how it seems you twist facts up.

Richard Steele is the Leader of the RNC who just happens to be a Black man.

Rush Limbaugh, as far as I know, has a radio program and has used questionable comments on his show. He claims to be a Conservative (Not sure I agree with him on that or anything else).

Yet, there have been several other radio hosts who claim to be liberal who spout similar trash. Al Sharpton, for example has been accused of spouting racist venom over the air.

Do you always tell just one side of the story?

The leader of the RNC is named Michael Steele, not Richard Steele. Just to let you know.

But, he's not the leader of the Republican party; just their national committee. He's not very well respected and has almost no power. Limbaugh, on the other hand, is A, if not The, leader of the actual Republican party. He has large amounts of power, so much so that politician after politician who criticize him from the Republican party are forced to formally apologize for doing so.

You should examine where true power lies on your side of the fence if you want to understand the modern Republican party.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:15 pm
Are you afraid to simply answer the question? You spent 10 times the amount of time it would have taken, avoiding doing so.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:16 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
I would hope most of us MACs are in 100% agreement that everybody who benefits from living in America should contribute something to its upkeep and maintenance no matter how modest such contribution must be based on circumstances. Those who do not contribute and therefore bear no consequences for their vote should not be able to vote on issues that requires contributions from others.

I agree!

Now, Foxfyre, I want to continue discussing with you what we do not agree on. Namely, what is the most effective way for us to rid ourselves of Obama's wealth-transfer-itis.

I think we hold the stronger hand, but some of us fail to realize that because too many are suckered into to all the MAL bluff and bluster. If our position were as weak as the MALs claim, the MALs wouldn't be so quick to respond everytime we question the validity of what they claim is true. Also, they wouldn't bother with their unrelenting slander about what we think and do.

I would agree that we hold Aces and they hold Jokers which would be the better hand in a world where people play by normal rules, but unfortunately in the world of politics, the majority party gets to call dealer's choice. Right now the majority can declare Jokers to be the high cards and a supportive media will make sure that the gullible, ignorant, blind faith types, and those who live on hope alone will believe that is the way it is supposed to be.

We gain nothing if we win a battle but lose the war. You hope that the debate around an attempted impeachment would educate the public, but I think that it would not do that even if it made it out of committee which is unlikely. The Republicans would not be able to make a credible case for high crimes and misdemeanors and the mainstream media would make any attempt to do so look like a petty, irresponsible, and hateful attack. Bill Clinton did violate the law and abused the power of his office as was verified by the Superior Court, the Arkansas bar, and the Supreme Court of the USA, but so shaky was tying those crimes to the concept of 'high crime and misdemeanors' that his impeachment did not diminish public approval of him and it did diminish public approval of the Republicans.

No, I think we have to do this smart, forthright, and honest, but take advice from the Bible to be 'wise as serpents but harmless as doves' so that we don't strengthen the position of those we think need to be reined in. Education leading to success at the ballot box is our best course of action.

You in particular are repeatedly slandered by the MALs, because they know that the things you think and say should be done to save our nation, will work. What the MALs are doing and rooting for, will not work to save our nation. The MALs want to replace our rule of law with their own rule of law that serves only their sick quest for power.

I have most of those (on both sides of the aisle) who regularly deal in malicious, hurtful, dishonest, or hateful slander on ignore so that I can participate in discussions and enjoy A2K without putting up with that kind of needless unpleasantness. (I check now and then to see if they have cleaned up their acts any. So far none have and that disappoints me because some do usually have something useful to contribute.) I can put up with the occasional sniping of the other numbnuts. I thoroughly enjoy the few on the left who can engage in rational argument without 'numbnuttiness' as they invariably enlarge my perspectives as do skirmishes with you, Okie, JM, et al when we disagree.

I agree the MALs want to replace much of our rule of law with something much different and destructive. But I think we must not fail to recognize that many honestly believe that we are the bad guys and they hold the moral high ground and to understand that is critical in developing a defense against them.

The Tea Party people here in Texas that I talk to daily know what they want and are angrily complaining about the failure of the Republicans to move to impeach Osama, or, failing that, for Texas to move to secede from the USA. What they require are Republicans who will directly oppose what the Democrats are doing with true Republican solutions not just platitudes. They are fed up with Republicans that think the Republican way back to power is to emulate the MALs in transferring wealth, but transfer less of it.

The Tea Party folks here are equally disenchanted with squishy wishy washy Republicans and do NOT want the GOP to attempt to further emulate Democrats. That is why I think we might be ripe for a third party in this country. The Tea Party folks here though would not agree with your Tea Party folk that impeachment or succession is the way to go, but they support beating the drum of common sense, patriotism, truth, justice, the American way and all that which they hope will inspire our elected leaders to turn things around. Failing that, they hope to win the hearts and minds of enough people to change the outcome at the ballot box. (Corny I know, but that's where they're coming from.)

The current and future fury of the MALs is no more intimidating to these Texans and me than dirt on our shoes. When the MAL garbage is cleaned up, there will be time enough to clean our shoes.

Same here. It only reinforces in those who want to return to common sense the urgency of the work we need to do.

Obama and his administration are breaking the law. If they are allowed to continue this abandonment of our nation's rule of law for their own, our nation's rule of law will collapse. We must focus our efforts on a single objective now. We must now advocate impeachment of Obama. Each of us must begin working to convince the congress to move and debate the impeachment of Obama. Such debate will be more effective in educating Americans about the danger Obama and his programs are to the well being of all Americans, than a stream of uncoordinated verbal and written editorials about a multiplicity of objectives.

I'll refer you to my initial response. I think any attempt at impeachment will backfire and make it tougher to win the hearts and minds of the common sense types that are left out there.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:16 pm

That's Mr. Steele to you.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:19 pm
He certainly will make a formal apology, massa Waterdrop.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:22 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
The leader of the RNC is named Michael Steele, not Richard Steele. Just to let you know.

But, he's not the leader of the Republican party; just their national committee. He's not very well respected and has almost no power. Limbaugh, on the other hand, is A, if not The, leader of the actual Republican party. He has large amounts of power, so much so that politician after politician who criticize him from the Republican party are forced to formally apologize for doing so.

You should examine where true power lies on your side of the fence if you want to understand the modern Republican party.

If Limbaugh even had one ounce of power over the Republican Party, McCain would never have been the last presidential nominee. Truth is, Limbaugh has little or no power over the party at all. So your assertion is totally wrong.

The power Limbaugh has is displayed by the high number of listeners to his show, which in turn might exert some influence in the party. Many may be Republicans, but others are independents and Democrats. Limbaugh is an opinion guy that delivers news to his listeners, thats it. Inasmuch as his listeners exert influence, that may occur, but the listeners also have their own opinion.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:22 pm
A serious question: what is anyone doing about the idea of forming a third party?


0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:22 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

That's Mr. Steele to you.

Umm, Doctor Steele. (He's a PhD)
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:25 pm
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
The leader of the RNC is named Michael Steele, not Richard Steele. Just to let you know.

But, he's not the leader of the Republican party; just their national committee. He's not very well respected and has almost no power. Limbaugh, on the other hand, is A, if not The, leader of the actual Republican party. He has large amounts of power, so much so that politician after politician who criticize him from the Republican party are forced to formally apologize for doing so.

You should examine where true power lies on your side of the fence if you want to understand the modern Republican party.

If Limbaugh even had one ounce of power over the Republican Party, McCain would never have been the last presidential nominee.

No, you are incorrect. The fact that Limbaugh cannot personally run the campaigns of people in the Republican party does not mean that he is not a leader of that party.

Truth is, Limbaugh has little or no power over the party at all. So your assertion is totally wrong.

That is not, in fact, the 'truth.' Just an assertion on your part with no evidence to back it up. Limbaugh in fact does have a great deal of power over the base of the party, and wields that power from time to time.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:27 pm
Impeachment "right now" is not the objective. Impeachment debate in the House within days is the objective.

You really don't know how the House works, do you. Members spend their time in committee. They almost never discuss anything on the floor, as a committee of the whole which does not refer either to pending legislation, or the recommendation of a committee. The Democrats control the House. The Judicial Committee is not about to get into a discussion of your idiotic contention that Mr. Obama is breaking the law. Leaving aside that it's an idiotic charge in the first place, the Chair and the majority of the committee are going to be Democrats. It just isn't going to come up for discussion.

This is no different than the hysteria of people on the left demanding the impeachment of the Shrub. With a Republican Congress, it just wasn't going to happen, and i told people that at the time. Even after January, 2007, with a Democratic Congress, it wasn't going to happen.

You really live in some sick fantasy world with the most tenuous connection to reality.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:28 pm
Where is your evidence in terms of Limbaugh dictating what the party does? Do you have any at all?
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:30 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

H2O MAN wrote:

That's Mr. Steele to you.

Umm, Doctor Steele. (He's a PhD)

Even better Cool
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:31 pm
The question there was rhetorical--Okie's attempt to claim that Mr. Obama and Hitler are identical in their political policies and goals and yet that he is not comparing them for the inevitable results of such policies and goals is an insult to the weakest intellect.

In the post immediately after the one you cite here, i asked you two questions. You continue to avoid answering them.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:34 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Well at least my suspicions that the Left has been collaborating via PM and perhaps otherwise behind the scenes on how to gang up on and attack those on the Right on A2K seems to be justified. I hope GeorgeOb1 is being mischaracterized here and has not been a party to that as is suggested. . . .

Are you at war with the Left? Was GeorgeOb1 collaborating with the enemy? Does that mean that your side must now hang Benedict Arnold from the nearest tree?

FYI, Foxfyre: This is a discussion forum. Members are allowed to talk to each other via the forum's private messaging system. Some members utilize that service, some do not. So what? There is not a grand conspiracy against stupidity. People of intelligence do not join forces "behind the scenes" for the top-secret and nefarious purpose of developing battle strategies to combat right-wing stupidity.

Regarding the allegedly surprising confirmation of your suspicion that intelligent people might actually talk to each other without including you in the conversation, I have one word for you: Duh.

Main Entry: duh
Pronunciation: \ˈdə, usually with prolonged ə\
Function: interjection
Date: 1966
1 "used to express actual or feigned ignorance or stupidity
2 "used derisively to indicate that something just stated is all too obvious or self-evident

Foxfyre wrote:
I defy you to show where Okie has ever compared Obama to Hitler.

You challenged someone to do something that you considered to be impossible. Your challenge was easily met. It was shown that Okie has compared Obama to Hitler on numerous occasions in numerous ways.

Please review the definition of the word "compare."


Foxfyre wrote:
I remain of the conviction that it is up to the member to explain and describe his intent and meaning on any subject and not the prerogative of others to define that for him.

You refuse to admit that your challenge was easily met and that it was shown that Okie compared Obama to Hitler. Instead, you resort to intellectual dishonesty as illustrated above.

You did NOT challenge anyone to show that Okie INTENDED to compare Obama to Hitler, only that he did so. Okie's state of mind was not at issue.

Nevertheless, your argument that a member is the sole judge of his/her own intent is without merit. Even when a member denies the intent of one's words/statements/posts, intent may be reasonably inferred from the context and the circumstances as a whole.

Additionally, members of this discussion forum do not possess a special privilege to manipulate language and redefine the meaning of words. Using the clearly established meaning of the word "compare," Okie's allegation that he did not compare Obama to Hitler has been proven false. You lost the challenge when you defied someone to show where Okie has ever compared Obama to Hitler.

Rather than continue your journey on the path of intellectual dishonesy, you should admit that you were wrong.

Foxfyre wrote:
I certainly have not agreed with Okie or anybody else here on every subject, and I profoundly disagree with many on Left on several subjects, but I do not see that to be any reason to be unkind to people or attack their character.

Rather than admit that you were wrong, you resort to portraying yourself and Okie as victims of an attack. Again, you are employing intellectual dishonesty. Consistent with your modus operandi, you are trying to divert attention away from the fact that you lost the challenge.

Foxfyre wrote:
I agree with JM that Okie is being mischaracterized here. Several on the Left could take lessons from Okie and others, but alas, it seems that too many on the Left use A2K as a place to demonstrate their own character that includes being unkind to others as some kind of sport. Too many on the Left seem to just want a pat-each-other-on-the-back society here on A2K, and intend to shout down or drive away anybody who says anything with which they disagree,

It has been pointed out on numerous occasions that both you and Okie consistently make the following characterization: LEFT is BAD; RIGHT is GOOD. It was pointed out that this characterization was the purpose of Okie's "ruthless dictator" thread. Your above statement also illustrates the point.

Foxfyre wrote:
Unless there is freedom and encouragement for members to express a point of view that is not shared by everybody else, then what's the point of discussing it at all?

The freedom to express a point of view does not embody a concomitant right to have that point of view remain unchallenged. There is no other way to test the merits of your arguments except in the arena of debate. When your arguments are based on unsupported facts or falsehoods and consist of logical fallacies and oxymorons, you should expect the opposition to vigorously point out the flaws in your argument. Rather than play your tiresome victim card and continue to make the false allegation that people on the left are mean to you, you should should hone your debating skills and step up your game.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:36 pm
Here, JM, here is the post in which i asked you two simple questions, to which you have not replied:

Setanta wrote:
I'd like you, JM, to provide straightforward answers to two simple questions. Do you agree with Okie that all dictatorships are left-wing governments? More specifically, do you agree with Okie that Hitler and the NSDAP were left-wing?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:40 pm
okie wrote:

Where is your evidence in terms of Limbaugh dictating what the party does? Do you have any at all?

Oh, how about Limbaugh being massively more popular with Republicans than your actual politicians? What about his forcing them to apologize for criticizing him, by attacking them on his show - which brings about an immediate fury from his listeners?

The proof is in the pudding; people on your side of the fence listen to what he says, and react to it, with frequency. His career has been a long one, longer than most any Republican politicians today.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:41 pm

Current Party Numbers: 111th Congress, 1st Session

--------------------House----- Senate
Democrats -------- 256 -------- 57
Independents ------- 0 ---------- 2
Republicans ------ 178 -------- 40
Vacancies ----------- 1 ---------- 1

House = 435 members; Senate = 100 members


Article I Section 2 (last paragraph). The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment.

Article I Section 3 (next bto lastparagraph). The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present.

House votes required to permit discussion of a motion = 60%, or more present, or a maximum of 261 .
House minimum votes required to impeach = more than 1/2 present, or a maximum of 218.
Senate minimum votes required to remove from office = 2/3 or more present, or a maximum of 68.

Assuming all present and all Republicans will vote for motion to discuss, then 261- 178 = 83 Democrat House votes are required.
Assuming all present and all Republicans will vote for motion to impeach, then 218 - 178 = 40 Democrat House votes are required.
Assuming all present and all Republicans will vote for motion to remove, then 68 - 40 = 28 Democrat Senate votes are required.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:43 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Well at least my suspicions that the Left has been collaborating via PM and perhaps otherwise behind the scenes on how to gang up on and attack those on the Right on A2K seems to be justified based on what I'm reading this morning. I hope GeorgeOb1 is being mischaracterized here and has not been a party to that as is suggested. I would be very disappointed to have to believe that he was.

I did not say that O'George had sent me any private messages. I only commented that i had received private messages on the subject of Okie being completely unwilling to acknowledge that he is wrong. In the very body of the thread, out there in front of god and everybody, i pasted a post to the effect that O'George was not going to get through to Okie.

So you paranoid delusions are not justified. The point of my remark was that i recieved private messages from other members on the subject of Okie's pigheaded insistence on this goofy thesis, although it had been blown to hell. My other remark was that even though an intelligent and respected member of the conservatives at this site, O'George, told him his thesis was not supported by the evidence, he continued to insist that the evidence was on his side.

I don't do ganging up, i take on what i see as bullshit head-on, and out in the open. Which is why i so often comment on your tripe (if i'm not currently sick of your tripe), because it is almost always based on unfounded conjecture and other forms of speculative bullshit--as an example, deciding that what i said means that people agree to gang up by use of private messaging.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:43 pm

Limbaugh is massively more popular than Obama... what's your point?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:47 pm
Unless there is freedom and encouragement for members to express a point of view that is not shared by everybody else, then what's the point of discussing it at all?

No one here can prevent you from expressing a point of view. For chrissake, Ican and Okie routinely post the most outrageously idiotic drivel, and the volume of the contribution does not lessen in the face of criticism, no matter how cogent or well-founded.

No one here is obliged to encourage anyone else to express a point of view. The point of discussion is to get at what it is that people believe and why. However, it appears to me that for many members, such as you, Okie, Ican and several others, the point is simply to rant on about your cherished ideological shibboleths without regard for evidence or truth.
0 Replies

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