djjd62 welcome!
You wrote
Quote::"the bbc has a new podcast series titled americana, the second episode had an interview with some young conservatives, they actually sounded quite reasonable and would love to see the party move in a more moderate direction, when asked about the old guard they said they'd like to see them take a few steps back, when asked if that referred to recent comments from cheney and the over top rantings of rush, they said they would rather not comment
the party might be learning and hopefully moving in a new direction"
It would be interesting to hear specifics as to what they meant by "more moderate direction". Specifically: move from where to where regarding what specific issues. They may be actually reaffirming what MAC's here are saying or they may not but without specifics we don't know (I don't mean to demean your post here just point that the young conservatives need to be more specific).
Such specific positions may or may not be agreed upon here by MAC's (Modified American Conservatives). Also they may be mistaking a move towards "moderation" as an attempt to placate (and therefore convince) those independents with an eye towards getting elected and then being in a position to change everything to that which is more to there liking--like Obama did.
This would certainly be a mistake. One only needs history to see what the American public did to the "Republicans" in Congress Re the 2006 elections after their sabbatical from those principles resulting in their spendthrift/earmark fest. MAC principles are those of the Founders and have history testifying as to their legitimacy, we should stick to them because they built this great country.
However, if those young conservatives were referring to such issues as abortion, gay marriage, and immigration, where me and Foxfyre disagree somewhat, I would concede that the first two should be deemphasized and the third compromised. Another BIG MISTAKE those Republicans and GEORGE BUSH made was the debacle of Terry Schiavo and the spectacle of all these guys spending taxpayer money to come back to Washington just to pass specific legislation to negate the carefully and long considered decision of one lonely man regarding the fate of his wife. Being kind I would see this as bad form.
I can also see them trying to distance themselves from personalities that seem lightening rods for controversy, such as Rush and Cheney but when they are taken in context much of their so called radicalism vaporizes and, in Rush's case, only bad taste remains. The left hates those like Rush, Coulter, Hannity, and Beck. Yes their style is quite "entertaining" but when you read past their disdain for the left you see their reasoning is solidly based in what they feel the Founding Fathers, through our Constitution, meant for our country. The left has tried numerous times to silence these political critics thru serpentine legal methods (Equal Time for ‘everyone’s’ view laws). This, of course, demonstrates their knowledge of economics whereby those stations so required to present equal air time would be financially ruined thereby silencing all conservative thought. Al Frankin ,via his radio talk show, tried to do it on his own merit but failed because the show proved economically unviable (He should ask why), But then it looks like he is about to become a U.S. Senator. But they still have Bill Maher.
Cheney has been successfully painted by the left as the torture guy that, in his off hours, is in cahoots with the big oil companies and all other manner of fat cats, supposedly to America's detriment. His position, recently taken, is in support of America in terms of security
http://usconservatives.about.com/od/capitalpunishment/a/Cheney_AEI_Speech.htm ). The left says he tortured but how many of his critics were in that underground bunker that fateful day on 11 September 2001? The Left released Top Secret memos showing not illegal torture (this is manifest in Congressional refusal to outlaw those methods of illegal 'torture' because doing so would reveal that it was not illegal ‘torture’ previously) but extraordinary interrogation methods (EIM) that Cheney and CIA heads say produced actionable intelligence. Those methods are no longer secret because Obama so decreed but those redacted parts of the memos that revealed the results of such EIM Obama's Admin says are "Ambiguous" regarding such results, but so far, refuses to decree such redactions no longer Top Secret, thereby preventing full transparency. Why not let us see them? Nancy Pelosi says she wasn't or didn't this or that. Cheney asks to see all the memos, Carl Levin demanded an investigation Bill Kristol concurs and Nancy then proceeds to relate fairy tales, trips over her own words then decides to stop digging in her hole born of stupidity and clam up.
My point is MAC principles have been from the beginning of our history those, that up until now, we have flourished by. Moderation of principles? How do we do that? Why would we do that? Maybe its more important for us MAC's to concentrate on those select principles of life, liberty, and economic pursuit enabled by a strong but limited central government that meets those few enumerated powers limited to it by our Constitution leaving its citizens responsible for their own personal welfare and thereby preserving the individual freedoms so many have sacrificed for.
Sorry for such a long response.