cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 12:19 pm
Yeah, the left should be acknowledging its own weaknesses as the conservative party is so strong, it doesn't need any self-examination (as it continues to destroy itself).

The No Party hasn't any clue.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 12:21 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
wandeljw wrote:
There is no hysteria among the general public about Obama being a god. Only the extreme right blogosphere is raising a fuss over such minor incidents.

I'm sorry but the evidence strongly suggests otherwise.

Too funny! So now you're seriously setting out to show us how there's a mass hysteria amongst the general public about Obama being a god!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 12:34 pm
Advertisement for any who might be interested. Airing tonight on FoxNews 9 PM Eastern:



Mon Jun 08 2009 10:29:02 ET

Sarah Palin hits FOXNEWS tonight for the big 'Told Ya So' interview, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

As President Obama vows to spend the 'stimulus' faster, Governor Palin tells host Sean Hannity: 'You gotta quit digging that hole!'


HANNITY: What do you make of " look at the state of the economy now...

PALIN: Well, when you consider that the federal government is about eleven trillion dollars in debt, and we’re borrowing more to spend more.. it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college. It defies economy practices and principles that tell ya ‘you gotta quit digging that hole when you are in that financial hole’

Palin continues:

"America is digging a deeper hole and how are we paying for this government largesse. We’re borrowing. We’re borrowing from China and we consider that now we own sixty percent of GENERAL MOTORS " or the U.S. government does… But who is the U.S. government becoming more indebted to? It’s China. So that leads you to have to ask who is really going to own our car industry than in America."

HANNITY: You know but it goes back - It does go back a little to the campaign. I mean, ‘spread the wealth, patriotic duty…’

PALIN: Kind of a ‘we told ya so’.

HANNITY: Well, is that how you feel?

PALIN: That’s how I feel! I feel like… and I think that more and more constituents are going to open their eyes now and open their ears to hear what is really going on and realize ok… Maybe we didn’t have a good way of expressing that, or articulating that message of ‘here is what America could potentially become if we grow government to such a degree that we cannot pay for it and we have to borrow money from other countries, some countries that don’t necessarily like America.

And this many months into the new administration, quite disappointed, quite frustrated with not seeing those actions to rein in spending, slow down the growth of government. Instead Sean it is the complete opposite. It’s expanding at such a large degree that if Americans aren’t paying attention, unfortunately our country could evolve into something that we do not even recognize.

HANNITY: Socialism?

PALIN: Well, that is where we are headed. That is where we have to be blunt enough and candid enough and honest enough with Americans to let them know that if we keep going down these roads… nationalizing many of our services, our projects, our businesses, yes that is where we would head. And that is why Americans have to be paying attention. And we have to have our voices heard. And ultimately it need to be our will, the American people’s will imposed on Washington, instead of the other way around.

The interview is set to air tonight on FOXNEWS, 9 PM ET.

Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 12:59 pm
wandeljw wrote:
The general public has totally ignored those two stories.

Thats because they are not engaged, very poorly informed, and the mainstream media that is in the tank for Obama is an absolute and utter failure to provide pertinent and accurate news.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:03 pm
okie wrote:

wandeljw wrote:
The general public has totally ignored those two stories.

Thats because they are not engaged, very poorly informed, and the mainstream media that is in the tank for Obama is an absolute and utter failure to provide pertinent and accurate news.

True. Every credible polling organization that has addressed the issue is in agreement that the mainstream media is almost 100% in bed with Obama and doing their damndest to put a shining face on him and his administration and downplay or pretty well bury anything critical. So it is up to the very limited conservative media, conservative talk radio, and the blogosphere to provide any kind of balance and I don't think the Left has entirely given up on their intent to shut some or all of that down as much as possible. So....those who don't WANT to know, don't have to. That's why I think Ican's strategy to deal with the matter is flawed. An impeachment effort, however token, would only be portrayed to the unwashed masses as those hateful Republicans trying to make the President fail. The issues raised by those Republicans would be buried on Page 16 of the Times and get 15 seconds on the evening TV news while criticism of the Republicans would lead every story.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:05 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
But we can't get around the Obama charisma or the Obama mystique that automatically assigns to us the weakest hand in the court of public opinion. So when you hold the weakest hand, the only way to win is via tactical strategy and that doesn't include a full frontal charge, bugles blowing, and flags flying.

Our only hope is to expose the truth and hope there are still enough people with the brains to recognize it.

I will respond to this part of your post later today. For now, I say we don't hold the weakest hand. We hold the stronger hand but fail to realize that because too many of us are suckered in to to all the bluff and bluster by the MALs.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:16 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Even as the U.S. President and Congress are doing their damndest to push us further and further left, it appears the reverse is happening in Europe. We should probably exercise some caution in how to interpret this as the definition of 'liberal' and 'conservative' over there is frequently different than it is over here:

Conservatives racing ahead in EU parliament voting
Associated Press Writers
Constant Brand And Robert Wielaard
Sun Jun 7, 7:01 pm ET

BRUSSELS " Conservatives raced toward victory in some of Europe's largest economies Sunday as initial results and exit polls showed voters punishing left-leaning parties in European parliament elections in France, Germany and elsewhere.

Some right-leaning parties said the results vindicated their reluctance to spend more on company bailouts and fiscal stimulus amid the global economic crisis.

Now isn't that a really interesting analysis? The article's saying that left-leaning parties lost votes, and that conservatives won most of the votes. From a perspective of how parties did in Germany, that's entirely true - but it's still a decidedly weird way of reporting the results. You can see the actual numbers here in these statistics (these are from the German elections only)....

The conservative parties (CDU and CSU - they form kind of a permanent coalition) won most of the votes - more than any other party:


And consequently they also won most MEP seats for Germany:


But something's entirely missing from the above article - the changes compared to the last European elections:


In spite of the fact that the conservative parties still won most of the votes, they also lost more than any other party. The Social Democrats lost a few votes, too. Smaller parties - the Green party, the New Left and the libertarians are clearly the winners of these elections.

Something to keep in mind when trumpeting how "conservatives are racing ahead" in the European Parliament....
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:19 pm
@old europe,
Well, if you have a problem with the headline or analysis, take it up with the AP. I didn't produce it. I only posted it as an interesting trend with my own disclaimer/caution in how to interpret the results. I do hope however, that the applicable nations of the EU are gradually understanding that they cannot sustain the policies they have supported for the past few decades and hope to retain or regain any kind of robust productivity and quality of life and/or standard of living. I am hoping that the USA does not have to go as far left as Europe has to learn that lesson.
0 Replies
Brand WTF
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:23 pm
'I told ya so' is not a plan.

Whoever was to be in charge this go around would be doing things the same way(Bush was already going down this road too) because no set of politicians can stomach job losses knowing they will be highly publicized.

On the other hand they will make bad laws/tax laws/trade laws under the radar that will cause jobs to trickle to other countries.

Our gov't does things just like Wall Street did....it's all about other peoples money....but it becomes all of us that have to pay.

We've done more than we can pay for but there isn't a Chapter 11 for countries...outside of that I don't think there's anyone we could elect that can reverse what is in motion. Destination, implode.

Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:29 pm
@Brand WTF,
Brand WTF wrote:

'I told ya so' is not a plan.

Whoever was to be in charge this go around would be doing things the same way(Bush was already going down this road too) because no set of politicians can stomach job losses knowing they will be highly publicized.

On the other hand they will make bad laws/tax laws/trade laws under the radar that will cause jobs to trickle to other countries.

Our gov't does things just like Wall Street did....it's all about other peoples money....but it becomes all of us that have to pay.

We've done more than we can pay for but there isn't a Chapter 11 for countries...outside of that I don't think there's anyone we could elect that can reverse what is in motion. Destination, implode.

My initial impression--I won't know the whole context until the program is aired tonight--is that it wasn't intended to be a 'plan' but intended purely to back up and affirm principles and concepts that Palin has spoken in the past. But whatever you think of Sarah Palin, she has NOT suggested going down the road that President Bush did except where President Bush got it right in her opinion.

What do you think of this definition we have been using for Modern American Conservatism (MAC) Brand WTF? Do you have a quarrel with any of it? Do you see a problem with looking for people who concur with it to be candidates for high office? The Leftish members here mostly ignored it and won't discuss it. But I would be interested in your perspective:

Modern American Conservatism aka Classical liberalism
(borrowed from Wiki)

Classical liberalism (also known as traditional liberalism[1], laissez-faire liberalism[2], and market liberalism[3] or, outside the United States and Britain, sometimes simply liberalism is a doctrine stressing individual freedom, free markets, and limited government. This includes the importance of human rationality, individual property rights, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, individual freedom from restraint, equality under the law, constitutional limitation of government, free markets, and a gold standard to place fiscal constraints on government as exemplified in the writings of John Locke, Adam Smith, David Hume, David Ricardo, Voltaire, Montesquieu and others.

As such, it is the fusion of economic liberalism with political liberalism of the late 18th and 19th centuries. The "normative core" of classical liberalism is the idea that laissez-faire economics will bring about a spontaneous order or invisible hand that benefits the society, though it does not necessarily oppose the state's provision of some basic public goods with what constitutes public goods being seen as very limited. The qualification classical was applied retroactively to distinguish it from more recent, 20th-century conceptions of liberalism and its related movements, such as social liberalism Classical liberals are suspicious of all but the most minimal government and object to the welfare state.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:38 pm
okie wrote:

wandeljw wrote:
The general public has totally ignored those two stories.

Thats because they are not engaged, very poorly informed, and the mainstream media that is in the tank for Obama is an absolute and utter failure to provide pertinent and accurate news.

One of the 2 stories involves Evan Thomas of Newsweek making remarks on MSNBC. Rush Limbaugh discussed that incident on his show this morning:

LIMBAUGH: There you have it. Government-run Newsweek Evan Thomas: "He's a god." Obama is a god. Reagan was parochial. Reagan, he only cared about America, but Obama is above that now. He's not chauvinistic. We're not just provincial. Ronald Reagan was not provincial. Ronald Reagan understood American exceptionalism. Ronald Reagan understood America's greatness. Ronald Reagan understood America's role in the world for good.

Mr. Thomas, Barack Obama sees America's role in the world as not good. It is offensive to the sensibilities of millions of people to hear a member of the state-run media refer to a half-black, half-white human being with no experience running anything of substance referred to as a god. He may be president of the United States, but he's not a god.

The general public could not care less about what Evan Thomas said on MSNBC. Only conservative commentators are debating Thomas' remarks.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:46 pm
The general public could not care less about what Evan Thomas said on MSNBC. Only conservative commentators are debating Thomas' remarks.

Well since Rush has a regular audience of 20 to 30 million Americans, would that not be a sizable chunk of the 'general public'? Fox News has also commented on the phenomenon cited by MSNBC and enjoys the highest ratings of any cable network sometimes beating all the other cable news channels combined. Hannity, Ingraham, Medved, Savage, Malkin et al have all also commented on the phenomenon and I won't be surprised if they don't also use that same MSNBC clip as an illustration for it. They all have their followings too which, along with Limbaugh, are working Americans, generally above average in education and productivity, and together with the conservative blogosphere certainly constitute a large chunk of the 'general public'.

It would be more accurate to think that Obama supporters would prefer to ignore a clip like that and pretend that it has no significance.

But again since your side is unlikely to expose much of its own 'sins', weaknesses, and shortcomings, it is the job of the opposition to do so. Your side certainly has no qualms about emphasizing and aggressively airing what they see as conservative 'sins', weaknesses, and shortcomings that conservatives don't see as big a problem. Would you not agree? Or is being in denial a chronic trait here?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:46 pm
@old europe,
oe, Excellent challenge to Foxie et al; they usually don't show the "whole" story to emphasize only what they want the public on a2k to see.

They like to trumpet only the positives without showing the real story behind the numbers; same thing happening in the US where conservatives continue to lose their support.

Either they are being dishonest to themselves and the public, or their brains have been altered not to see reality.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:48 pm
Limbaugh came down from the mountain and saw Evan Thomas dancing and worshipping Obama. This enraged Limbaugh and he broke the tablets (oxycontin tablets). Smile
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 01:53 pm
wandeljw wrote:

Limbaugh came down from the mountain and saw Evan Thomas dancing and worshipping Obama. This enraged Limbaugh and he broke the tablets (oxycontin tablets). Smile

And this is the side of the Left that I hoped you wouldn't embrace. Rush went public with his addiction to prescription medications, freely admitted that he was entering into a rehab program, and he paid a terrible price for his illness via losing his hearing. If you have never overcome an addiction, you have no idea how difficult it is to recognize it, admit it, deal with it, overcome it. A number of our A2K members have overcome such an affliction and will testify that it is one of the most difficult things to do. To continue to beat somebody over the head with such an affliction after it has been appropriately dealt with is hateful and petty no matter who they are. Please don't do it.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 02:05 pm
You must have deleted your post Walter.

But I had already attempted to answer it:
Actually I have never had a conservation with Rush nor asked him anything. What bad jokes about Parkinson's disease? I have frequently objected to Rush's occasional forays into bad taste, but I must have missed that one.

But are you saying that it is okay to keep beating somebody over the head with an addiction they have admitted and overcome, Walter? Are YOU saying that is okay?
Debra Law
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 02:07 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
We have millions who don't care who he is or what he says or what he does or what he stands for who have proclaimed him the messiah and savior and who grovel and worship at his feet with orgasmic devotion.

wandeljw wrote:
There is no hysteria among the general public about Obama being a god.

Responding to wandeljw, Foxfyre wrote:
I'm sorry but the evidence strongly suggests otherwise.

I haven't seen any evidence to support Foxfyre's statement that millions of people have proclaimed Obama the messiah and savior and grovel and worship at his feet with orgasmic devotion. What "evidence" does Foxfyre post to support her statement? A cartoon:


FYI, Foxfyre: Cartoons do not constitute evidence of millions of people groveling and worshipping at Obama's feet with orgasmic devotion.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 02:17 pm
It's the so-called "Michael J. Fox incident".

I don't say that it is okay or that's not okay.

If someone is "clean" from whatever addiction, she/he won't bother.
Doubts are part of the "business".
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 02:23 pm
@Debra Law,
What are you saying -- that the cartoon has been photoshopped, and no longer constitutes valid evidence?
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 02:23 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

It's the so-called "Michael J. Fox incident".

I don't say that it is okay or that's not okay.

If someone is "clean" from whatever addiction, she/he won't bother.
Doubts are part of the "business".

Well I thought you might be one who would understand the point better. I guess not. You're probably right that many recovering alcoholics or other addicts would just shrug off being the butt of malicious jokes re their addiction. And so would their loved ones. I just don't happen to appreciate that kind of humor, but each to his/her own I guess.

I hadn't heard of the Michael J. Fox incident, but just read up on it a bit. Yes, another one of Rush's forays into bad taste - crass, worthy of 'boo's' - but it was not malicious nor was it making Michael Fox the butt of unkind humor.

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