Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:18 pm
Why Rush is Wrong
The party of Buckley and Reagan is now bereft and dominated by the politics of Limbaugh. A conservative's lament.
By David Frum | NEWSWEEK
Published Mar 7, 2009


Even before the November 2008 defeat"even before the financial crisis and the congressional elections of November 2006"it was already apparent that the Republican Party and the conservative movement were in deep trouble. And not just because of Iraq, either (although Iraq obviously did not help).

At the peak of the Bush boom in 2007, the typical American worker was earning barely more after inflation than the typical American worker had earned in 2000. Out of those flat earnings, that worker was paying more for food, energy and out-of-pocket costs of health care. Political parties that do not deliver economic improvement for the typical person do not get reelected. We Republicans and conservatives were not delivering. The reasons for our failure are complex and controversial, but the consequences are not.

Another excerpt:

We need to modulate our social conservatism (not jettison"modulate). The GOP will remain a predominantly conservative party and a predominantly pro-life party. But especially on gay-rights issues, the under-30 generation has arrived at a new consensus. Our party seems to be running to govern a country that no longer exists. The rule that both our presidential and vice presidential candidates must always be pro-life has become counterproductive: McCain's only hope of winning the presidency in 2008 was to carry Pennsylvania, and yet Pennsylvania's most successful Republican vote winner, former governor Tom Ridge, was barred from the ticket because he's pro-choice.

We need an environmental message. You don't have to accept Al Gore's predictions of imminent gloom to accept that it cannot be healthy to pump gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We are rightly mistrustful of liberal environmentalist disrespect for property rights. But property owners also care about property values, about conservation, and as a party of property owners we should be taking those values more seriously.

Above all, we need to take governing seriously again. Voters have long associated Democrats with corrupt urban machines, Republicans with personal integrity and fiscal responsibility. Even ultraliberal states like Massachusetts would elect Republican governors like Frank Sargent, Leverett Saltonstall, William Weld and Mitt Romney precisely to keep an austere eye on the depredations of Democratic legislators. After Iraq, Katrina and Harriet Miers, Democrats surged to a five-to-three advantage on the competence and ethics questions. And that was before we put Sarah Palin on our national ticket.

Every day, Rush Limbaugh reassures millions of core Republican voters that no change is needed: if people don't appreciate what we are saying, then say it louder. Isn't that what happened in 1994? Certainly this is a good approach for Rush himself. He claims 20 million listeners per week, and that suffices to make him a very wealthy man. And if another 100 million people cannot stand him, what does he care? What can they do to him other than … not listen? It's not as if they can vote against him....

How will the Rush-loving conservatives respond to criticism?

Here's my prediction:

Frum is a traitor! He's a RINO! Sarah Palin for Prez 2012! ROFL

0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:23 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Okie, I understand that your suggestion that I quit talking to ci is justified, if my objective were to obtain rational responses from ci. That's not my objective. My objective is to calibrate ci's irrationality. More accurately, my objective is to measure his irrationality to determine if it is decreasing or increasing and at what rate.

His last response demonstrated his increasing rate of decline. His inability to admit that the quality of life for increasing numbers of Americans has dramatically improved over the last 100 years, reveals his decline to be even worse than I suspected. What's his irrational argument to the contrary? He points out that not every American's quality of life has improved to the same degree, therefore there has been no improvement. His additional examples to demonstrate his point are the lives of people in the world who are not blessed with living in America's constitutional republic.

I deduce from his arguments that he values equality of results far more than he values equality of rights in the pursuit of happiness. While he may not respond to this post of mine to you, if he were to respond, I expect it would be even more revealing of his decline.

OMG. Tell me it ain't so, Ican! CI is a commie? and he hates the Constitution?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:26 pm
You see, Foxfyre, I've done a lot of research in Nazi history as well as in the history of Jews in Germany.
(Not only) I see any comparison with what has been done to the Jews to something else to be impossible.

Wiklliams, you and others have a different opinion. (Williams e.g. calls the anti-smoker campaigns "Nazi-like vilification tactics". [ Nazi Tactics]If such would be done here by an academic - he'll have to step down, if he had had so much integrity that is.
But you don't have our history on the other hand ...
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:32 pm
@Debra Law,
ican and okie believes I'm a communist. Where and how they arrive at that conclusion is best left to their own imaginations that runs wild in almost every area of their discourse.

I betcha they can't produce one sentence of mine where I said I wanted "equality" of income or standard of living. As a matter of fact, I've always maintained that capitalism is the best form of economics, and that there will always be different income classes.

Where they think I have advocated for "equality" is a mystery to me!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:32 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I have already agreed that you are entitled to your opinion, Walter. I don't require that you agree with Williams' opinion or mine. But I have as much right to my opinion that you have misunderstood Williams' intent and analogy as you have the right to believe that he (and I) are ignorant about your history and he (and I) are completely stupid or wrong in our respective views of history and/or the world. I appreciate that you went to the university and studied history as you frequently remind us. But if we are to believe that your understanding of German history is superior to ours, then perhaps you might understand that our understanding of our own history and our own use of our own language might possibly have a bit of merit too.

I'm sorry that you find Williams offensive. I find him brilliant.

I actually was not trying to impress you or convince you with the excerpts that I have posted,however, because, as I said, your mind appears to be made up and that's that. The excerpts happened to relate so some subjects that are otherwise being discussed, however, and I found them interesting and thought others might too.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:35 pm
Fox, That you must state that Walter doesn't have to agree with Williams or you is your standard practice of a put down. You think you're more knowledgeable than Walter on the history of Germany which shows how ignorant you are.

Quit making a fool of yourself; you don't have to impress Walter with your knowledge about Germany's history.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:40 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

I have already agreed that you are entitled to your opinion, Walter. I don't require that you agree with Williams' opinion or mine. But I have as much right to my opinion that you have misunderstood Williams' intent and analogy as you have the right to believe that he (and I) are ignorant about your history and he (and I) are completely stupid or wrong in our respective views of the world. I appreciate that you went to the university and studied history as you frequently remind us. But if we are to believe that your understanding of German history is superior to ours, then perhaps you might understand that our understanding of our own history and our own use of our own language might possibly have a bit of merit too.

Please show us where Walter stated the opinion that either you or Williams was completely stupid or wrong? Aren't you putting words in Walter's mouth? Isn't that your pet peeve? Why can't you just acknowledge that you and Walter disagree and leave it at that?

OH. I forgot. You think you're intellectually superior to everyone else.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:42 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
It wasn't just the Jews being murdered in concentration camps and in the field, it was the POW's and especially the Russian soldiers, the gays, political dissenters, the handicapped, and I could go on.

Foxfyre may be a smoker.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:49 pm
Used to be a heavy smoker but gave it up years ago. I now hate exposure to the smoke and the smell of it on people's clothes,furniture, in their cars, etc. I approve of non-smoking policies in public buildings/places providing necessary or mutually shared services and I don't have any problem with laws that protect children from second hand smoke. I am otherwise a passionate defender of smoker rights on all private property.

It never ceases to amaze me how much liberals seem to hone in on the manner of speech or the words or metaphors or analogies used and so often seem unable to focus on any point of the merit of the argument being made. Why do you suppose that is?
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:54 pm
Foxfyre, thanks for those Walter Williams excerpts. I had not seen them before. I would appreciate it if you would provide me the links--or instruction on how to get them--to more of Walter's articles.
Thanks again!
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:00 pm
Whether or not (the rhetorical) you agree with him, they do make a body stop and think don't they? A least I think they do for those bodies who bother to actually think about any point of view other than their own.

Williams writes for so many different groups, I don't know for sure whether ALL his stuff is linked to his website, but I think all his syndicated columns are here:


The most recent ones are listed and there are links to the various years containing all the archived work.

(I'm still thinking about your earlier post, and wrestling with some of the concepts. As soon as I arrive at some kind of reasoned conclusion, I'll get back to it. Smile)
Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:02 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me how much liberals seem to hone in on the manner of speech or the words or metaphors or analogies used and so often seem unable to focus on any point of the merit of the argument being made. Why do you suppose that is?

There she goes again. Walter doesn't kowtow to her alleged intellectual superiority and she throws a fit. She fails to analyze both sides of the issue, refuses to discuss the merits of Walter's viewpoint, and she demonizes liberals.

"I would PAY to participate in an on line forum in which all or most members had the ability and inclination to critically analyze both sides of an issue and discuss it on its own merits without needing to demonize anybody. If you ever run across one, would you promise to let me know about it?"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:03 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
OMG. Tell me it ain't so, Ican! CI is a commie? and he hates the Constitution?

It ain't so! He only values equality of results far more than he values equality of rights in the pursuit of happiness.

But ... maybe ... he's a coveter!?
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:03 pm
Private property that they own, yes, I agree. Private property owned by others, no. I just cringe at the thought of the poor children of parents who smoke, just as much as those who drink heavily. The consequences are obvious and there's no way to control it even if it's clearly child endangerment.

Hey, come on, Foxy, conservatives prey on the same syntaxes and semantics. We're quickly jotting down out thoughts here and I do make allowances some clear mistakes in judgment when posting. Are you going to defend anyone that appears to be liberal (sometimes you can't tell how conservative or how liberal a poster is until they've been on the site for years) but does not attack syntax and semantics and stick to the point? Like Walter?
Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:08 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Whether or not (the rhetorical) you agree with him, they do make a body stop and think don't they? A least I think they do for those bodies who bother to actually think about any point of view other than their own.

When will she stop? She has me it belly-rolling stitches! Be honest now, is this the Foxfyre comedy thread?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:13 pm
My response(s) really have nothing to do with liberal or conservative but with Nazis.

I honestly suggest, Foxfyre, that you look at what Jews from Israel or from Europe think about this.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:20 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
What Jews from Israel or Europe 'think about this' is irrelevent to the point being made, but I can't believe that Jewish people in Israel or Europe are incapable of understanding analogies based on comparison. I can't believe that all would interpret Williams' analogy as you have. Remember, I am opposed to PC police. I prefer to go with what people are actually saying rather than some rewrite by people who don't want to accept it. I don't believe I am one of a kind in that regard.

I know what Williams meant by his analogy and I'm pretty sure that any Jewish kids sitting in his classes or attending one of his lectures would probably have also understood what he meant. If not, the bright ones would ask and he would clarify it for them.

It's your prerogative to take a point of view that he never said, never intended, and wouldn't say. But in my opinion, you would be wrong about it nevertheless.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:27 pm
Well, and in my opinion ... Never mind.
Heil conservatism!
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:33 pm
foxfire wrote :

The fact remains that under a capitalistic free society, it is those very rich who take the risks

you might remember that far more "ordinary" people take far greater risks .
they take dangerous jobs in mines , on oil rigs , working as lumberjacks , pumping gas ... you name it . they often leave their families behind to do those jobs in remote areas . what happens to them when the lumbermill closes down (just as ONE example) : they lose their job and may have little chance of finding another one for quite some time .

what happens to the "very rich" in similar circumstances ? very few - if any - have invested all their money in a single enterprise that goes completely belly-up and makes them lose their house . even if they lose 90% of their wealth , they still have much more than the "ordinary" people ever dared dream of . they can still go on living a comfortable life .
i don't know of any "very rich" that have lost all and living in poverty .

btw the NY Times just had an article in saturday's edition reporting that many universities have seen their gifts etc. from the "very rich" shrink greatly .
it seems that those "very rich" are not quite as generous any more .

i have nothing against "capitalism" but think that "excesses" have sometimes the consequence of writing their own death-sentence (or at least judgement) .

imo "capitalism" means "responsible capitalism".
there are plenty of responsible capitalists , but it seems to me that over the last several years (perhaps even decades) the "irresponsible capitalists"have started to give capitalism a bad name - too bad imo .

there is nothing wrong with making money but "excess" (i'd call it greed) can never be good imo .

Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Greed: "it is a sin directly against one's neighbor, since
one man cannot over-abound in external riches, without another man lacking them...
it is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, inasmuch as man contemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things."
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:40 pm
Lightwizard wrote:

Private property that they own, yes, I agree. Private property owned by others, no. I just cringe at the thought of the poor children of parents who smoke, just as much as those who drink heavily. The consequences are obvious and there's no way to control it even if it's clearly child endangerment.

Hey, come on, Foxy, conservatives prey on the same syntaxes and semantics. We're quickly jotting down out thoughts here and I do make allowances some clear mistakes in judgment when posting. Are you going to defend anyone that appears to be liberal (sometimes you can't tell how conservative or how liberal a poster is until they've been on the site for years) but does not attack syntax and semantics and stick to the point? Like Walter?

It is just as wrong of a conservative to intentionally misrepresent what somebody says as it is for a liberal to do that. And yes, sometimes that happens, intentionally or inadvertently, and I try to speak up when think I see it happening unless its from the more contentious attack dog group who troll the threads for no apparent reason other than to misrepresent, ridicule or insult people. I had prided myself on not putting anybody on ignore awhile back, but I've given in. I now put the trolls on ignore temporarily if they are consistently interrupting the flow of the discussion. And yes, there has been a 'conservative' troll now and then too and those receive the same treatment. It just makes the discussion more enjoyable to do that.

(Disclaimer: Sometimes a troll is a troll is a troll. But most aren't trolls all the time. They just get into that mode now and then.)

Walter is an naval gazing nitpicker--term used affectonately--on certain semantics and that can get annoying, but for the most part I have no problem with Walter. He's entitled to his opinions and he doesn't have to agree with me in order to be okay with me. Doesn't mean I don't take a shot to sway him to my point of view now and then. Smile

I agree completely that inadvertent misunderstandings are inevitable. Civil people work that out though by giving the other a chance to or clarify or explain how a point was misunderstood.

For instance. What do you mean private property owned by others related to no-smoking ordinances?

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